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View Full Version : Breakfast Cruise In-Joe's Diner

02-04-13, 12:15 PM
We have not done a breakfast cruise-in in quite some time, therefore, we are going to have one on March 23 at Joe's Diner in Phoenix. Address is 4433 N 16th St. (http://joesdineraz.com/) A couple of us tried the place and the food was great. It is a 50's style place. The parking may be a bit cramped, but we should be able to double park and there is parking on the side street which is not busy at all. Lets start showing up around 8:30 to 9am. It would be nice to know how many of you might be attending so if you are interested, plesase email me at thenettfamily@msn.com or call 480-213-8722.


02-06-13, 11:49 AM
Ill put this on www.AzPonys.com (http://www.AzPonys.com) with a link back here to HPS. Count me in!

03-05-13, 12:25 PM
Hey all, I know I put this out there way in advance, but March 23 will be here before you know it. Get this cruise in on your calendars. It you are interested in attending, please let me know so I can get some type of head count. Even if you don't know until that morning, still come out and enjoy the cars, breakfast and conversation.

03-05-13, 08:40 PM
Cool! Gonna Be there!!

03-05-13, 10:13 PM
Ill be there.

03-06-13, 08:49 PM
Aaarghhh.. A day after my bday,would go but i"m signed up for the Apache Wells car show..:sad2: