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View Full Version : Russo & Steele: Montery Invitation for CMC members

07-08-12, 12:02 PM
Russo & Steele has invited CMC members to Montery, CA August 16-18 with complimentary passes for all three days. Please PM me with your email and I will send you a special CMC link to register. Each invitation is good for two entry passes you can pick up at the "will call" window when you arrive. Many of us meet at the Scottsdale show each January and take advantage of the complimentary passes.

Sorry, this is for admission only, you have to cover your food, trnasportation and lodging and of course any vehicles you might purchase.

07-10-12, 04:35 PM
Hank will you post this on my site? I might be interested I would just like to see who's going first. Has anyone responded to you yet?