View Full Version : 2012 Turkey Run and show..
08-11-12, 10:45 AM
Ok I heard that no one stepped up and wanted to be "chairperson" for the Turkey Run this year... C'mon! Last year was great, sold out! Whats going on over there!! There will be more than enough folks to help out, just need someone to coordinate this event... Someone light a firecracker over there. I said I would help along with several others....
COME ON!:jump:
08-13-12, 12:39 PM
Burn out, i am guessing.
Ya you wont get much from me on helping AZMCC. Ill help Copperstate or WWM but AZMCC is done in my book.
08-19-12, 09:46 AM
Ouch, dude!
08-19-12, 06:18 PM
Ouch, dude!
You should have seen what they said to Joe. Totally overboard.
08-19-12, 11:27 PM
You should have seen what they said to Joe. Totally overboard.
Yeah and it got worse Saturday Night.... But the fact is when secret meetings are held and e mails sent out blasting members that are only trying to help out, well then its for me to fly.....:1cool:
08-20-12, 02:50 AM
It's sad though because the Mustang crowd should be sticking together. I know Joe was only meaning to give constructive criticism to try to help out. But when it's not wanted I guess there's nothing you can really do.
08-23-12, 11:55 AM
It's sad though because the Mustang crowd should be sticking together. I know Joe was only meaning to give constructive criticism to try to help out. But when it's not wanted I guess there's nothing you can really do.
It's a shame no one contacted the AZMCC for an honest explaination. Constructive criticism can be good, and bad especially if you do not know what generated a situation originally. If any of you want an explaination of the e-mail or the letter, just ask. The meeting was not secret. An initial Board Meeting was not out of line, nor is a disciplinary meeting. Talking about one behind one's back is not good nor is believing one side of something either. There has to be a good reason if Club Officers in an official Club Meeting come to the same conclusion.
It's sad when one person explodes and ruins the Mustang fun we all want to have. You are correct, we should be sticking together. We should not let one person ruin it for the rest of us. And it's sad some people cannot see how abusively talking down to other Clubs members, including the younger members as well as a female member is just not good for the Mustang crowd as a whole.
Anyone can talk to me at anytime about the AZMCC and how the Club is run and the direction we are heading with new Officers.
Jim P., Director
08-23-12, 01:47 PM
It's a shame no one contacted the AZMCC for an honest explaination. Constructive criticism can be good, and bad especially if you do not know what generated a situation originally. If any of you want an explaination of the e-mail or the letter, just ask. The meeting was not secret. An initial Board Meeting was not out of line, nor is a disciplinary meeting. Talking about one behind one's back is not good nor is believing one side of something either. There has to be a good reason if Club Officers in an official Club Meeting come to the same conclusion.It's sad when one person explodes and ruins the Mustang fun we all want to have. You are correct, we should be sticking together. We should not let one person ruin it for the rest of us. And it's sad some people cannot see how abusively talking down to other Clubs members, including the younger members as well as a female member is just not good for the Mustang crowd as a whole.Anyone can talk to me at anytime about the AZMCC and how the Club is run and the direction we are heading with new Officers.Jim P., DirectorAZMCCIt was a shame that happened Saturday night and should never happened. The e mail that was sent to Hank and then was forwarded by someone on the board of AZMCC was what set this chain with me in motion. Hank has always been there to help out. There was no mis interpreting that. It hurt a lot of people.
Jim your posting doesn't even make sense. Theres really not an honest explanation, only yours.
You chase me around with emails asking that I renew my membership, you threaten in an email if you don't receive the dues you will be removing me from the website and I would receive no further communication from the AZMCC. Keep in mind that I was one of very few members that paid last year since you had open enrollment for new members giving them the first year free, I paid.
So I go to the August meeting and you again ask me if I'm going to renew, I said I was but I wanted to know what direction the club was going since we don't do hardly anything as a club. Nor have I been able to get a club tshirt in a year!!!!
You've been asked by many members to stop treating the meetings like 2nd grade with all the bells and whistles on the computer, and have even gone so far as to tell people that you like it, so that's all that matters.
You disrespect Hank and Dave in an email, with 2 guys that bend over backwards to try to help the Mustang community. You truly don't want to listen to anyone. Your club is structured so that no body can be voted out because they are in a position of trust. You have a general meeting on Wednesday the 8th and on Sunday the 12th you have a secret meeting that not one single general meeting person was even made aware of. Copperstate & WWM have general meetings as well as board member meetings but it is always 100% open to anyone that wants to attend and all are made aware of it.
When Hank asked you about it you you tell him if he doesn't like it to bad, or I quote "If you are not happy with the way I am running this Club then by all means go to the WWMC or Copperstate and enjoy the camaraderie of their members. I now have a strong backing of support in the AZMCC, that being our MC, and I am going to use that to continue to improve this Club as best as I can with their help."
As the above statement shows Jim does not care what other members think, its his way or no way.
Or how about the classic nobody knows Dave Jacobelli and I quote.
I am not going to send this message to the AZMCC from a member who is not even known to almost every AZMCC member, does not even attend our meetings and seldom comes to the Pavilions to mix with those folks he may be trying to rally."
On the contrary Jim most people don't know who you are.
You don't like to be questioned on any level. Also you can try to say I talk about you behind your back? Except you and I have been butting heads many times because I always tell you what I don't like.
I definitely should have handled you better at the Pavs but it was a build up, for the last year every time Ive tried to talk to you, you would either avoid me, or say you didn't think it was important enough to talk about this or that, or tell me your sorry you acted that way because your so sick and not feeling well.
You scolded me like a little child once at a car show because the cars were not being parked the way you envisioned it in your mind. If that's the case you should have parked the cars and not asked anyone for help. Then to top it off you chasing me around trying to get me to pay dues, when I give you the money you send me a letter a week later telling me you and your secret meeting people decided I should be voted out. That was the tip of the iceberg for me. Or how about Terry telling you the previous Saturday he was going to kick your azz and quitting the club and taking his AZMCC Secretary wife with him. You act as if it is none of your fault
You've even gone so far as to tell grown adult men in meetings that they need to turn there cell phones off while in your meetings. You yelled at me one night when I answered the phone in your meeting to tell another NEW member what room the meeting was being held in at Power Ford.
You know the thing that gets me is I even donated to your cause when people were taking a collection up to help you with your car, I even spent a considerable amount of time with Andy Sievers trying to locate parts for your lowered car trying to find springs. I never received that donation back either. Then you remove Andy from your site when the guy has very little money after losing his job. Jim you seem to want compassion but you don't give any.
So if you want to believe you are without any fault so be it. I came to your meetings basically to go out to eat with some of the guys that went to your meetings, so not being in the fast sinking AZMCC is no loss to me.
I find it comical now actually and now the AZMCC has "disciplinary meetings". Sounds pretty nutty to me.
My opinion is AZMCC cant hold a candle to WWM or Copperstate.
I know who my friends are in the clubs, the rest are just people that drive a Mustang.
I'm done talking about this.
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