View Full Version : Fans Against Racing Toyotas T-Shirt!!!!
02-12-07, 06:05 PM
02-12-07, 06:18 PM
Does he have a website? I'll order one if he does.
02-12-07, 06:24 PM
i would buy one, but unfortunatly my guys drives one now. but then again, i am a dale jarret fan, liked him when he drove chevys, fords, and now the unthinkable.
02-12-07, 06:27 PM
i would buy one, but unfortunately my guys drives one now. but then again, i am a dale jarret fan, liked him when he drove chevys, fords, and now the unthinkable.
Yea, I like DJ, but he sure pissed me off when he took the offer from Toyota. Yates offered him the same $ too.
It is nice to see 2 yates cars on the front row.
I've been a Mark Martin fan since I was 12, and now that bastard is driving a Chevy. What a disgrace.....I am officially a Carl Edwards fan now.
02-12-07, 06:30 PM
can't argue that i was not wild about the choice, but he had to change something. its not like the past 3 years went all the great at ryr. i am glad to see the ryr cars up front. thats kick ass. hope they can stay there. i know that dj will be the anchor for the duration of the race, but its something i have grown use too in recent years. but atleast biffle (my other fav) is still driving a good ol ford. :yes:
02-12-07, 06:50 PM
I'll try to find out a web site, I'll contact him, show him the forum and maybe we'll send in an order fo a buch of shirts!! I want one for sure maybe two!! And Now since NASCAR did the right thing about provisional starts only 6 past champs prov. maybe it will backfire onthem big time!!!!
If the money was enough...any one of those drivers would jump ship to Toyota.
I know we all drive Ford Mustangs but also keep in mind the tens of thousands of jobs Ford has farmed out to mexicans south of the border for cheaper labor and left Americans jobless. Now think about the tens of thousands of jobs Toyota is creating in this country by building all there cars/trucks here. It may just be a name, but I look at it by how many Americans work and are feed by a company, and when a company decides American labor is too expensive and heads south, loyalty is of no concern anymore.
I realize this is an old thread, but 'Hiker' you're the exact reason why nobody is informed. You spread rumors around that you hear, and then present them as fact. Ford alone employs more Americans than all of the foreign auto makers combined period.
As far as Toyota spending it's way into nascar, check out my youtube vid and at least try to do some fact checking instead of just repeating what you hear because you think it sounds correct.
YouTube - Toyota does nascar (
I realize this is an old thread, but 'Hiker' you're the exact reason why nobody is informed. You spread rumors around that you hear, and then present them as fact. Ford alone employs more Americans than all of the foreign auto makers combined period.
As far as Toyota spending it's way into nascar, check out my youtube vid and at least try to do some fact checking instead of just repeating what you hear because you think it sounds correct.
YouTube - Toyota does nascar (
Sorry dude... Maybe you need to reread my commect three more times. I never said Toyota employs more Americans then FORD. I made the statement that FORD has sent jobs south of the border and causing American plants close while Toyota is opening plants and hiring AMERICANS. Their plants employ thousands of Americans and pay taxes to the communities they are in.
Personally I'd rather see 150 different AMERICANS working on a car here and feeding their familes then some car made down south and the only ones benefiting are the fat cat CEO's.
As for letting foreign competition what? When did a little competetion hurt? Are we all going to whine when the NFL expands into Canada or is that somewhat different....
I just think it's silly when people cry about Toyota joining NASCAR. Every other motorsport in this country has foreign competition within.
And if FORD and GM beats them every week...that's great... but of they loose...then it's time to step up the the plate and come up with a new game plan...
What rock did you crawl out from under? For 1 you make your 1st post talking crap. Second what Hiker said was the truth. Third the C.O.T. are all the same, stickers is what make them look diferent. Nascar isnt what it used to be. Have you ever seen a Cup engine? I would say no with your attitude. I could send you a Roush block and let you look it over and tell me whats different than a stock block. But you would say they are all the same.
What rock did you crawl out from under? For 1 you make your 1st post talking crap. Second what Hiker said was the truth. Third the C.O.T. are all the same, stickers is what make them look diferent. Nascar isnt what it used to be. Have you ever seen a Cup engine? I would say no with your attitude. I could send you a Roush block and let you look it over and tell me whats different than a stock block. But you would say they are all the same.
The new FR9 engine, you've got one of those? Sure send me the one you're throwing out this week. The FR9 block is the first block like the R07, and the R6P8 that was specifically developed to compete on the ovals. And those are all in response to Toyota building a purpose built race engine due to the fact that they never had a production engine to base any engine off of in the first place. Which engine block has it been for the past three plus decades? The Cleveland block. Even the new blocks like the Dodge for example (8th gen of the poly head) are not anything radically different when it comes to tracing the bloodline back to the factory. If you think it's legitimate competition for Toyota to just swoop in with a bag full of money, and set about building a cam in block, domestic push-rod to further their image so they carve up the domestic market a little more (along with your own auto industry) all hope is lost for you.
Lets face it, the COT (nascar for that matter) is track muscle cars, hand fabricated ones, with dry sumps, 'hero parts' and tube chassis (which is a given unless you want to get killed) -- but that's fundamentally what it is. Until Japan builds anything halfway resembling a muscle car, they should refrain from imitating that layout on a race track (especially in this country). And anybody to support that is naive. We'll never see any German manufacturers in nascar, and the reason is; they have more pride in what they engineer to adopt another manufacturers complete layout just in order to be able to compete with that manufacturer. And of course, they're not on a hell bent quest to win over a particular market as is the case with Toyota and Japan. With everything from manipulating their own currency to taking advantage of the stupidity that goes on in Washington.
The windsor block is stronger than the cleveland. The cleveland heads flow alot better than the windsor. Thats why Gary Roughly makes the Track Boss intake and is used world wide on the circle track. I am seen some pretty impressive Supras. I would consider that a modern day muscle car. So are you saying AFR, Trick Flow, Dart, and other companies like that should just go out of business cause they used a basic design of a head and inproved on it? Or should Eaton, Whipple, or KB go out of business since they used the basic design of the Detroit superchargers? Or are you saying Burn Tire should burn in hell cause he put a Chevy tranny in a Ford car. Plus Nascar rules state that any car made in the USA can compete, hell even Honda could get int he game. So go back under your rock and talk to us when you have educated yourself and not just bs you read on a forum somewhere else. You sound a little disgruntled like you may have lost your job from an auto manufacturer.
You can go hide under your rock 'Chuck'
Yeah, those Supras are the prime example of a muscle car now aren't they? Eaton, whipple, and Ken Bell are all American companies too though, aren't they now Chuck? Tell you what, I think TuRD should stop offering a Roots blower as it's top of the line bolt on for it's Japanese oriented performance catalogs. And what block has been in use by Yates, Roush, and the rest for decades in nascar again? That would be the Cleveland wouldn't it? Nobody's stated anything about the 'stronger' block (that's just Chuck's little spin on it all so he doesn't have to acknowledge the latter)
Maybe you should go and educate yourself between the difference of a muscle car and a Supra, and how stupid you look even making such an observation as that 'Ford fan'. And the next time you're driving around in your Mustang GT to go get your mocha at Starbucks, maybe you should take a minute to stop and realize how desperate Toyota is to drive your countries own auto industry into ruin (hopefully with the support of morons such as yourself) Because after all, who do we look to in order to provide our own fighting men and women as a first line of protection against roadside IED's over in Iraq for example? That task is laid at the feet of the domestics, such as AMGeneral LCC. Where every HMWVV starts out on a bare GM truck chassis, along with power train to match. And all to keep the limbs intact on those voluntarily serving over there, just so they'll be capable of walking, let alone operating an auto upon their return (Toyota or otherwise). Those are 'the trucks that's changing it all' I'm afraid, it isn't any bloated Toyota.
Better yet, maybe you should take your Ford and trade it in for a yoda, because that would fit you a whole lot better I'm sure. That's also why the country is in the shape that it's in today, clueless Americans such as yourslef who have to be persuaded into supporting their own auto industry as opposed to Japanese brands who merely assemble here through loop holes.
Leave it to me to make the mistake of arguing in support of domestic industry in a Ford forum though. Try bashing your head up against the rock 'Chuck', hopefully you'll wake yourself up as a result.
Oh great, I follow my mail back here to see the popcorn message. That's easy to do as opposed to think and type isn't it?
First thing to just get across, I signed up here to address the initial post (the Bagwell anti yoda charade) That guy was a moron, and instead of getting his facts together, only helped to worsen the situation. I'm not here to stir up, I'm here just to get the facts out there in regard to both nascar and the auto industry in general.
I hit all kinds of forums foreign and domestic, been banned from a few, and I could care less as long as I spread the word while I'm waiting for a pot of coffee to brew or whatever. As far as forums lately (especially domestic boards) 'Hiker' and his buddy 'Chuck' have been the only vocal opposition I've faced so far (that says a lot)
Now Chuck might be sticking up for Hiker because of message board comradery or whatever the hell the reason is, and I might have rubbed somebody the wrong way (that's understandable). But that's when you question the messengers delivery (not attempt to dismiss a legitimate message presented to you along with fact because you want to run to the aid of a forum buddy) That's how a punk operates (you got that Chuck?)
I'm not bashing an entire forum of people of course, just a few loud mouths who over post and don't know what they're talking about. The same type of morons who will bash Camaros all day, yet defend Supras. So a forum ban? I could care less, like I said, I'm just throwing facts out there because I've seen people struggle with voicing opposition to a foreign company and get dumped on their heads simply because the facts weren't made available to them.
But as domestic owners, what we need is a large number to step up when morons like Hiker start with their "Toyota is employing Americans bullshit' Toyota is employing a drop in the bucket here in comparison to what's headquartered here. So as domestic owners it would do everybody the benefit to have multiple posters (who know just a little fact on these issues) step up to the plate when these idiots sprout their disinfo. Good luck.
How hard was it to come back to the site? You seem like a very angry person. Does 3 popcorns make it more worth your while?
Well thanks for proving my point for me Just talk a lot of shit, and avoid the topic at hand (that's the method of choice here obviously). All you know is the popcorn widget, and as far as stang forums go, I'm surprised I found my way back to this little remote one.
Wow. I am actually not a NASCAR fan so I could give two craps about whether Toyota is in the races or not.
This is actually a very good forum. We don't allow retards, degenerates, and assholes here. You seem to fit somewhere in that mix. So if you want to calm your butt down if you want to stay or leave, I won't lose any sleep over it.
02-13-09, 08:48 AM
Lets all calm down a bit folks and watch the personal attacks. Opinions are great but we are adults here, mostly.. Good talking points and for me... You will never ever see me buy a Toyota, Nissan or Honda.. Ever I am a Ford Guy True Blue but my wifes whole family is in Defiance Ohio and built GM for over 60 years but are being shut down. Remember Clintons NAFTA????? Had a huge impact on things built here in The USA...
Well, this isn't soley about nascar either (it's about getting the facts out in regard to all the spin when it comes to jobs, manufacturing, domestic content, yen manipulation, imports etc.)
Like I said, I'm not here to stir anything up, I'm just here to counter that initial claim. But if you guys want to be dicks when I'm wasting my time to spread legit info in your forum in regard to your own auto industry, well I'll be an even bigger dick back.
Now it's gotten to the point where the conversation is useless. It's back and forth without any real debate (just popcorn balls) I don't do this to argue with who's posting; I do it with those who have yet to read it in mind. So that's that, just spare me the cheap shots, k?
You disagree with any of the topic, adress that, not how angry you think I am, or throw popcorn widgets up on the screen. Have some balls and tackle the issues.
Lets all calm down a bit folks and watch the personal attacks. Opinions are great but we are adults here, mostly.. Good talking points and for me... You will never ever see me buy a Toyota, Nissan or Honda.. Ever I am a Ford Guy True Blue but my wifes whole family is in Defiance Ohio and built GM for over 60 years but are being shut down. Remember Clintons NAFTA????? Had a huge impact on things built here in The USA...
Good point Dave... Just look at the numbers
Some close plants, others open plants and create jobs..
GM employees 12,300 in Ohio
FORD employees 9,900 in Ohio
Honda, 14,000+. #1 Automotive employer in the state. That's alot of jobs saved..
Data from 3/08
And keep in mind Bush Sr was the author of the NAFTA bill, not Clinton.. Clinton just put it into law. So both sides can be held responsoble..
The three-nation NAFTA was signed on 17 December 1992, pending its ratification by the legislatures of the three countries. There was considerable opposition in all three countries, but in the United States it was able to secure passage after Bill Clinton made its passage a major legislative initiative in 1993
02-13-09, 09:38 AM
Cammer why don't you go into another section and tell us about your car, Mods, ET, etc.
I could give a rats ass about this topic and for the record I have 3 Fords in my household.
Here's some even better points hiker (and a few from me a page ago!)
Ford employs more Americans (today, this minute) than all of the foreign auto makers combined!
Ford, GM and Chrysler use 85% more American auto parts. If Ford, GM and Chrysler had used only 35% domestic content last year (like foreign automakers did), they would have spent $95 billion less here in the U.S. That $95 billion in lost sales could have cost between 200,000 and 330,000 American workers their jobs.
One domestic line worker accounts for six other US jobs off of the line (do the math)
The US auto industry is our number one buyer of US steel, rubber and semi conductors (and our number one exporter)
The domestics invest about 200 billion annualy in this country through R&D, which produces something called patents. Those patents developed here guarantee that high paying jobs remain here as well.
Best of all, when you support them (unlike Honda) you're supporting an American corporation (not a Japanese one)
Well nobody's forcing you to read it Burn, stick around though, maybe you'll learn something and become interested.
Oh yeah, and I'm not up with what's going on in your home state, but last I heard GM had double the number of plants there than Honda does (see the sign) Let alone Ford on top of that calculated into your figure. Then again, they might have shut a few down, I don't know. But even going by your figures of roughly 23,000 as compared to almost half of that, I don't see your point whatsoever. Domestics obviously still employ more of your state, even post plant closures. All the more reason to support them, huh?
02-13-09, 09:54 AM
Well nobody's forcing you to read it Burn, stick around though, maybe you'll learn something and become interested.
I am the person that pushes the Ban button and at this point you are trolling.
02-13-09, 09:56 AM
02-13-09, 10:03 AM
show him whose boss jeff! :highfive:
Please, you can press than ban button whenever you want. You're a message board administrator, big deal.
What I did there was present facts that were in direct relation to the topic. Bannnig me at this point is going to look worse on your part Mr. authority figure by those reading and following along who aren't as vocal as some of your other condescending members here. Don't forget, without the membership, you've got no message board in the first place.
The condecending began with Chuck telling me to go under a rock in case you've forgot, or aren't following along.
So if you're going to censor me, go ahead. But don't be a supreme communist and censor the legitimate info at least.
02-13-09, 11:16 AM
Please, you can press than ban button whenever you want. You're a message board administrator, big deal.
What I did there was present facts that were in direct relation to the topic. Bannnig me at this point is going to look worse on your part Mr. authority figure by those reading and following along who aren't as vocal as some of your other condescending members here. Don't forget, without the membership, you've got no message board in the first place.
The condecending began with Chuck telling me to go under a rock in case you've forgot, or aren't following along.
So if you're going to censor me, go ahead. But don't be a supreme communist and censor the legitimate info at least.
Blah Blah Blah. You dig up a 2 year old topic for the sole purpose of creating drama.
People join this site to share their passion for Mustangs.
Why don't you let everyone know why you joined this site?
Do you even have a Ford?
crazy ray
02-13-09, 12:11 PM
Wow. I am actually not a NASCAR fan so I could give two craps about whether Toyota is in the races or not.
This is actually a very good forum. We don't allow retards, degenerates, and assholes here. You seem to fit somewhere in that mix. So if you want to calm your butt down if you want to stay or leave, I won't lose any sleep over it.
Thank You. There are other sites for people like that.Who cares who is in the race. If you have a car that can stay with the pack let them race. They have to meet the same stanards as all the other manufactures, so as long as they do that, let them race.:biglaugh:
Oh great, I follow my mail back here to see the popcorn message. That's easy to do as opposed to think and type isn't it?
First thing to just get across, I signed up here to address the initial post (the Bagwell anti yoda charade) That guy was a moron, and instead of getting his facts together, only helped to worsen the situation. I'm not here to stir up, I'm here just to get the facts out there in regard to both nascar and the auto industry in general.
I hit all kinds of forums foreign and domestic, been banned from a few, and I could care less as long as I spread the word while I'm waiting for a pot of coffee to brew or whatever. As far as forums lately (especially domestic boards) 'Hiker' and his buddy 'Chuck' have been the only vocal opposition I've faced so far (that says a lot)
Now Chuck might be sticking up for Hiker because of message board comradery or whatever the hell the reason is, and I might have rubbed somebody the wrong way (that's understandable). But that's when you question the messengers delivery (not attempt to dismiss a legitimate message presented to you along with fact because you want to run to the aid of a forum buddy) That's how a punk operates (you got that Chuck?)
I'm not bashing an entire forum of people of course, just a few loud mouths who over post and don't know what they're talking about. The same type of morons who will bash Camaros all day, yet defend Supras. So a forum ban? I could care less, like I said, I'm just throwing facts out there because I've seen people struggle with voicing opposition to a foreign company and get dumped on their heads simply because the facts weren't made available to them.
But as domestic owners, what we need is a large number to step up when morons like Hiker start with their "Toyota is employing Americans bullshit' Toyota is employing a drop in the bucket here in comparison to what's headquartered here. So as domestic owners it would do everybody the benefit to have multiple posters (who know just a little fact on these issues) step up to the plate when these idiots sprout their disinfo. Good luck.
Actually I have never met Hiker, but the comment he said was the truth. Now back on topic. You talk about the foreign companies here like they have only taken away from the economy. Take a look at alot of American companies that have went to other countries for labor. Ford, GM, Chrysler, Whirlpool and the list goes on. Its not the foreign companies that has done what has been done to the economy. Its the greed of the major corps. Now to the HMMVV, why is the gov't looking to replace it if its so great? How do I know this? I was one of the ones that was hit with an IED and have been in medical care since 07 and told that I couldn't go back to work. I am a PUNK that fights for your rights to say what you want to say and allows you to show how much of an ass you are being. You are probably a laid off UAW worker that now doesn't have daddies coat tail to hang on to anymore and thinks it sucks cause the American people don't want to pay you $38 an hour to sit on your tush and not do a damn thing. Then wants to whore forums talking smack which you haven't did enough research on. So while you are waiting on your coffee to brew do a little digging on Corporate America and get back with me.
I didn't know it was two years old, I just found it through google and started reading. Yeah I do own a Ford, I own an F-150 FX4 model that I've had for under a year. Performance wise, I've owned a Chevelle since '95. At the dealership I was liking the halo model out front, the Shelby. Last Mustang I sat in was a 2004 Saleen convert which a drinking buddy of mine paid twelve grand for wrecked, and then proceeded to completely bring back. I don't know all the details, but I'm sure the first fifth gen Camaro hooked up to a wrecker in this town, he'll have his hands on because he's into the collision business. I'm not a particular 'make' guy, so I don't waste my time pitting domestics against domestics like so many are prone to do, when the real threat to the industry doesn't even build a pony car.
Thank You. There are other sites for people like that.Who cares who is in the race. If you have a car that can stay with the pack let them race. They have to meet the same stanards as all the other manufactures, so as long as they do that, let them race
Well see that's my entire point, how have they met the same standards? And hey like I said, nobody can force you to read a particular topic. But if you disagree with it, engage in it, why waste your time with "I hate this topic and I hate reading it"
Perhaps somebody out there who doesn't post thinks the same about one of your general chat topics. And what have they done exactly that you feel they should compete? Just because they assemble a commuter car here? You are aware that if it was a level playing field as far as the industry goes, they wouldn't even be assembling here, right? And if it was up to the imports, there would be no Mustangs, because as much as they want to move their product in this market, and represent themselves using a rwd, mid size, forward mounted small block out on a race track; they refuse to build it.
They're in nascar misrepresenting themselves in attempt to win over the full size truck market (the last hold the domestics really have in the market) They conquer that with the aid of nascar manipulation, and guess what? Ford will be forced to cut back even more, might even quit production on the model that you flock to this forum over. So you're all for that? It wouldn't bother you that almost 50 years of Mustang production could stop due to the fact that your average American really can't gauge what's going on thinking a Japanese company is even more 'American' than a legitimate American car company is?
They dump millions into PR campaigns in hopes off selling themselves off as American with an agenda to topple the legitimate American companies to send more profit back to Japan, bottom line. The reason they've been so successful at it, is because Americans allow themselves to not only be bought into it, but have your attitude and don't even like to discuss it. Instead of doing their own thinking, they settle on the information given to them by other clueless Americans who buy into the spin campaigns of 'imports are built here, and domestics are assembled in Mexico'
Pretty outrageous considering that no Americans should have to be convinced into vocally supporting their own auto industry. Especially when it was that industry that's pulled the country that you live in through two world wars, and numerous other conflicts, buildng everything from Airplanes, to the 'GM manufactured 'grease gun' during the Vietnam conflict. You know what, it does matter to you, only you wouldn't acknowledge it until it was way too late, and then sit around wondering how Japan has a monopoly on what is driven in this country.
Well see that's my entire point, how have they met the same standards?
Cause NASCAR said they did otherwise they wouldn't let them.
Thanks cammer,:popcorn::eat::popcorn: Is this better for you.
Cause NASCAR said they did otherwise they wouldn't let them.
Correction, it's because they wrote a lot of zeros on the checks to Brian France who merely inherited his racing series. Sorry, but just because Brain France sells out on an American institution, I don't blindly follow along with it.
Just like I'd oppose transvestites in the miss America pageant (hey, they technically slapped on the necessary parts right?) still doesn't make them legitimate in my eyes (especially to be represented on that order). Unlike yourself, I don't think American institutions should have a price attached to them. Obviously you do.
How do you know what I think? I would really like to know the process of how my thaughts travel to your head. So tell us a little more about yourself, like where your from, occupation. We will all help you with your situation. You have made a big step in talking with us. You have let us know you have a problem, admission is the first step and you got that out of the way. We helped Brad and we can help you. Do you need a hug?
They travel via a keyboard. Here's what I know, I don't support Toyota's misrepresentation of their brand using a domestic layout in order to achieve more sales in the showrooms.
You obviously do for reasons that I've yet you see you make a case for other than over simplified reasoning such as "because nascar says so"
I've pointed out direct facts in relation to the auto industry which you seem to object to, yet can't for whatever reason counter point for point.
Spare us the misdirection with the rest of it, you don't agree with any point that I've made here, by all means address it. Until you can at least attempt to do that, you really don't have a valid argument.
Your point is that Toyota shouldn't be in Nascar cause its a foreign company, am I correct. And yes they said so. Its in their rule book and has been for years. They own the company and therefor can do what they want. Would you as an owner of a company want someone else tell you what you can and can't do. It would be yours you could do what ever you want to with it.
OH and with them meeting the requirements that Nascar had set. They created teams, which created jobs.
Your point is that Toyota shouldn't be in Nascar cause its a foreign company, am I correct. And yes they said so. Its in their rule book and has been for years. They own the company and therefor can do what they want. Would you as an owner of a company want someone else tell you what you can and can't do. It would be yours you could do what ever you want to with it.
So you homestly don't even know my position after all of this? I don't think Toyota should be using a cam in block, domestic push-rod design, along with a live axle, and four link suspension setup to represent themselves in American motorsports. Especially seeing as how (unlike their competitors on the track) they have not offered that layout in one single production car.
Small block push-rods produced by Chevrolet to date? -- 90 million!!
From Toyota? -- zero.
And I disagree with their motivation for being in nascar (to move more foreign autos and conquer a particular domestic market) In other words wrapping themselves in the flag on two fronts to achieve their objectives; competing on the race track, and selling autos in this country.
And I am pretty much positive Nascar doesn't care what you think or I? So are you saying Ford, GM, Chrysler should only sell cars in the USA? So they need to pull out of Europe, South America, Austrailia? I do see you don't like Toyota thats pretty obvious, but you are making it sound like they are the only one to do this. What plant did you get laid off from?
And I am pretty much positive Nascar doesn't care what you think or I?
That doesn't even make any sense, is that a question, or a statement?
So are you saying Ford, GM, Chrysler should only sell cars in the USA?
What does the layout of a stock car have to do with global car companies who manufacture? Again, the domestics are global (but they're headquartered in this country) That has zero bearing on the layout of a sedan series race car, and that layout being traced back to the bloodline of the manufacturer (the production lines) Two completely different things we're talking about Chuck. Fact is that of the four manufacturers in nascar, the only one who you can't trace that layout back to, is Toyota.
but you are making it sound like they are the only one to do this.
Give me one other example in the history of motorsports where one car manufacturer has cloned the entire layout of another all in order to compete against them on the track. When the Mustang goes drift racing, they don't convert the entire layout and power train to match a Honda now, do they Chuck?
What plant did you get laid off from?
Hey, remember the advice from our moderator and refrain from the condescending remarks, k? So how's this workin out for ya? Going to take another shot at attempting to change a valid point about the layout of the actual race cars to global sales?
I'm glad you're still posting though, because this gives anybody who happens across it a really clear view of how baseless your arguments actually are in support of foreign car corps who merely assemble their product here.
And I do extend my appreciation out to the mod, I'd get a bit riled if a new poster swung into my forum to challenge me as well (and perhaps I was a bit abrasive) But it's not anything personal, it's the premise of the subject matter. Those like Chuck who drag their feet on such a cut and dry issue as this, are a liability to us all (especially stang owners), because they feed others wrong information, and ascert it as fact.
And to Chuck again, c'mon Chuck, how many facts do you need to take up a little more of a support role for your own auto industry, and objecting to a Japanese car co. faking their performance image out on the race track to sell more foreign product?
How do you do the multiple quotes thing. I am so stupid I can't figure it out.
02-13-09, 11:09 PM
Press this then place the text you want between the quote tags.
Go reread and you will find it.
Oh you mean this stupidity?
Now to the HMMVV, why is the gov't looking to replace it if its so great? How do I know this? I was one of the ones that was hit with an IED and have been in medical care since 07 and told that I couldn't go back to work.
I call BS on that 'hero' especially after reading pages of your stupidity, making sh** up is about your speed. Funny they're going to replace it when they've got them all setup like clockwork to take the force of an explosion now isn't it Chuck? You think the military hummer sucks? Well guess what? It can withstand a blast right now better than any other all purpose vehicle in the world. And is that due to the design of it?
No, that's due to domestic engineering where they have outfitted them with a steel reinforced blast plate shaped like a cone to redirect the force of the explosion out towards the sides of the vehicle from underneath, as opposed to up through the floorpan you moron. One thing I can't tolerate is a prick who resorts to grandious lying all because he's had his ass handed to him in an argument. If I was the mod here, I'd cringe, and ban his sorry ass just on principle. Yeah asshat, I wish I had read your stupidity a lot earlier.
Oh yeah, and you're up pretty early and typing well after your '12 coronas' last night. Lets not forget that failed excuse for your stupidity either.
Your funny. There is people on here that knows what happened. I am not saying I am a "hero" I was doing the job I raised my hand to do. I have nothing to lie about. And with your lack of experiance on military issues, how do you know for a fact what happens in a blast. You watch too much tv. Have you ever heard of the ASV? It has a better record than the HMMVV. You wouldn't know that due to the fact you don't know what your talking about. YOU FAIL BTW thats me at the City of Ur in Iraq and I added a few pics of your beloved, can stand anything HMMVV. So I speak from experiance. Ball is in your court to provide excuesses.
02-14-09, 10:34 AM
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