View Full Version : 05-07 check

02-11-12, 04:38 PM
Could someone please check and tell me if the engine icon "on a car that will and has passed emissions" and tell me when you turn the key to accessory position if the icon stays solid or flashes? Marty adjusted my tune for my O2 responce and I've driven over 150 miles since Monday and no codes yet but when I turn the key to accessory the icon is solid which I think means that the system is still not ready yet. Thanks guys.

Wharf Rat
02-12-12, 09:26 AM
On my wife's stone stock 08 Mustang GT the icon stays solid. It only has 20k miles and I assume it would pass emissions.

02-12-12, 10:35 AM
Thank you for checking, I'm still trying to figure out if my OBD2 system is locked out or unlocked. It should have at 150 miles but normally it throws codes but if it does not throw codes is there any other way to know if the ECU is unlocked?

02-12-12, 04:42 PM
Thank you for checking, I'm still trying to figure out if my OBD2 system is locked out or unlocked. It should have at 150 miles but normally it throws codes but if it does not throw codes is there any other way to know if the ECU is unlocked?
key on engine off light comes on for bulb check when you start the motor light will be off when light is on when running you get a code or the computer found code is not active any more but you should find it in the history section when its suported by the sanner

02-13-12, 09:57 AM
FAILED again, 250 miles after latest tune and P1000..... The last 15 times in the past three years its only taken 150 miles for the cumputer to unlock after loading a tune so I was sure I was good to go. I don't know what to do now:confused:

02-13-12, 10:24 AM
why not put the stock tune back in with the stock air box and drive it around.. just hope the cats are up to par..

02-13-12, 10:59 AM
I tried that about three years ago when I had the car at the dealers getting some work done. Loaded the stock tune and with the long tubes on there and the car fell on its face. I couldn't get more than a block before I had to reload the 91 tune.

02-13-12, 11:56 AM
you had the stock air box with the stock maf on when that happened at the dealer?

02-13-12, 01:06 PM
Yup, The first thing I did when I got my mustang was long tubes and Flowmasters. Six months later I get rearended and shoved my entire trunk up to the back window. I took it to the ford dealer on Bell rd to do the repairs and loaded the stock tune when I dropped it off just in case. A Month later when I picked it up I had forgotten that I loaded the stock tune and went to take off on bell to go home and she started to sputter, spit and backfire. I had to pull over in the next parking lot and reload my tune and it ran fine. The last option I have is to put all the stock componants back on the car but that will be a PITA and I shouldn't have to with this new tune. Now I'm being told that I may need to drive up to 300 miles before the computer unlocks and my regristration is due by tomorow.

02-13-12, 01:29 PM
Fyi, the term unlock isn't the correct term to describe what your saying.. First thing that comes go mind is that your taklking about the handheld interface.
Many things have to line up for the pcm to go thru all the tests.. For one the gas tank, pretty much can't be less than 1/4 tank nor over 3/4 tank, roughly..

Then the intake air temp has to keep a certain degree spread to the ECT..

02-13-12, 03:42 PM
I understand what your saying about the term. Reason I'm stating it that way is from the emissions station point of view. I've been trying to get this resolved since November and I've just about had it with this car. She runs fine but this whole ordeal with my tune is driving me nuts. I would think that after two tanks it would have woke up between one of them. Like I posted before, Tune goes in on Sunday and By Friday night or Saturday like clockwork P0430 pops up. The latest tune: so far nothing.

02-13-12, 08:25 PM
If I recall p0430 is a cat code.. I don't know, but I would think that the Pypes brand cats are probably some cheapo Chinese ones.. I don't remeber the number.. but there is a certain cell count involved to having cats that are clean enough to burn clean

Like I said before, everything has to line up for them all to go thru.. The ford scan tool actually has a feature that helps you drive the car thru it.. I used to charge another hour labor to get the cars to clear.. if there is a pending DTC it also will not got thru..

the guys at extreme have a scan tool that can tell you which ones are still pending..

02-14-12, 08:26 AM
Just checked last night when I got home and P1000 is active. I'm going to have to bring it down to Marty on Saturday morning and find out what the hell is going on. The code was only for bank 2 after my dyno in November. I think he set the ranges to wide this last round. He is also sending my tune out to a friend of his to look it over and see if something was missed. And yes, everything is made in china now days:rotflol: I'd be willing to pay an extra hour for this thing to pass. If that was an option I would of done that over a Month ago.

02-20-12, 01:25 PM
Finally got her through. Marty @ Extreme Performance found a corrupt file in my last tune and corrected it. Tune loaded Saturday and hit my 150 mile mark so I checked for codes. "NO DTCs FOUND":pepper: Quick went to the station and got her in before something else popped up :laughing1:.

02-20-12, 04:19 PM
Congrats!!!!! The guys at Extreme Performance are Top Notch!!