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View Full Version : Rt 66 Car Show Sept 7~9 Flagstaff

05-01-12, 12:26 AM
This is a great show to get us out of the heat. They only have room for 425 entries and as of today they have 250 already. Send in your registration now and don't forget to book your room too. There are usually 3 groups that caravan up: 1 group on Friday morning, then Friday afternoon/evening then another Saturday morning. Many of us meet for a pot luck dinner at 6pm Saturday at the Ramada West Hotel.


Anyone want to make the Friday morning trip through Prescott again?

See you there!

Rick Shopmier
05-01-12, 08:37 AM
Yup, I'm going. Let's get all three clubs at this event.

05-01-12, 11:00 AM
Yup, I'm going. Let's get all three clubs at this event.
3clubs im here all clubs presented going on friday booked early ##21:jump:

05-01-12, 09:43 PM
Sent ours in today I imagine around 250 260 ish...

05-04-12, 02:17 PM
Always a great show...

05-11-12, 01:10 PM
We are signed up and have the hotel room. Is always a great show and the weather can't be beat.

05-11-12, 11:28 PM
Not this year for me - got a college reunion in Fort Collins that weekend. Guess it won't be 5 in a row for me.

Rick Shopmier
05-31-12, 08:51 PM
Got my registration number....223. It's "hot", I'm thinking about September all ready. It's goin to be one long, freakin hot summer.

05-31-12, 10:12 PM
I sure miss this car show :( im going to the next one damn it. Come 2013 i will be there! (i hope...) havent been to this show sense 2009 :(

06-04-12, 11:00 PM
Got our numbers today 253/4.....

Rick Shopmier
07-04-12, 10:22 AM
'bout 2 months out and ready to go. Go'n to Flag next week for 3 days of mid-summer cool down and a little recon for the run to the event. I am goin to check a different route up and back and will post up what they are like, any suggestions? Lookin for some old bits of the original Rt 66. Some of the ones I found between Williams and Flag are not recommended for Mustangs, and one is purly 4X. If you have not signed-up yet, suggest contacting the club befor you go. As many can attest this is the best way to end the summer. For those new to the area, you gotta do this. Heres a little teaser pic from last year.....looks kinda cool.

07-04-12, 11:15 AM
Something better than Phx-Prescott-Flagstaff? Has to have a good place for lunch. I'm sure we can arrange lunch with the town council memebrs again in Prescott. Let us know what you find. This time I'm going to continue through Williams and not take I-17.

'bout 2 months out and ready to go. Go'n to Flag next week for 3 days of mid-summer cool down and a little recon for the run to the event. I am goin to check a different route up and back and will post up what they are like, any suggestions? Lookin for some old bits of the original Rt 66. Some of the ones I found between Williams and Flag are not recommended for Mustangs, and one is purly 4X. If you have not signed-up yet, suggest contacting the club befor you go. As many can attest this is the best way to end the summer. For those new to the area, you gotta do this. Heres a little teaser pic from last year.....looks kinda cool.

07-04-12, 12:31 PM
I'm ready! Even though its only 78 today, July 4th!!!!

07-27-12, 09:50 AM
For the morning cruise up to Flagstaff on Friday 7/7/12, what about having lunch at Sonic in Prescott? Great way to show off our cars and be by them or do you want a sit down restaurant? I'm trying to get a heaedcount so we know how much room we need. Please respond.


Rick Shopmier
07-27-12, 12:19 PM
I'm ok with the Sonic (where is it). I still plan to do Wickeburg to Prescott like last year. Went to Flag a couple of weeks ago and the roads are good with just a little shoulder work in the twisties. Thinkin road trip!!!!!!!!!

07-27-12, 01:08 PM
Sonic is North of the town square, off 89 on Whipple Street. Seems easier than a sit down restaurant, but we're open to suggestions. Or we can do the parking garage and Firehouse Restaurant again.

Oh yes, we're still doing the meet in North and West Phoenix then Wickenburg, and up Yarnell Hill. It wouldn't be the same without that.

I'm ok with the Sonic (where is it). I still plan to do Wickeburg to Prescott like last year. Went to Flag a couple of weeks ago and the roads are good with just a little shoulder work in the twisties. Thinkin road trip!!!!!!!!!

07-30-12, 09:43 AM

Please let me know who is going up on Friday for lunch in Prescott and then cruise to Flagstaff for the show check-in. I'm trying to get a head count.


07-30-12, 10:07 AM
Please let me know who is going up on Friday for lunch in Prescott and then cruise to Flagstaff for the show check-in. I'm trying to get a head count.

Hank I know Marine John, Bonnie and myself will be going on Friday.

Rick Shopmier
07-30-12, 12:00 PM
Friday am for me too. Jones Ford now has the old Chevy dealer location (hurah) as you come into Wickenburg on US60. I can check with them to see if they would host a meeting point/break stop before the run up Yarnell to Prescott. Lemme know if interested. This year we need to do a better job with the caravans so we meet on time and stay together to avoid the problems we had last year. I will again shoot video (have HD this year) and any one else with a cam could shoot and we can build a real movie. I have last years video, shown it a Hanks, maybe all of us going could do a movie nite before the run to show it again. Thirty nine days and counting, I am so ready to go! :hellothere:

07-30-12, 02:11 PM
Sounds like the start of a good crowd. Hope everyone joins in for the lunch run.

Maybe we can get a few volunteers (east, west side and north maybe) to keep in touch by phone on progress. I don't think we did too badly with me hitting my garage and John's battery needing replacement before we we left Costco. Should we just meet at the Burger King in Wickenburg again, so we're facing the correct direction for departure?

I know a few of us will be taking it a little easier up the twisties after seeing those rescue photos last year. Andy fixed my front end clunk, so I'm ready for it.

Buddy stopped at Sonic in Prescott and got the managers number. We'll call him the day before with an approximate number of people and he'll bring in extra staff. If you don't want to eat in your car there are picnic tables out front.

I'm ok with a Thursday night movie if anyone wants. Maybe we could set up a couple of people heading out first to shoot the cars coming by, then a few different folks leave early from the next stop so everyone will have a chance to get in the movie.

Berge group should leave by 8:15am to arrive at Costco and leave with that group at 9am to arrive in Wickenburg by 10. West side leave at 9am? Leave Wickenburg at 10:15 to arrive in Prescott/Sonic around 12.

07-30-12, 07:12 PM
Sounds like the start of a good crowd. Hope everyone joins in for the lunch run.Maybe we can get a few volunteers (east, west side and north maybe) to keep in touch by phone on progress. I don't think we did too badly with me hitting my garage and John's battery needing replacement before we we left Costco. Should we just meet at the Burger King in Wickenburg again, so we're facing the correct direction for departure?I know a few of us will be taking it a little easier up the twisties after seeing those rescue photos last year. Andy fixed my front end clunk, so I'm ready for it.Buddy stopped at Sonic in Prescott and got the managers number. We'll call him the day before with an approximate number of people and he'll bring in extra staff. If you don't want to eat in your car there are picnic tables out front.I'm ok with a Thursday night movie if anyone wants. Maybe we could set up a couple of people heading out first to shoot the cars coming by, then a few different folks leave early from the next stop so everyone will have a chance to get in the movie.Berge group should leave by 8:15am to arrive at Costco and leave with that group at 9am to arrive in Wickenburg by 10. West side leave at 9am? Leave Wickenburg at 10:15 to arrive in Prescott/Sonic around 12.I'm in for the Friday cruise as well. Won't be going all the way to flag though. Will probably make a side trip to sedona after Prescott for some photo and video ops.

07-30-12, 07:40 PM
Man Tyler how come you don't come to any of these things?

07-30-12, 08:07 PM
Been doing too much work to the car lately. That is about to stop though so we should be able to pick up with the car shows here pretty soon. We have just been trying to get as much done as possible lately.

Rick Shopmier
08-04-12, 06:22 PM
Next week is going to be stupid hot, in the teens. Goin to Flag on Wed. to cool my jets, again. Will be looking for good water holes for the RT-66 run, can't wait. Headed for Utah and Track Attack on the 20th.....ready for that too!

08-04-12, 06:56 PM
Oh man! Have fun...

Have you seen the old, preserved section of Route 66 just before the mall? I asked a local if we could drive on it to take pictures of the group. He said he thinks so. I didn't see any signs saying you couldn't drive on it. Great photo op.

I have not heard much if everyone is ok with Sonic for a lunch stop in Prescott. I got some t-shirts to give away during lunch.

Next week is going to be stupid hot, in the teens. Goin to Flag on Wed. to cool my jets, again. Will be looking for good water holes for the RT-66 run, can't wait. Headed for Utah and Track Attack on the 20th.....ready for that too!

Rick Shopmier
08-04-12, 07:17 PM
Yes you can drive on it, we did. See attached pics from last year with Andy and John V. We stopped and picked up bits of concrete longside the road....free souviners of the original MOTHER ROAD. This would be a great thing to do after breakfast on Sunday morning. Yup, thats the 66 on Rt66, can it get any better than that?

08-04-12, 07:34 PM
Damn Rick - that was a beautiful 66 Fastback. How could you dare part with that? Even with a Boss 302 replacement?

08-04-12, 09:22 PM
The area we found has Rt 66 signs at either end and a picnic ramada in the middle. The pavement is not covered, it is original concrete. There is a gravel access road from the current Rt 66/190/89 where it turns right onto 180 (right side of the photo). You can see it here:

Yes you can drive on it, we did. See attached pics from last year with Andy and John V. We stopped and picked up bits of concrete longside the road....free souviners of the original MOTHER ROAD. This would be a great thing to do after breakfast on Sunday morning. Yup, thats the 66 on Rt66, can it get any better than that?

Rick Shopmier
08-04-12, 11:09 PM
Hank, what you are looking at is the walking trail (not drivable) using the original road bed. Just east of that is the turn off from Santa Fe Drive to 180/Old Route 66 (driveable) that takes you past the auto mall and on to US40. Its a rough asphault then patched concrete (original road surface) that is still open and driveable. I have found some other sections of the original 66 between Flag and Williams, unfortunatly the concrete is gone and are now dirt. I don't recommend these for the Mustangs but great if you have a pickup (all the orginal 66 bridges are in place on these roads). 66Pony, yea the car looked great last year but I had it for 21 years, the paint(18 yo) was starting to look its age and was going to need big bux. I have great memories and lots of pix so I don't really miss it, got top dollar, so a good decision. As for the BOSS, that was the only possible choice for replacement. I like the BOSS and all that goes with it, it is a keeper. May look for a 66 or 67 coupe to make a street/track car.

08-05-12, 12:04 AM
Welll, at least I have a good shot of my car on it. We didn't see any signs saying no driving. The local club suggested it would be ok to drive on for a photo.

Hank, what you are looking at is the walking trail (not drivable) using the original road bed.

08-06-12, 01:29 AM
I got some Rt 66 t-shirts to give out as door prizes during lunch on Friday 9/7/12.

08-07-12, 12:28 AM

08-08-12, 10:02 AM
I'm ready to go. Just a few short weeks away. It was a great cruise last year, except for a little rain. I remember a pretty good turn out and I hope we have even more participation this year. :thmbsup:

08-08-12, 04:53 PM
So who's going and on what day? Who plans on leaving on Friday???
I know so far in my little group we have Marine John, John Valencia, Wade and myself going.

Hank please save me a XXL Tee if there is one! :icon_smile:

I'm ready to go NOW!!! Come on cooler weather, time to let the dogs out woof!

08-08-12, 10:33 PM
I cant go to Flag, but i'm up for a cruise and lunch,then back on Friday :pepper:

08-08-12, 11:12 PM
Well, I only have 6 shirts so we'll have to draw for them.

I'm ready to go too.

So who's going and on what day? Who plans on leaving on Friday???
I know so far in my little group we have Marine John, John Valencia, Wade and myself going.

Hank please save me a XXL Tee if there is one! :icon_smile:

I'm ready to go NOW!!! Come on cooler weather, time to let the dogs out woof!

08-09-12, 12:32 AM
Can't wait for the cruise. See everyone in Wickenburg!

08-09-12, 12:40 AM
I'm going to email directions to those who request them. When and where is the west side group leaving from to meet us in Wickenburg? East side can leave Berge at 8:15am to meet the N Phoenix crew at Costco (Cave Creek & 101) at 9am.

Rick Shopmier
08-09-12, 11:24 AM
It is stupid hot, 118 degrees yesterday on my patio in the shade, geez. I plan on meeting in Wickenburg at the Shell Station (on right side of US60) at about 10:00. Not to be confused that is the second Shell as you come into town and next to the Burger King. I was going to Flag for a couple of days but my plans got changed due to appointments, stuck here hiding from the heat. Some of you think I'm nuts wanting to move back to Colorado, think again.

08-09-12, 12:07 PM
I'm leaving with the Costco crew.

08-09-12, 02:43 PM
I thought BK was a good choice to stop (plenty of restroom space and snacks if needed). No one is meeting on the west side at 9?

The absence of snow in the winter keeps me here.

It is stupid hot, 118 degrees yesterday on my patio in the shade, geez. I plan on meeting in Wickenburg at the Shell Station (on right side of US60) at about 10:00. Not to be confused that is the second Shell as you come into town and next to the Burger King. I was going to Flag for a couple of days but my plans got changed due to appointments, stuck here hiding from the heat. Some of you think I'm nuts wanting to move back to Colorado, think again.

08-09-12, 05:44 PM
Well if anyone on the west side wants to meet up we can always do like we normally do and meet up at the starbucks on bell and grand at 9am. If no one chimes in im not going go there and sit and wait for people if no one is coming. So if you want to meet on the west side please chime in.

And BK was a good choice, lots of parking, food, restrooms. Easy to get in and out of.

08-09-12, 11:06 PM
Tyler it would be worth the drive to the 101 and Cave Creek if you want to go with a Caravan and no west siders are going..

08-10-12, 10:48 AM
Hi All-I just got this message from John at the Route 66 car club:

"I just wanted to give you an update on the Friday night activities for Route 66 Days so you can pass it on to your group.

We will not be having a Poker Run on Friday night this year. Traffic is too crazy up here on Friday afternoons so we have to plan the Poker Run for the evening and it's getting hard to find places that are (1) Big enough to handle a large group of cars at one time and (2) have enough lights at night to see what we're doing.

So...we're going to be hosting a Cruise Night at Freddy's Steakburgers on Beulah Boulevard (near Walmart) from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. We will be having music and awards for Freddy's Choice Top 5.

Also the show is sold out."

Looks like Freddy's for dinner Friday Sept 7 at 6pm.

Rick Shopmier
08-10-12, 12:32 PM
Like the location, close to our lodging, but with 28 parking spaces, gonna be tight. I am sure they have some kind of plan. I am soooooo ready to go. Less than a month to go.

08-10-12, 02:07 PM

I will meet you at the Starbucks at Bell & Grand at 9:00 Sharp. Will you have a radio?


08-10-12, 04:06 PM
John said they have the use of the credit union parking lot next door and they're working with Walmart to use some of their lot as overflow if needed. They have had cruise nights at Freddy's with over 100 cars, so we should be fine. They have it covered.

Like the location, close to our lodging, but with 28 parking spaces, gonna be tight. I am sure they have some kind of plan. I am soooooo ready to go. Less than a month to go.

08-10-12, 05:06 PM
double post

08-10-12, 05:07 PM

I will meet you at the Starbucks at Bell & Grand at 9:00 Sharp. Will you have a radio?


Sounds good I will see you there. Unfortunately I don't have any radios.

08-11-12, 10:47 AM
Ok just how close is this to the southwest Walmart???

08-11-12, 10:53 AM
Ok scratch that is right across the street! Not much parking but like Rick said, Wally World has enough but watch your cars there!

One word...Shopping Carts...ops thats 2....

08-11-12, 04:48 PM
We'll use the far corner of the Wally World lot. I don't think most of their customers would waddle that far away form the front door. Plus we'll be in the general vinictiy of our cars with alot of other car people. And we should be there early, since its across from our hotel.

Ok scratch that is right across the street! Not much parking but like Rick said, Wally World has enough but watch your cars there!

One word...Shopping Carts...ops thats 2....

08-11-12, 10:58 PM
You can see the Freddy's from the front of the Ramada Inn west, its literally walking distance.

08-12-12, 10:18 PM
I have the updated directions for the Friday 9/7/12 cruise. PM me with your email adddress if you would like a copy.

Rick Shopmier
08-28-12, 09:16 AM
10 or 11 days, no matter how you count em, the clock is running to Route 66 Days. Was in Flag last Friday, it was nice in the 70's. Time to dust of the ol fun hat:thumbsup:, grab the driving gloves and hit the road. I'm ready to roll!:jump:

08-29-12, 12:48 AM
Im ready as well! Wish it was this Friday!!

Rick Shopmier
09-02-12, 09:25 AM
Tick, Tick, Tick! It's getting closer. Are you ready?

09-02-12, 12:22 PM

09-02-12, 01:05 PM
I'm parked at Costco. Where are you guys?

Tick, Tick, Tick! It's getting closer. Are you ready?

09-03-12, 01:06 AM

I will meet you at the Starbucks at Bell & Grand at 9:00 Sharp. Will you have a radio?


Hey Blaine, I won't be able to make this event so I just wanted to let you know so you don't have to wait at Starbucks.

09-03-12, 01:21 AM
Sorry to hear you can't make it. Were you registered for the show? We have a member that's wants to go but it's sold out. I can give you his contact info.

Hey Blaine, I won't be able to make this event so I just wanted to let you know so you don't have to wait at Starbucks.

09-03-12, 05:45 AM
No wasn't registered for the show. Was just gonna cruise up to prescott with the group.

09-04-12, 01:03 AM
WTF Tyler!!!

09-04-12, 03:09 AM
Socal and Disneyland. Free tickets to Disneyland.

09-04-12, 01:47 PM
Were going to have to change your name to Mr. Antisocial! :biggrin1:

09-04-12, 03:07 PM
Hey Blaine, I won't be able to make this event so I just wanted to let you know so you don't have to wait at Starbucks.

No worries Tyler I'll meeet up with the guys at Costco. See you on the next cruise.

09-04-12, 05:21 PM
No worries Tyler I'll meeet up with the guys at Costco. See you on the next cruise.

Sounds good Blaine! Hope ya guys have fun and definitely want to see some sweet pics!

09-04-12, 11:44 PM
Sorry, but if I got tix to Disneyland I'd be there with the family right now!

Were going to have to change your name to Mr. Antisocial! :biggrin1:

09-05-12, 12:04 AM
Disneyland over a car event is way to boring to me. Especially one of the best ones of the year. Have fun use lots of germx.

09-05-12, 12:27 AM
Sorry, but if I got tix to Disneyland I'd be there with the family right now!

That's what I'm saying. Plus this last weekend was labor day there so extremely crowded there and the weekend of the 14th is Halloween time at Disneyland which is extremely crowded as well. So I'm hoping this coming weekend will have the lower crowds, especially for Cars Land. I heard the wait time at their new Cars Land roller coaster is like 1-2 hours pretty much all day.

09-05-12, 12:52 AM
Get there before rope drop, run to Fastpass for Radiator Springs Racers then see some other sights and rides while you wait for your fastpass time to come up. Be sure to look at www.micechat.com for tips and info.

Disneyland with the entire family works out better than a car show with just 2 of us. Gotta keep the peace. That said see you in a couple of days at Costco for a 9am departure.

That's what I'm saying. Plus this last weekend was labor day there so extremely crowded there and the weekend of the 14th is Halloween time at Disneyland which is extremely crowded as well. So I'm hoping this coming weekend will have the lower crowds, especially for Cars Land. I heard the wait time at their new Cars Land roller coaster is like 1-2 hours pretty much all day.

Rick Shopmier
09-05-12, 09:35 AM
48 hours and counting. Checked with the Weather Channel last nite, slight chance of showers on Friday afternoon, a little more chance on Saturday afternoon and Sunday is more likely during the day. Sunday looks likely for showers state wide. Not trying to pupu the event just so no one panics and is just prepaired. I definitly don't think we will have hail or the Saturday nite storm we had last year that was a fluke. We will have fun and the cool air will be worth it. ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!

09-05-12, 10:43 AM
Lets hope it doesn't rain, with the low chances maybe it wont. It doesn't matter to me for a change I want cooler weather more than I care about a clean car. 2 days and counting. :thmbsup:

Wades GT
09-05-12, 06:49 PM

09-05-12, 09:48 PM
There is always a chance this time of year, cars wont melt!

09-06-12, 09:03 AM
I might melt though. Still debating trying to stop at the strip of Route 66 on the East end of Flagstaff for a photo op with everyone...

There is always a chance this time of year, cars wont melt!

Rick Shopmier
09-06-12, 10:38 AM
BOSS is fueled, washed and packed. The dog is anxiously waiting to go to the doggy hotel (not really).

If you are a westsider and want to meet Dennis and me at the Paradise Bakery (on Bell Rd just west of Litchfield Rd, 2 blocks west of Grand Ave/US60) at 8:30 for coffee/drink and a bagel/muffin. We plan to depart at 9:15 for Wickyberg.

Man Rule #2: "Refer to MR #1"

09-06-12, 02:14 PM
BOSS is fueled, washed and packed. The dog is anxiously waiting to go to the doggy hotel (not really).

If you are a westsider and want to meet Dennis and me at the Paradise Bakery (on Bell Rd just west of Litchfield Rd, 2 blocks west of Grand Ave/US60) at 8:30 for coffee/drink and a bagel/muffin. We plan to depart at 9:15 for Wickyberg.

Man Rule #2: "Refer to MR #1"

Hey Rick, I will meet you guys there. Going to Costco is out of my way. See you at 8:30


Rick Shopmier
09-06-12, 03:39 PM
We'll see ya there. I park in the back of the burger place parking lot next door.

09-07-12, 01:03 AM
Is it almost time to leave yet?

09-07-12, 01:10 AM
Is it almost time to leave yet?

9 hours to go, crap I need to go to sleep! :laughing:

Rick Shopmier
09-07-12, 06:44 AM
It's Firday!!!!!!!!!!!:drool5: Time to go!!!!!!!!!:jump:

09-07-12, 08:13 AM
Its raining :icon_neutral: Seems its suppose to rain off and on all day.

09-07-12, 08:23 AM
Just looked at the weather radar and it looks like we may hit a few scattered showers on the route today.

Oh well, pack the cleaning and detailing supplies...:icon_smile:

09-07-12, 08:58 AM
And loving it!

09-07-12, 09:03 AM
ya its wonderful. :thumbsdown:

09-07-12, 12:59 PM
Anybody going for the drive of it Saturday hit me up.

Wades GT
09-08-12, 12:51 AM
Here are some pics of the drive up..............

Some more pics here.............................
Im going to bed

09-08-12, 06:29 PM
Thanks for the update/pics, for us ,who couldn't go . Most appreciated !!:awsome:

Rick Shopmier
09-09-12, 01:23 PM
Great pics, Wade. I tried to upload mine, but the site keep giving a fail message. Need to find out what gives, are my files to large? Any suggestions. This weekend was awsome, no rain once we got to Flag, show came off perfect and them damn Camaros beat us out of the club participation trophy. Next year we all have to register under a single club, and we need to bring the individual club banners to show. Also on a happy note....no fn Busch's in the chase. Wuha!

09-13-12, 12:32 AM
another yellow mach 1??? looks like i missed my cars twin on this one.

09-14-12, 09:01 PM
:dunno:Soooo.. How many showed up ? Who won BEST award ?(of all cars ?) Gas expensive up there ? Weather ?:dunno:

09-14-12, 10:38 PM
We had about thirty Mustangs from Phoenix/Tucson meet Saturday morning and caravan to the show. The show has a max of 425 entries (and it was sold out weeks in advance). Premium was just under $4/gal. Weather was great on Saturday with a high of 75. The best represented club was Camaro Club. Next year we have to pool all our Mustangs under one club name to win that award. There were five top vehicles and here are four of them:

:dunno:Soooo.. How many showed up ? Who won BEST award ?(of all cars ?) Gas expensive up there ? Weather ?:dunno:

09-15-12, 09:07 AM
Is it time to go yet? Come on Sept 2013! :jump:

09-15-12, 09:47 AM
Home about Come on March 2~3? We're going to find a hotel for Fords on Fourth in Tucson where we can caravan down, have a pot luck dinner on Saturday night and then hit the car show on Sunday. http://www.samctucson.org/

Is it time to go yet? Come on Sept 2013! :jump:

09-15-12, 05:21 PM
OK! :pinkthumb:

09-15-12, 06:08 PM
How about staying at Ramada Inn West-Tucson for $89/night. About a 1 mile from the show.

09-17-12, 10:47 PM
Is this the one right off I-10? We need some intel on the facility. I have heard some not so good things there.. There is another one not very far away also....

09-18-12, 12:03 AM
Reviews from guests on Traveladvisor were good. Yes, right off I-10

Is this the one right off I-10? We need some intel on the facility. I have heard some not so good things there.. There is another one not very far away also....