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View Full Version : 4.0 overheating..

07-30-12, 12:28 PM
i need to use you guys for your knowledge and see if anyone else has has this issue and what fixed it...

My car managed to overheat on me in Vegas last week. I have had several issues with radiator caps so i got a new one and headed on my way. turns out that wasnt the issue. My cooling fan was not turning on. i was able to drive it home since the wind forcing through the rad was enough to keep the engine cool. (only had a couple issues climbing hills) so i know its not the tstat.

so far i have replaced both fan relays and the pcm power relay since it was getting hot for some reason, and the fan assy. i can get the low speed fan to kick on but the funny thing is i had to reflash my car to stock to get that to happen.. kind of odd i thought. i even reflashed to the program i was using and the fan would not kick on at all..

right now the fan will not kick on with the a/c on or once it gets above 220.

i know the temp sender is working because i could watch the temp climb and fall with my scanner.. untill i turned on the ac and the fan shut off.

my next thing is to look for a loose or broken wire?

so my question is... have any of you had this issue??

07-31-12, 06:28 AM
Defiantly look for a loose wire to start.

07-31-12, 10:05 AM
checked all the wires.. were fine. double checked my relays.. must have gotten a bad one from autozone. swapped in a diffrent one and it seems to be working now. good thing, cause i was pulling my hair out.

07-31-12, 10:45 AM
Eeeek! hope your hair grows back!

07-31-12, 10:52 AM
Eeeek! hope your hair grows back!

EHHH... hair is over rated anywy.. :laufhing:

08-13-12, 04:13 PM
well... i was wrong.. its not fixed. once it gets above 221 the fans shut off. i have it going in to sanderson this week. im tired of throwing money at it.


turns out it was a burnt pin in the pcm. Sanderson was able to replace the pin and get me rolling again.