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View Full Version : 3/25/12 Coyote Hockey game & Mustang Display

03-07-12, 01:55 PM
I'm posting this to invite ALL Mustangers to join us at this game. We would love to have everyone from all three Phoenix Mustang Clubs attend.

Hello AZMCC Members,

Final arrangements have been made with the Phoenix Coyote's Hockey Team Management for us to move forward with our "Coyote Cruise 2012 Night" at the JobOne.Com Arena on the 25th of March, 2012. This message may seem long, but it is important to get all the information out there for you as soon and as correctly as possible. The AZMCC website will also have all this info, including a special Event map.

Chris Kingston, our AZMCC Chairman for this Event, just met with Chris Majerchin of the Coyote's at the Arena. The following information was put together by Chris K. He has been very active in getting this Hockey game set up for all us Mustang enthusiasts, regardless of club affiliation. Thank you Chris for working so diligently to get this Event set up for all us Mustang Enthusiasts, some of whom are Hockey Fans to boot!

Chris set up the following Agenda and Information:


Tickets can ONLY be purchased through Chris Majerchin of the Phoenix Coyote's for this event. His contact number is 623-772-3374. He has actually put 100 seats in the upper bowl area of the Arena for us and it is an excellent area for all of us to gather together and enjoy the game. Depending on the ticket orders, we may be able to get more seats, so spread the word to all Mustang owners, your friends and families and any other Hockey fans you can come up with and tell them to come out and enjoy the Hockey Game and a Mini-pre-game Mustang viewing on the East side of the Arena. Deadline to order tickets for this event will be March 19th for the Hockey game on Sunday, March 25th at 6:00 PM. The special price we are getting is only $20.00 per seat. These are normally $45.00 tickets. It will be like sitting on the 40 yard line, but it is in a Hockey Arena.

The plan is that when someone calls Chris M and makes a ticket purchase, he will ask if you will be attending with your Mustang. If the purchaser says yes, he will then get the name and details on the Mustang and add it to our list that will be e-mailed to Chris K who will be your contact if you have any further questions. All tickets will be picked up at the "Will-Call" window at the Arena. Chris K can be reached by e-mailing him at cnhea4x4 "AT" hotmail.com. This means that the first 50 individuals driving a Mustang to the game will be given the chance to park right next to the Arena. All others will have to use the existing parking facilities in and around the Arena. This is truly the only fair way to distribute the special 50 spaces. So it only makes sense for the members who step up right away and purchase their tickets to get to park in this special area.


As noted above, parking up by the arena will be limited to the first 50 Mustangs that purchase tickets to this event. There is no more room in the designated area for any more. Chris M is still working with Coyote Management on getting extra parking for Mustangs that purchase tickets to be parked into Lot G, which is the handicapped/VIP ticket parking so they will still be close to us. It is about 10 yards from our special designated Mustang parking at the Arena. Any non-Mustangs will be parking in the normal available lots with all other patrons. Motorcycles have their own parking along Sunrise and Sunset streets. There will be either a Security Guard or Chris M himself watching over the Mustangs throughout the entire game, and the designated area will be blocked off so no one can drive through there before, during, or immediately after the game. We know some people were concerned about someone watching the cars, and hopefully their concerns will be laid to rest because the Coyote's are going out of their way to make sure no one gets near our Mustangs.


Staging will be between 2:30 and 3:00 only in Lot K! THIS IS AN IMPORTANT TIME FRAME! Please look at the map on the AZMCC website and on the back of the Game Poster for directions to Lot K. If you arrive earlier than that, you will need to wait somewhere else until 2:30 to meet up in Lot K. Lot K is the closest PAVED lot to the intersection of Glendale Ave and 93rd AVE. At 2:30, we will meet up in this lot and then all caravan over to the designated parking spot on the East side of the Arena around 3:00 PM. Chris K will be there by 2:15 PM to ensure we are staged properly. There will be no showing of our Mustangs in Lot K, it is strictly Staging for moving over to the Arena. If you are one of the first 50 who purchase tickets and you are not at the designated Lot K Staging area by the 3:00 PM deadline, Chris K will authorize the number of Mustangs needed to take those parking slots on a first come first served basis on those arriving at Lot K! So, don't be late.


IWe are sending out this notice with most of the information in this e-mail to all our members. We will be dropping flyers into Mustangs at the Pavilions, and other cruise-ins around town. Your word-of-mouth will help too. Notification is going out to all three Valley Mustang Clubs as well as Tucson and Las Vegas. We hope this will be enough to get the word out.


Sounds like we will be mentioned up on the "Jumbo Tron" that we are in attendance for the game. Chris K is still working out the details on this with Chris M. As for who is mentioned, Coyote Management decided it will be flashed on the screen that the AZMCC that is in attendance along with our guests, the Copperstate Mustang Club and the Wild West Mustang's Club. If the two other Clubs are in attendance they too will be recognized if we know in advance they will attend. This is being done by the Coyote's, not because we asked for it to be this way. They have worked with only the AZMCC and felt it appropriate to advertise our attendance in this manner. We helped design the posters, and meet with them, give them the required deposit to save the seats and the like just so everyone knows. Please remember, we are still working with them on doing a Mustang Car Show on the opening day of the next Coyote Hockey season.


As a club it would be great to purchase extra tickets to give away to any of our Military Service personnel who arrive at the Arena. We have decided to purchase 5 tickets and with the help of the CMC and WWM's stand at the front entrance and give the tickets to the first 5 Service Men or Women arriving to see the game. We felt that members of the Armed Forces would be recipients of these VIP tickets. Plus, the Coyote's usually recognize service member's at every hockey game. If we give away some tickets to more servicemen, we will let Chris M know so he can add them to the list of being recognized as being in attendance with us.


Let Chris know if you have any other questions or concerns. Please begin ordering your hockey tickets upon receipt of this e-mail message. Let's have a good turn-out from the AZMCC and join with the other Clubs in having a great time at our Phoenix Coyote's Hocky game.

Chris Kingston, Event Chairman
E-Mail: cnhea4x4@hotmail.com


http://f1620.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1198231%5fANXTi2IAAAu4T1UVCgjMbHW rwX4&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1&appid=YahooMailClassic
Jim Petersen, Director
Arizona Mustang Car Club [AZMCC]
Cell Phone: 480.415.4056
Scottsdale, Arizona USAWebsite: www.arizonamustangcarclub.com (http://www.arizonamustangcarclub.com/)
E-Mail: azmcc-info@cox.net

03-07-12, 06:05 PM
45 Mustang spots left!

03-12-12, 09:58 PM
Come on now, this will be a fun time for all. Let's get members of all three clubs to this event. If we can get some Copperstate and Wild West members signed up, they will be mentioning your clubs on the jumbo tron as well!!