View Full Version : Rock and Roll Pony Show March 31st!!!!
01-18-07, 06:48 PM
Trish and Joni are the leads on this one!!! Really cool stuff planned!!!
01-18-07, 06:51 PM
Here is the Flyer!!!!!
01-18-07, 07:00 PM
:woot1: It looks great for sure, Make sure you sign up early, its going to be one hell of a good time!!!!!!!:woot1:
01-18-07, 07:39 PM
i cannot wait! looks like a good time for sure. :woot1:
01-18-07, 08:58 PM
Hey!! This is going to be one cool-o-mundo Car Show
01-18-07, 09:00 PM
Oh yeah.....Hey!!!!!!!! You all who wanted to go on a cruise, Ole torchy skippy will be putting one together sunday after the show, so make sure you sign up whoo hoooo:woot1:
01-18-07, 09:04 PM
so i take it by reading the tiny print on that flyer that this will be in the same lot that we just had the svtoa toy rally in? if so, that is sweet. that is a perfect parking lot for a show.
01-18-07, 09:06 PM
so i take it by reading the tiny print on that flyer that this will be in the same lot that we just had the svtoa toy rally in? if so, that is sweet. that is a perfect parking lot for a show.
Yeah the toys for tots function. If you want to help just come to one of the meetings, we can use all the help we can get:twothumbsup:
Next show meeting will be on Jan 31st possibly at Berge, that way all the helpers can get a view of what we have to work with as in parking the vendor set up etc..
01-18-07, 09:11 PM
Oh yeah.....He all who wanted to go on a cruise, Ole torchy skippy will be putting one together sunday after the show, so make sure you sign up whoo hoooo:woot1:
Thats right! We will be doing the backway up to Prescott, via Wickenburg, and Yarnell Hill. Real neat Photo Op spot, about 98% of the way up Yarnell, where we will be able to Photo our Pony's alongside the guardrail, with the Saguaro studded desert below. Chris B has expressed an intrest in shooting a Video of our Cars, as they Crest the Hill, and round the last curve into Yarnell. The Mach 1 Guys know about this one!
01-18-07, 09:30 PM
its all comming together and the fact that Kristen is a mustang freak just makes so much easier!!!!
01-18-07, 09:33 PM
its all comming together and the fact that Kristen is a mustang freak just makes so much easier!!!!
My kinda girl friend. Whoo hooo, hey Dave does she know about this site yet? That would be cool to get them all on here too hehehe:twothumbsup:
01-18-07, 09:37 PM
I'm bringing it up on Saturday morning at the SVTOA Meeting at Berge!!
01-23-07, 10:07 PM
Hey Dave, I got the Game trailer to show up, he is very excited about it too. I had Scott send him the application in Email. Whooooooo hoooooooooo:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
01-23-07, 10:12 PM
Super!!!! I hope we have enough room for all the stuff, we are gonna really show the soemthin!!!!:bouncy:
Thats right! We will be doing the backway up to Prescott, via Wickenburg, and Yarnell Hill. Real neat Photo Op spot, about 98% of the way up Yarnell, where we will be able to Photo our Pony's alongside the guardrail, with the Saguaro studded desert below. Chris B has expressed an intrest in shooting a Video of our Cars, as they Crest the Hill, and round the last curve into Yarnell. The Mach 1 Guys know about this one!
Sent in my registration for the show last week. As for the cruise... it does seem kinda fimiliar.
02-11-07, 07:20 PM
Whooo hooo one more yeah!!!!
02-11-07, 07:38 PM
Nice shots!! Alot of us have never been up that way and it sure is beautiful!!! and fun to drive!!:yes:
Mr. Austin
01-07-09, 10:56 PM
is this show going to be annual? love this show. time for another isnt it?!?!
01-08-09, 07:53 AM
Yes Third annual Rock N Roll Pony Show under the lights will be March 28th. More Details to follow.......
01-08-09, 07:54 AM
gonna be a fun show! like there was any doubt that a copperstate mustang show would not be. :twothumbsup: :woot2:
Dave, I think you got the wrong flyer :) The show's on the 28th - right? Can't wait and the drive on Sunday sounds rockin too!
01-08-09, 05:45 PM
Funny!!!! This was last years show...He haw!!
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