View Full Version : Cam and spring install
01-23-07, 06:55 PM
Hey guys I just purchased some comp camps and springs which should be here pretty soon and I need someone to install em for me. Perf. Sol. told me $2,500 for install and I just laughed and hung up. Guy had no idea what he was talking about. Anyway I would be more then willing to work out a deal with someone who could install them (I'd be willing to pay cash up front so there is no BS). Please post up if you're interested or even know someone who would do it. Thanks! Andrew
*Forgot to mention this is for an 02 GT 5-speed. Stock motor right now.
01-23-07, 10:37 PM
I'm not in Phoenix, but have heard good things about SVC Motorsports.
01-23-07, 10:38 PM
I have also heard Anthem Motorsports does good work also.
01-23-07, 11:04 PM
thanks for the info so far guys, anyone else?
01-24-07, 03:13 AM
AMP is another option. I have no clue on how their service is though, Im sure someone here can chime in. Never tried anyone else than SVC. Never had a reason to.
01-24-07, 09:21 AM
Guy had no idea what he was talking about.
wow. thats quite an impressive thing to say about someone you have never met. i was gonna add some help till i read these kinda insults....
you should probably do a little more research before throwing out this kinda of wording. not only does PSR support this site, they have done quite a lot of work for several members on here. and they are a very knowledgable shop.
and since you have this cross posted on several forums, and it was mentioned to you on 1320stangs that that is a not a simple install, maybe that would be a first sign that this might cost you a little money....
wow. thats quite an impressive thing to say about someone you have never met. i was gonna add some help till i read these kinda insults....
you should probably do a little more research before throwing out this kinda of wording. not only does PSR support this site, they have done quite a lot of work for several members on here. and they are a very knowledgable shop.
and since you have this cross posted on several forums, and it was mentioned to you on 1320stangs that that is a not a simple install, maybe that would be a first sign that this might cost you a little money....
Don't waste your time Tony.
Perf. Sol. told me $2,500 for install and I just laughed and hung up. Guy had no idea what he was talking about.
Hey Aero-
Just called AMP for you. $2300 for the install. AMP is the greatest shop the universe...:wacky1:
SVC installed my cams almost 2 years ago, feel free to call them and get a $2XXX quote just for an install as well.
Dan the "guy who doesn't know what he's talking about" (and quoted you on the phone) just called ADS in Chandler for you; we do a lot of business with them. $2300-2500 just for the install.
But thanks for the kind words about PSR! Next time you might want to get some 2nd and 3rd opinions before you comment on someone elses intelligence.
Oh, and our quote includes retuning...
Yeah its not cake to install them. More than just pullin the valve covers and install. Gotta get the motor at TDC without pulling the heads. The cam gears need to go on. Then you have to set the cam degree all that crap. I was lookin into cams then I reallized cost of cam + install (way too much possibility for messin it up) and the install cost was too much for me right now for the gains I would get.... Which is why I got a blower. I still may get some blower cams later but with my blower setup I won't need them to max the motor out on lower boost.
01-24-07, 09:47 AM
Don't waste your time Tony.
backing a shop that does such quality work is not waste of time in my book. but i do know what you meant. :twothumbsup:
Perf. Sol. told me $2,500 for install
That is a correct price; the motor must be removed from the car in order to complete this job properly
I just laughed and hung up.
No you didn’t I have no idea why you are trying to sound like a bad ass on this board but we are paid advertisers here. I have no idea why our moderators are allowing someone to bash a paid vendor.
Guy had no idea what he was talking about.
This is Dan and I gave you the quote. You say I don’t know what I am talking about yea ok. Obviously you have no clue what you are talking about thus is why you only came on there to bash our shop
Anyway I would be more then willing to work out a deal with someone who could install them
You must mean that you want some one to do all this work for free. Oh and BTW how do you figure you are going to tune this car? Do you actually think that it will tune its self? You don’t think that you are going to install cams in your garage and then drive it UN tunes do you?
(I'd be willing to pay cash up front so there is no BS).
Actually this is all BS we had quoted you a price that is way fair compared to SVC, AMP and ADS
Please post up if you're interested or even know someone who would do it. Thanks!
I don’t know what your problem is with our shop to make a thread like this. You obviously have never done a job like this and don’t know what is involved, the labor rate just for the remove and install is 18.9 hours that is 1600.00 by its self not counting the head gaskets, intake gaskets, studs nor the time to swap the valve springs over. This is right out of Chilton labor manual then you add 3-400 in tuning and a SCT switch chip with cables and switch and wala there is your price. Now when people bring there own parts the labor is more expensive at every shop I have been to. I wish you the best of luck on getting the job done correctly.
Best regards
01-24-07, 10:38 AM
Before everyone rips me a new one let me ELABORATE on my first post. 1st of all: I never said that Pef Sol. was a bad shop. I KNOW that they do good work as I've heard it from several people, IMHO I thought the quote was overpriced but apparently not. I merely stated that to ME it did not sound like the person I spoke to was knowledgeable. The phone rep asked ME how many book hours it would take since he did not know, did not offer to look it up or get back to me. I had to ask over and over for even a rough estimate which at that time he said "well I dont know probably around $2,500." Look the point I'm trying to make was that I was NOT trying to sound like a badass, I was not trying to bash Perf Solutions and I am not trying to be a dick here, I was merely asking if anyone could install them on the side for a bit less then a professional shop. I'm sorry if I offended anyone by my original post as it was not ment that way. In the end with all of your input it looks like I will just be saving for another few months and going to performance solutions to have them install them if they'd still care to work on my car, but after this misunderstanding I would understand if they wouldn't care to.
01-24-07, 10:49 AM
i think the main point to be givin' was to research things through first before calling people out. no harm man, just do your homework. :twothumbsup:
01-24-07, 11:06 AM
i think the main point to be givin' was to research things through first before calling people out. no harm man, just do your homework. :twothumbsup:
Sorry for the confusion but some of the guys on mod depot said they got their cam installs for >$1,200! Thats why I was so off on price.
Your welcome to bring your car here anytime. I also encourage you to shop around that way you are sure about the pricing for the install and the tune you're going to need.
01-24-07, 11:19 AM
Sorry for the confusion but some of the guys on mod depot said they got their cam installs for >$1,200! Thats why I was so off on price.
FYI, forum boards are not the greast for labor prices..... calling the shops and asking is....:icon_cool:
01-24-07, 11:21 AM
Im getting my car tuned there Monday. I honestly don't care too much about cost. I know they are gonna take care of me and take care of my car.
01-24-07, 11:42 AM
I've never really been a fan of having a shop work on any of my vehicles, however, I've had experience with nearly all the well known shops in the valley over the last few years.
Performance Solutions is the only place that I'd ever allow to touch a Ford Modular engine, cut and dry.
I'm glad this is resolved. Last night when I read this thread I was instantly p!$$ed off. Performance Solutions is my second home & family and we're very picky about our quality of work. If you spoke to Dan for the quote your completely wrong about the level of knowledge he has. He's probably one of the top people to speak with if you wanna go fast in a Stang or Cobra. I didn't post last night because I wanted to make sure that the price quoted include install and tuning. When I went to work and found out it did I planned to let you know what all needed to be done for your cam install to go smoothly and run properly. But all that has already been done for me, so swing by the shop anytime or when your ready for the cams. We would be happy to build your Stang.
WOW I had no idea cams were that involved lol. Here i was thinking I might buy some later on and just install them myself in my garage lol. Sounds like an impossibility.
09-18-08, 02:42 PM
WOW I had no idea cams were that involved lol. Here i was thinking I might buy some later on and just install them myself in my garage lol. Sounds like an impossibility.
Shouldnt be that hard....just have to get it tuned after.
according to other posters, the engine needs to be removed to do it properly.
09-18-08, 02:49 PM
Not that hard to remove a motor
09-18-08, 04:26 PM
correct shop time for cam install is 20 hours labor, then another 250 to swap out springs. I paid 1500 to do mine plus 250 to swap springs out. The reason the cost is so high is cause they tech pull your motor. In reality a shop will not pull your motor they will use the tool. I know on a 3v my friend just got cams done at a shop last summer and it was 800 them using the tool, plus 300 for spring swap.
oh yea add 500 for a tune also to both prices
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