View Full Version : Clutch and Roll Cage Project Full.
09-28-06, 08:48 PM
Well after all the talk about my project and no action I finally got started. Started the interior stripping to install the MM 6 point roll bar.
I have been weighing all the items so I will start a weight reduction thread soon.
Ok now to the part I hate under the car I go for the clutch related items.
09-28-06, 09:34 PM
Looks Naked....:cool1:
09-28-06, 09:39 PM
Yep Butt Naked
Ok I have been slacking looking for a rear seat delete kit.
Back to work I go.
09-28-06, 11:50 PM
wow! looks like something is missing...hahahaha...:z7shysterical:
sweet dude, I love doing my own work!
09-28-06, 11:54 PM
One of the bolts on the xpipe to cat back stripped coming off. I can't get it off with an impact and I have no more cutoff wheels. Looks like I get a break until tomorrow.
I need to get the car higher. I have it on ramps in the front and jack stands in the back. Where do most of you usually place the stands in the front?
I usually put mine on my SFC's but I don't believe you have those....
09-29-06, 10:28 AM
Somebody's girl is going on a diet!! :bounce:
When you say MM you mean Maximum Motorsports right? How was there service? I hear its topnotch.
I have no more cutoff wheels. Looks like I get a break until tomorrow.
Quitter!! :biggrin: I have a 24 hr Vatozone around the block and only stop once the beer is gone! :yes:
Venomous Bite
09-29-06, 10:34 AM
Yeah I put my stands on the sub frame connectors.
09-29-06, 10:57 AM
I have subs but they are not full length. So putting them on the front is a little too far back and in the way. I may try the a arms.
09-29-06, 10:58 AM
Yes it is Maximum Motorsports. I haven't received the bar yet.
Somebody's girl is going on a diet!! :bounce:
When you say MM you mean Maximum Motorsports right? How was there service? I hear its topnotch.
Quitter!! :biggrin: I have a 24 hr Vatozone around the block and only stop once the beer is gone! :yes:
09-29-06, 05:23 PM
Got the big jack stands. Man the T56 is a tight fit.
09-29-06, 07:18 PM
Looks like fun! Keep those pics coming.
09-29-06, 07:32 PM
I will get some more tonight. I have to pace myself the car has to be ready by Nov 19 HPS track day.
Somebody's girl is going on a diet!! :bounce:
When you say MM you mean Maximum Motorsports right? How was there service? I hear its topnotch.
Quitter!! :biggrin: I have a 24 hr Vatozone around the block and only stop once the beer is gone! :yes:
MM service is top notch. They sent me the wrong oil reloction kit and they sent me the right one with free next day air. They also sent me a call tag to send the wrong unit back (ups on their dime). My car handles like its on rails with the full MM front suspension. Its like driving a whole new car. I highly recommend their products.
09-29-06, 11:53 PM
I less thing for Tech to bitch about.
My assistant
09-29-06, 11:56 PM
How in the heck do you get then center console out?
How in the heck do you get then center console out?
The carpet needs to be taken out along with a couple riviets holding it in. Also, are you going to ba able to pull that drive shaft out from the rear for your clutch intall with that loop in the way now LOL!
BTW, your car is too clean under their. Try driving it in some rain will ya!
09-30-06, 12:35 AM
The carpet needs to be taken out along with a couple riviets holding it in. Also, are you going to ba able to pull that drive shaft out from the rear for your clutch intall with that loop in the way now LOL!
Drive shaft goes in and out fine. I had it in when I installed the loop and took it out fine.
Drive shaft goes in and out fine. I had it in when I installed the loop and took it out fine.
I was just messing with you. I know you can get it out. It just seemed funny at the time since you are trying to get it out, yet you are bolting more stuff in.
09-30-06, 01:44 AM
Really I just took it out again. It may be in the way when I take the tranny out with the transmission jack. Its only 4 bolts. LOL
I have heard some back the rear of the tranny into the loop to assist in removing and installing with a floor jack.
I am still waiting for my bell housing and cage to arrive this week so I had to do something today.
Shaggy is coming over tomorrow to help me drop the tranny.
09-30-06, 02:07 AM mean later on today? hahaha. :z7shysterical:
09-30-06, 08:44 AM
Everything looks good so far....Just remember what weight you put in, you got to take it out somewere. :2thumbs:
09-30-06, 11:00 AM
Everything looks good so far....Just remember what weight you put in, you got to take it out somewere. :2thumbs:
Or just turn up the boost.
09-30-06, 09:19 PM
Well today was drop the tranny and install the input shaft day.
How to get to the top tranny bolt. A bunch of wobble extensions did the job.
Checking the stock input shaft end-play.
Nice new liberty gear input shaft and a McLeod Bearing Retainer Sleeve.
When we got the tranny out the transmission jack adapter had the tranny about 3 inches too high to roll it out on the jack. So we had to slide it off the jack under the car.
My jack was maxed out so it was Shaggy Engineering to the rescue.
He told me how they used telephone books to get his car higher.
Well it worked. LOL
FedEx showed up again
Now I just need the McLead bell-housing and MM Roll Bar to show up.
Thanks to Aaron (shaggy) for the help and I am sorry about the hole you got in your finger.
09-30-06, 10:20 PM
Looking sweet....:2thumbs:
did you have to shim the liberty unit or was it pretty close? Mine was perfect.
10-01-06, 08:22 AM
No shim. It was 0 endplay on both shafts.
So that was one less thing to mess with.
10-01-06, 09:05 AM
Good thing you have a knowledgeable tech advisor on retainer! lol
10-01-06, 09:09 AM
My jack was maxed out so it was Shaggy Engineering to the rescue.
He told me how they used telephone books to get his car higher.
Well it worked. LOL
This scares me for some reason! :nervous: :Bucktooth:
Venomous Bite
10-01-06, 11:30 AM
10-01-06, 01:33 PM
This scares me for some reason! :nervous: :Bucktooth:
gonna have to agree with this one...:awsome:
looks like some mad fun in the garage though! i am jealous that i did not get an invite!!! i love to tinker!!
10-01-06, 04:33 PM
Its no wonder you werent at pavillions last night, you been working your butt off on your car:awsome: I looked for ya cause I needed some more cards:laughing1:
10-01-06, 11:54 PM
LOL! plus, you can easily look up an injury lawery if you get crushed.
We didn't get under the car with the books. We just used them to get it higher on the jack stands. LOL
Aaron will tell you I am all about safety. I have stands and ramps all over the place just in case.
Mark ship me some of the cut up railroad ties you have for next time.
Tony you can come over when every you want. I can always use an extra hand. The cage will be a two man job to get it in and out.
I may have to pay Aaron off to come back after I was the cause of a big hole in is finger.
10-02-06, 12:35 AM
just lemme know man. i am always down. and i have a car, so i can drive across town. :D
Ratt Fink
10-02-06, 08:38 PM
Lots of good work going on, there !
10-02-06, 08:58 PM
I may have to pay Aaron off to come back after I was the cause of a big hole in is finger.
What did you do Jeff..?
How much was the McLeod retainer sleeve?
How much was the McLeod retainer sleeve?
I think they are around 150. Toss one in for sure. Ford fixed mine under the TSB, but its starting to take a shit I think. Everytime I push in my clutch, it feels kind of rough.
10-03-06, 03:27 PM
The sleeve was $105 from DAgostino.
Ya I think that would be part of the "misc shit" section of the budget.
I'll be picking one up from Derek...
Venomous Bite
10-03-06, 04:08 PM
Ya I think that would be part of the "misc shit" section of the budget.
I'll be picking one up from Derek...
I think that you should be picking up an auto instead.:cool1:
I think that you should be picking up an auto instead.:cool1:
You first shooter.
The more research I do the more I want to stay 6 speed. Ain't like I'm passing tech anyways, so I could give a crap about a $4,000+ 4RW70 setup.
JR just dropped some serious coin into a RW setup. Devin will be doing the same setup as well for his blue car.
Someone has to stay 6 speed with all these turbo clowns. Hopefully you and Gene will stick with me:yes:
Someone has to stay 6 speed with all these turbo clowns. Hopefully you and Gene will stick with me:yes:
Roger that, I love the 6 speed.
Venomous Bite
10-03-06, 09:48 PM
You first shooter.
JR just dropped some serious coin into a RW setup. Devin will be doing the same setup as well for his blue car.
Someone has to stay 6 speed with all these turbo clowns. Hopefully you and Gene will stick with me:yes:
Who's JR? Yeah I will probably stay 6 speed but drive it like an auto.:3gears:
Who's JR? Yeah I will probably stay 6 speed but drive it like an auto.:3gears:
JR = Jason Rainkins
10-04-06, 11:13 PM
Got the stock clutch and flywheel off today. As I expected it didn't look well. Clutch dust out of the ying yang. The dust doesn't taste good either when my fan blew it in my face. LOL
Starter was a pain in the ass to get off. One of the top bellhousing bolts was torqued to 1000 ft lbs and the 1 next to it was finger tight.
Well after feeling that wimpy stock bell housing I am glad I got the McLeod SFI approved unit. 1 more thing to make me legal at tech.
10-04-06, 11:34 PM
damn, that sounds like fun. nothing like tinkerin in the garage.
btw- that looks like one stout piece!
also thought i would mention, i caught a glimpse of the cage in dan's car. oh man, its badass. some seriously high quality work in there.
10-04-06, 11:42 PM
damn, that sounds like fun. nothing like tinkerin in the garage.
btw- that looks like one stout piece!
also thought i would mention, i caught a glimpse of the cage in dan's car. oh man, its badass. some seriously high quality work in there.
I was going to do a custom cage. But I have decided to do the MM unit for now. If I ever or should I say when I decide to go into the nines. I can just unbolt the cage and have a custom 10 point done at that time.
10-04-06, 11:44 PM
understandable. and i wanna help put it in. just lemme know when. :2thumbs:
10-04-06, 11:51 PM
I am going to tinker some more tomorrow. I have to put the LDC cooling mod in and I have to get a hole enlarged in the motor plate on the McLeod unit. It is cut for a stock flywheel and the ram flywheel rubs against it because it has much more mass on the back side.
I will be working the next 3 days / nights on it.
The cage has to go in the car and get fitted then taken back out to be welded and powder coated then back in again.
You can stop buy any time you like. I can always use and extra set of hands.
damn, that sounds like fun. nothing like tinkerin in the garage.
btw- that looks like one stout piece!
also thought i would mention, i caught a glimpse of the cage in dan's car. oh man, its badass. some seriously high quality work in there.
Dude, you guys need to let me know over at Performance solutions how much a cage like Dans will cost me. I'm serious about getting one.
Dude, you guys need to let me know over at Performance solutions how much a cage like Dans will cost me. I'm serious about getting one.
I haven't seen the cage but if it's anything like the K-member and front arms (same people who are making the cage made the K's; I'll have the first set of arms for solid's :laughing1: ) it will be second to none.
Call him @ 602-269-8955
10-06-06, 12:40 AM
More work complete
LDC Cooling Mod
Motor Plate must have a 7 inch opening to use an aftermarket flywheel.
So you must do a little cutting to make things work.
Ram Billet Steel Flywheel
Ram Power Grip HD Clutch
Tranny Back in.
Yes that is a towel in the bell housing.
The shift fork on the top side was hitting a notch in the bell housing.
So I had to to do a little grinding to get things to work.
10-06-06, 06:38 AM
Looks good Jeff. All except that ugly hole in the motor plate. Did you use a tree saw to cut that...?????????????!!!!!!!!!! LOL
10-06-06, 10:53 AM
Looks good Jeff. All except that ugly hole in the motor plate. Did you use a tree saw to cut that...?????????????!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Well after wasting an hour trying to find a machine shop that could cut it I dug out the 3" cutting wheels and about $50 of electric to run the compressor. LOL
Like Ratt told me. It doesn't have to be pretty it just had to work.
Ratt Fink
10-06-06, 05:02 PM
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout !! If you hadn't posted up the pic, you coulda said that a special jig and plasma cutter was used to make a perfectly round 8" hole in the plate... and nobody would have known any better !!
Looks like you got a bunch of work done there, Jeff. Keep after it !
10-06-06, 05:55 PM
Well a 7" square hole worked for me.
I have everything done under the car. I just have to put the fiore adjuster and steeda quadrant in. Then I will throw 1 seat in and take it for a test drive.
Tomorrow I will start the cage.
Next month maybe I will get the solid done.
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout !! If you hadn't posted up the pic, you coulda said that a special jig and plasma cutter was used to make a perfectly round 8" hole in the plate... and nobody would have known any better !!
Looks like you got a bunch of work done there, Jeff. Keep after it !
10-08-06, 01:18 AM
Got the Roll Bar Started.
Not exactly an easy fit.
I had to pound the wheel wells and floor in a little to get things to fit.
10-11-06, 11:24 PM
Bar has been fitted and remove.
Out for main hoop welding and powder coating tomorrow.:awsome:
Hopfully I can get the car done for the copperstate show.
It is going to be close.
10-11-06, 11:26 PM
U better hurry up mister, Tick Tick Tick:z7shysterical: I take it you wont have her out by friday huh
10-11-06, 11:27 PM
U better hurry up mister, Tick Tick Tick:z7shysterical: I take it you wont have her out by friday huh
Maybe next friday.
My main goal is to be ready for Track Day on 11-19.
10-11-06, 11:29 PM
Ahhh I see, well I cant wait to see the finished product. Your working so diligently on it. great job :awsome:
10-11-06, 11:34 PM
Getting close to done.
When I get the bar back It will take a few hours to get things done.
I have to mount the swing outs and get the harnesses installed.
Then I have to have a stereo shop design a rear seat delete kit.
Then some race gas and off to the track to break something.
10-11-06, 11:37 PM
Getting close to done.
Then some race gas and off to the track to break something.
Rofl, all that work you doing and you want to break something hahahaha not good. I think you will be fine, Looks pretty solid to me:awsome:
10-11-06, 11:39 PM
It is the rear end that will fail.
That is my next project.
Ratt Fink
10-17-06, 08:40 PM
It is the rear end that will fail.
That is my next project.
If you ain't breakin, you ain't racin !! LOL !
Hope you get 'er all together and put down some mean ETs !
10-18-06, 03:30 AM
If you ain't breakin, you ain't racin !! LOL !
Hope you get 'er all together and put down some mean ETs !
It should done by this weekend then off to the track soon.
I am leaning towards doing a level 5 and bushing setup.
If I want to run 9's I will build a fox body LX with a big ass turbo.
It should done by this weekend then off to the track soon.
I am leaning towards doing a level 5 and bushing setup.
If I want to run 9's I will build a fox body LX with a big ass turbo.
I hear that! These cars are just too damn expesive to mod and break stuff in.
10-18-06, 07:57 AM
If I want to run 9's I will build a fox body LX with a big ass turbo.
You would have a better chance of 8's with that combo! :yummy:
10-18-06, 10:55 AM
Lookin good little buddy!!!!:2thumbs:
10-19-06, 10:50 PM
Well are ya done?????? I wanna see it this weekend. You have been working so hard on it its time to show it off:2thumbs:
10-19-06, 11:19 PM
Well are ya done?????? I wanna see it this weekend. You have been working so hard on it its time to show it off:2thumbs:
I will be at the show, but the car is not done.
I am picking up the roll bar tomorrow and will have everything done in a few days.
10-19-06, 11:23 PM
Oh man that sucks, too bad its not done. Well hopefully it will be done by speedworld day.
10-20-06, 12:50 AM
Oh man that sucks, too bad its not done. Well hopefully it will be done by speedworld day.
It will be ready in a few days.:2thumbs:
10-21-06, 10:10 PM
Roll bar is in. I have to do the rear seat delete and mount the harnesses and then I am done. I will post up some pics soon.:awsome:
10-22-06, 10:26 PM
Roll Bar is in.
I have to get some clutch adjustment issues taken care of and mount the harnesses then I am legal to go 10.0 , but high tens is the goal for now.
Get a tube of seam sealer and seal all the backing plates if you plan to ever be in the rain.
10-22-06, 11:08 PM
dang, looking good! cannot wait to take a gander in person, as pics never do something like that justice. :awsome:
10-22-06, 11:10 PM
dang, looking good! cannot wait to take a gander in person, as pics never do something like that justice. :awsome:
It will be done soon for all to see.
Then off to the track to.
10-23-06, 04:04 AM
Looks sweet....:2thumbs:
10-23-06, 05:58 PM
Looks good! Hopefully all this hard work pays off, in the form of a 10 sec. timeslip!:woot1:
10-26-06, 12:20 AM
Well I swapped out my Steeda Double Hook Quadrant for a Steeda Quick Release Unit. With the Ram Power Grip HD clutch and McLeod Bellhousing I could not get the enough cable travel to get the clutch to disengage without having the throwout bearing spinning all the time when the clutch is engaged which is not a good thing. The Quick release model has a steeper ramp which allows for more cable travel. So this issue is fixed.
I am waiting for the rear seat delete to show up and some harness mounting hardware then I am done. :awsome:
You can see the steeper ramp.
10-26-06, 06:31 AM
cool don't forget to post up detailed pix of the harness install.
10-26-06, 12:05 PM
cool don't forget to post up detailed pix of the harness install.
Will do.
11-01-06, 06:58 PM
How I did my 5 point harness setup.
I used Gforce grade 8 eyebots and hardware.
I used snap hooks to mount the 3 lower belts.
Snap hooks allow the belts to pull straight in a crash.
If your belt is bolted to the floor and the angle is wrong at the mount the belt could fail in a crash.
Also snap hooks allow you to remove the belts in a few seconds. Removing the shoulder harness is easy also being they wrap around the cross bar.
Remove the stock lower seat belt mounting bolt and replace with a grade 8 eyebolt. Use a nut to secure the bolt to the body and leave some space to allow the factory seatbelt to rotate. Note the forward angle of the eyebolt.
Eyebolt with factory seat belt mounted.
Use a 3" snap hook.
Drill into the tunnel for the inboard mount.
Eyebolt and 3" snap hook.
Note forward angle of eyebolt.
Use a backing plate on the bottom side of the car.
Drill again for the crotch stap and use a backing plate again on the bottom. Use a 2" snap hook here.
Note eyebolt angle.
Shoulder Harness Wraps around the cross bar.
Finished Product with rear sear delete.
SFI Approved Roll Bar Padding on Swing Outs.
11-01-06, 07:16 PM
Looks good Jeff! Thanks for posting up the pics.
On a side note try to weigh the car when you hit the track this week. I just want to compare to mine. :)
11-01-06, 07:32 PM
Looks good Jeff! Thanks for posting up the pics.
On a side note try to weigh the car when you hit the track this week. I just want to compare to mine. :)
I don't know if they have a scale running at firebird on Friday nights.
My car without the spare and rear seat delete is about 75 LBS more than yours. I weighed everything I put in and removed.
I am going to get 1 fixed back racing seat and remove the passenger seat on race days. That will get the car back to its original weight.
Skinnies will knock off 50 LBS also.
Then again I have to make up my mind on a solid or level 5's.
My goal is a 10 second street strip car.
11-01-06, 07:58 PM
Well sheesh the Driver cant weigh more than 100lbs so Jeff your in hehehehe:z7shysterical: :z7shysterical: :z7shysterical:
sweet setup man, now you can help me with mine:2thumbs:
11-01-06, 08:13 PM
I have a print out from QCR in Salem and it weighed 3561 with no spare, no jack, and 1/4 tank fuel. I double checked it at a local scrap yard in Glenwillard and it said 3582 but it had a little more fuel in in that day. That's why I wanted to compare.
I still have a rear seat too.
How much did the bar weigh alone? I have been searching and it seems some guys have chromoly bars that are 45# total and some others with dom mild steel is 75-85# for the same configuration.
Any thoughts about the difference except the fact that most guys don't think it's worth the cost for the weight savings?
I don't know if they have a scale running at firebird on Friday nights.
My car without the spare and rear seat delete is about 75 LBS more than yours. I weighed everything I put in and removed.
I am going to get 1 fixed back racing seat and remove the passenger seat on race days. That will get the car back to its original weight.
Skinnies will knock off 50 LBS also.
Then again I have to make up my mind on a solid or level 5's.
My goal is a 10 second street strip car.
11-01-06, 08:41 PM
sweet setup man, now you can help me with mine:2thumbs:
Are you going to powder coat it?
The bar goes in the car and then comes out and then goes back in.
Let me know when you are going to do it.
11-01-06, 08:45 PM
I have a print out from QCR in Salem and it weighed 3561 with no spare, no jack, and 1/4 tank fuel. I double checked it at a local scrap yard in Glenwillard and it said 3582 but it had a little more fuel in in that day. That's why I wanted to compare.
I still have a rear seat too.
How much did the bar weigh alone? I have been searching and it seems some guys have chromoly bars that are 45# total and some others with dom mild steel is 75-85# for the same configuration.
Any thoughts about the difference except the fact that most guys don't think it's worth the cost for the weight savings?
The bar and 1 harness weights 90 lbs.
Rear seat delete will give you 40lbs.
So it is a net of 50lbs.
I think the chromoly wolf race craft bar is around 60 lbs.
11-01-06, 08:46 PM
Well sheesh the Driver cant weigh more than 100lbs so Jeff your in hehehehe:z7shysterical: :z7shysterical: :z7shysterical:
I weight a buck 65.
I think the chromoly wolf race craft bar is around 60 lbs.
My boss grew up with David Wolfe. You know what that means LOL! His shop isn't too far from my Boss's parents.
11-01-06, 09:49 PM
My boss grew up with David Wolfe. You know what that means LOL! His shop isn't too far from my Boss's parents.
If you are doing a wolf bar your loose the rear speakers.
If you are doing a wolf bar your loose the rear speakers.
I dont have rear speakers. The dude I bought it from had a huge stereo system in there. It was yanked out the next day and sold for mod money.
11-01-06, 10:26 PM
I dont have rear speakers. The dude I bought it from had a huge stereo system in there. It was yanked out the next day and sold for mod money.
So you are doing the wolf bar?
11-02-06, 05:18 AM
Hey Jeff, I thought the harness needed to fastened to the floor not the roll bar?
So you are doing the wolf bar?
Next time I'm in texas I'm bringing it home with me:2thumbs:
11-02-06, 07:59 AM
I weight a buck 65.
There is no way, I need proof of this, sheesh :z7shysterical: :z7shysterical:
11-02-06, 10:55 AM
Hey Jeff, I thought the harness needed to fastened to the floor not the roll bar?
Nope to the cross bar is the correct way.
11-02-06, 04:58 PM
There is no way, I need proof of this, sheesh :z7shysterical: :z7shysterical:
Check here....:2thumbs:
01-01-07, 10:48 PM
To keep the tech Nazis Happy
01-02-07, 06:59 PM
where did you get that at?
01-02-07, 07:09 PM
It is a wolf race craft crotch strap bracket I wasn't using. I had to fab up the spacers between the bracket and the cross bar. NHRA said drilling the holes into the cross bar is fine as long as you have a sleeve around the bolt to prevent the cross bar from crushing or use a nut with nylon and don't over tighten the bolt.
01-03-07, 07:30 PM
nice work!
01-03-07, 07:36 PM
If I ever put a racing seat in the car I will fab up something that uses the bottom of the bolts to secure the back of the seat to the cross bar. The stock seats are a little too high. I find my head against the roof at times with my helmet on.
:wacky1: :wtf: :eek: they said that?
01-03-07, 08:37 PM
:wacky1: :wtf: :eek: they said that?
It is completely legal. You could drill a hole and use a single bolt to secure both of your harness tabs if you wanted. That comes from NHRA Tech.
just remember its your ass not there's :biglaugh:
01-03-07, 08:55 PM
I also checked on the 11.0 IRS issue we talked about and that is not true.
IRS can Tech to 7.5 in
Super Pro, Pro, Sportsman
Aftermarket axles and axle-retention device mandatory on any car running 10.99 (*6.99) or quicker or any car with locked differential. Cars running 10.99 (*6.99) or quicker that weigh more than 2,000 pounds with independent rear suspension without upper and lower (both) control arms must replace swing axle differential with conventional differential housing assembly. (Example: 1963-1982 Corvette). Cars with independent rear suspension using upper and lower (both) control arms may retain swing axle assembly regardless of weight or e.t. Must have 360-degree, minimum 1-inch-wide by 1/4-inch-thick axle retention 1oop on each axle.
I am going to get an answer on this axle retention loop. We don't really have a swing axle like the old corvettes.
01-03-07, 10:12 PM
just remember its your ass not there's :biglaugh:
That harness material will fail before the cross bar is going to break even with a few little holes in it. I have seen some stupid mounting setups, but I don't feel unsafe with mine. I feel it is a safe as my Boeing 737 5 point setup I use at work.
:bounce: :pepper:
01-10-07, 07:47 PM
I also checked on the 11.0 IRS issue we talked about and that is not true.
IRS can Tech to 7.5 in
Super Pro, Pro, Sportsman
Aftermarket axles and axle-retention device mandatory on any car running 10.99 (*6.99) or quicker or any car with locked differential. Cars running 10.99 (*6.99) or quicker that weigh more than 2,000 pounds with independent rear suspension without upper and lower (both) control arms must replace swing axle differential with conventional differential housing assembly. (Example: 1963-1982 Corvette). Cars with independent rear suspension using upper and lower (both) control arms may retain swing axle assembly regardless of weight or e.t. Must have 360-degree, minimum 1-inch-wide by 1/4-inch-thick axle retention 1oop on each axle.
I am going to get an answer on this axle retention loop. We don't really have a swing axle like the old corvettes.
Got the word on the IRS from the Firebird Race Director.
Our cars can tech to 7.5 with the IRS without halfshaft loops.
P Machy
01-10-07, 09:55 PM
Got the word on the IRS from the Firebird Race Director.
Our cars can tech to 7.5 with the IRS without halfshaft loops.
Wonder if all the tracks follow that mind set?
01-10-07, 10:38 PM
Wonder if all the tracks follow that mind set?
Have you had any tech issues with the IRS?
P Machy
01-11-07, 09:56 PM
Nah, not yet....been lying to the other tracks of my ET. The Home Track dont care much to a degree.
Man, they sure did change alot of rules this year. You now need a Scattershield for anything under 11.500!
01-11-07, 10:06 PM
Nah, not yet....been lying to the other tracks of my ET. The Home Track dont care much to a degree.
Man, they sure did change alot of rules this year. You now need a Scattershield for anything under 11.500!
I am happy with my Ram Power Grip HD and Billet Steel flywheel setup.
Oh yea and the McLeod Bellhousing wasn't too much of a pain to install.
P Machy
01-11-07, 10:47 PM
I am happy with my Ram Power Grip HD and Billet Steel flywheel setup.
Oh yea and the McLeod Bellhousing wasn't too much of a pain to install.
So says the man that didnt need to use a dial indicator :hi: the BH works well? No problems getting into gear while cruising or the car walks forward when you have the clutch in and in gear and reving it high?
01-11-07, 10:50 PM
So says the man that didnt need to use a dial indicator :hi: the BH works well? No problems getting into gear while cruising or the car walks forward when you have the clutch in and in gear and reving it high?
I had some major problems with the first clutch. RAM had some bad pressure plates. The replacement clutch is fine. No issues at all. Very Streetable and holds like a mother.
P Machy
01-11-07, 11:02 PM
I had some major problems with the first clutch. RAM had some bad pressure plates. The replacement clutch is fine. No issues at all. Very Streetable and holds like a mother.
That sucks....did you have to find new phone books to lift the car again? lol...
BTW: What symptoms for bad PP?
01-11-07, 11:13 PM
That sucks....did you have to find new phone books to lift the car again? lol...
BTW: What symptoms for bad PP?
Something was not correct thickness wise in the specs.
I could not get the TB off of the PP fingers with the double hook quad.
I went to the QR Quad and it still didn't help much.
Then the fricker slipped multiple times at the track. Not a little slip total disengagement. Hit the rev limiter
The new on works fine. Starts to engage a little less than half way off the floor.
I got a whole pile of phone books for next time. LOL
P Machy
01-11-07, 11:18 PM
Something was not correct thickness wise in the specs.
I could not get the TB off of the PP fingers with the double hook quad.
I went to the QR Quad and it still didn't help much.
Then the fricker slipped multiple times at the track. Not a little slip total disengagement. Hit the rev limiter
The new on works fine. Starts to engage a little less than half way off the floor.
I got a whole pile of phone books for next time. LOL
LOL...I could use some phone books but some dude in AZ seems to have them all!
OK, good info to know...just in case I ever run into that issue I wont go too crazy.
Are u slipping the clutch or just lifting on the clutch as fast as ur left leg will allow?
01-11-07, 11:20 PM
LOL...I could use some but some dude in AZ seems to have them all!
OK, good info to know...just in case I ever run into that issue I wont go too crazy.
Are u slipping the clutch or just lifting on the clutch as fast as ur left leg will allow?
When I let the clutch out my foot comes about an inch off the pedal.
I don't ride it. Bad things can happen. LOL
01-29-07, 10:59 AM
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