View Full Version : get together to say goodbye to Rick

10-11-12, 07:32 PM
For anyone that didn't know we are having a get together to wish Rick
well in his journey to his new home in colorado he will be leaving sunday
if you would like to join us we will be at sardellas pizza at 83th and lake pleasent parkway
south east corner of the old safeway cruise parking lot starting at 7pm this friday nite
10/12 everyone is welcome

Rick Shopmier
10-13-12, 08:34 AM
Thanks for the great send-off. I didn't imagine so many to show up, thanks for the great gifts, and to Kev, love the Shelby with the club logo on the roof, that had to be work and it will occupy a special place in my new office. Thank you Dennis and Donna for making this happen and will always consider you special friends. Getting ready to head down to Joe's for my last tech day, bringing donuts. Cheers to all, Rick.

10-13-12, 03:44 PM
Ahh .. As my "pointed ear type" friends would say... Live Long & Prosper" ! :biglaugh: Enjoy ! :sadwavey::tearsofjoy:

10-14-12, 03:04 PM
good luck my friend have a safe trip