View Full Version : Mustang Monsoon Madness All American Cruise 10/19/13

09-18-13, 01:06 AM
This year we are going to try something different, a cruise vs have a parking lot show. We will start at Berge Ford, head up thru Payson, Strawberry/Pine, into the Verde Valley, then either head down I17 to Prescott or go into Cottonwood, Jerome into Prescott. There will be a couple of photo ops for your car. We have reserved rooms at the St Michael Hotel (additional cost to you) in Prescott and will have dinner at Murphy's in downtown Prescott. Entry fee is $40 (Car and one person) which will inclucde breakfast at Berge Ford, Dinner at Murphy's, a T-Shirt, photo of your car and door prizes. It will be an additional $15/each additional person for dinner at Murphy's. We do not have all of the details worked out and more info will follow. We will have a car display at Wildflower Bread Co at the Prescott Mall on Sunday, Oct 20. We will need many of you to help obtain door prizes and to help. We want to make this fun for all.
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2013

10-10-13, 08:53 AM
There is still time to register. It will be a fun family event. We like to drive our cars and we like to eat- and that's what we're going to do on this cruise. We have great goodie bags for all pre-registered cars plus lot's of door prizes. Breakfast at Berge and Dinner in Prescott are included and we have a list of restaurants in Jerome.

10-14-13, 09:27 AM
You can register day of show and it will be a rain or shine event. You don't have to take your Mustang.