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View Full Version : 1973 Ford Mustang Convertible - Mustang In Paradise

02-04-13, 05:49 PM
1973 Ford Mustang Convertible - Mustang In Paradise
Eric De Cuba drives his 1973 convertible year-round on the tropical island of Aruba (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_1301_1973_ford_mustang_convertible/)Owning and enjoying Mustangs in the United States is something we Americans take for granted. Parts for repair or restoration are readily available through hundreds of vendors, there's always someone nearby who can help with problems, and if you're interested in picking up a new one for your collection, well, there's plenty to choose from. Eric de Cuba can only wish things were so easy on the Dutch island of Aruba, located in the Caribbean Sea about 1,100 miles southeast of Cuba and just a few miles north of Venezuela.
Photo Gallery: 1973 Ford Mustang Convertible - Mustang In Paradise - Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_1301_1973_ford_mustang_convertible/)

Photo Gallery: 1973 Ford Mustang Convertible - Mustang In Paradise - Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_1301_1973_ford_mustang_convertible/)

1973 Ford Mustang Convertible - Mustang In Paradise (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_1301_1973_ford_mustang_convertible/) | Digg It (http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_1301_1973_ford_mustang_convertible/&title=1973 Ford Mustang Convertible - Mustang In Paradise) | Add to del.icio.us (http://del.icio.us/post?url=2&url=http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_1301_1973_ford_mustang_convertible/&title=1973 Ford Mustang Convertible - Mustang In Paradise)

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