View Full Version : Fords on Fourth Tucson Sunday March 4, 2012

01-15-12, 10:45 AM
Register now for Ford on Fourth in Tucson. Check-in is from 7-9am Sunday 3/4/12. There is a group making plans now to head out Saturday morning (3/3/12) to visit Karchner Caverns (#22.95/person in advance) after lunch. Then stay in Tucson and be ready to head over to Fourth Ave around 8am as a group so we can park together. Or you can just drive down early Sunday morning. We have attended the last 4 or 5 years and it's always a nice show. Plenty of stores to browse and there is a restored trolly that runs from Fourth Street over to the college with lots of restaurants. Short walk to a railroad museum. More info will be posted here.

Register online or print a mail in form:

$25 for the first car and that includes a t-shirt.

01-15-12, 06:36 PM
I might be game but would want to bring the old gal so I would come down Sunday morning. Anyone else heading down Sunday morning for a caravan? Suppose there would be a caravan heading back to Phoenix after the show?

01-15-12, 10:00 PM
It's too early to know who is going what day. Most everyone I spoke with wanted to go Saturday. Why not you?

Yes we usually caravan back home. It's a nice trip taking the scenic back way.

01-16-12, 08:27 AM
Still pondering joining the Saturday group.

El Jefe
01-17-12, 03:48 PM
Found a flier for this in my car after Cars and Coffee at La Encontada in Tucson. Looked good! Should be there

01-23-12, 09:29 AM
I might be game but would want to bring the old gal so I would come down Sunday morning. Anyone else heading down Sunday morning for a caravan? Suppose there would be a caravan heading back to Phoenix after the show?

Steve, I am still debating going to the show as well but if I do go I would go down Sunday morning as well...


01-23-12, 12:47 PM
[QUOTE=CValentino289;87631]Steve, I am still debating going to the show as well but if I do go I would go down Sunday morning as well...

Chris, that would be great if you decide to go. It would be a small caravan but I'd prefer to travel with others for a longer trip like this. Not sure how quickly the show fills up so we should both decide pretty soon.

01-23-12, 01:34 PM
im going on sunday probaly with 3 cars from the westside let me know if you want to join and where Andy

01-23-12, 06:18 PM
im going on sunday probaly with 3 cars from the westside let me know if you want to join and where Andy

Hey Andy, sounds good. Thinking of going I-10 or the back way through Oracle?

01-23-12, 06:58 PM
Looks like I might be going Sunday Morning also so let me know where the meet up is....

01-23-12, 07:22 PM
Sure Dave - will keep this thread current as things develop. About to send my registration in.

01-30-12, 03:49 PM
I'm signed up. I'm planning on Sunday from San Tan Valley - Google says 2 hours from here so I'll be leaving around 6am.

02-17-12, 07:04 PM
All signed up for the show at looking at an early Sunday morning departure. Chris, Dave, Andy, which way do you guys want to head down? Any others want to join in? I-10 (boring) or 79 into Oracle junction and then 77 into Tucson? Maybe we can meet up and discuss at the pancake b-fast this Sunday. This will be my first Fords on Fourth!

02-18-12, 09:56 AM
If we can get together for 5 minutes at breakfast and chat about the Sunday meet that would be great. They moved the show a block or so but that won't change a good show.

02-18-12, 12:08 PM
I'd like to hook up with you guys Sunday. I'm in San Tan Valley so I'd need directions to a spot to join up. Should be at the breakfast tomorrow.

02-18-12, 06:39 PM
There is a group meeting by Firebird at 6:15am March 4, I hope to make that meet up.

02-18-12, 09:03 PM
There is a group meeting by Firebird at 6:15am March 4, I hope to make that meet up.

Sounds like a plan. There is a Chevron Station right off the Wild Horse Pass turnoff on I-10. Hank, did you decide to pass on the Saturday cruise to Karchner?

02-18-12, 11:28 PM
I wanted to go to Karchner, but Sammie has a volleyball tournament.

Sounds like a plan. There is a Chevron Station right off the Wild Horse Pass turnoff on I-10. Hank, did you decide to pass on the Saturday cruise to Karchner?

02-20-12, 12:42 PM
I wanted to go to Karchner, but Sammie has a volleyball tournament.

like hank said we meet at 6:15 ion sunday at the loves truckstop on the westside of wildhorse pass / firbird exit on i 10 and anyone from the westside dunlap and i 17 at 5:45 in the foodruckers parking lot westside of i-17.

02-21-12, 12:27 PM
Get your registrations in if you are going to Fords on Fourth in Tucson!
SUNDAY MARCH 4th 2012!!

You can register online here

Upon completion you will also be able to pay for it as well.
Even if you don't have a PayPal account it will still take your credit card information!

1 car and 1 tshirt is $25.00 if you don't want a shirt its 25.00!

Fords on Fourth

Sun, March 4, 9am – 3pm

4th Ave., north of 6th St. to University Blvd.

map (http://maps.google.com/maps?q=4th+Ave.,+north+of+6th+St.+to+University+Bl vd.&hl=en)

The Southwests largest all Ford Show. Please see all registration info on this site. This is a very nice car show on 4th Ave. in the heart Tucson with lots of restaurants and shops. Come and join us for the fun and beautiful Fords.

02-21-12, 04:29 PM
I got my registration confirmation and Im #123.
I will be going up on Sunday morning.

The registration says,
If you want to park with a club or friends please come in together.

The lady I talked with also said they really arent doing categories.

02-21-12, 09:05 PM
Well, got VIP Fed Ex Suite Tickets for the Nascar Race so....... Pick up my goodie bag please!

02-22-12, 08:44 AM
Well, got VIP Fed Ex Suite Tickets for the Nascar Race so....... Pick up my goodie bag please!

Sucks your not going! Have fun anyway. :thmbsup:

02-22-12, 03:20 PM
Well, got VIP Fed Ex Suite Tickets for the Nascar Race so....... Pick up my goodie bag please!

So where do we meet up Dave!? LOL

02-22-12, 06:54 PM
Well, got VIP Fed Ex Suite Tickets for the Nascar Race so....... Pick up my goodie bag please!

Are you kidding me. You would rather hang out with your corporate friends and drink champagne and eat expensive winnies on toothpicks than hang with your mustang buddies in Tucson. For shame :snicker:

02-22-12, 07:49 PM
know I'm sorry I want to go but the tickets are too good to pass up!!

03-03-12, 10:04 AM
I checked out the Love's meeting spot the other day. It took me 45 minutes from home and resulted in no progress south. I'm going to go straight to Tucson instead. Probably leave the house around 5:30. Maybe I'll see you on the road.

03-03-12, 12:08 PM
Makes sense if you are already so far east. I assume the rest of the group is still meeting up at Luvs at 6:15? Andy? Chris?

03-03-12, 08:14 PM
I plan on meeting John, Joe & Andy at 5:30am at Home Depot on Tbird & I-17 and then on the Loves at 6:15am.

Makes sense if you are already so far east. I assume the rest of the group is still meeting up at Luvs at 6:15? Andy? Chris?

03-03-12, 08:38 PM
OK - see you all bright and early - or is that dark and early:rotflol:

03-04-12, 05:17 AM
Oops. I re-read Joes email. Cave Creek & Tbird at 5:40am Sunday.

Rick Shopmier
03-04-12, 05:00 PM
All the other lil piggys went to Tucson, this lil piggy stayed home! WEEEEEE, WEEEEEE! Gotta get a Mustang!

03-04-12, 06:33 PM
We noticed you were missing. A few people said you might find a car you liked down there. I didn't think so, since there weren't any 2013 GT500's.

All the other lil piggys went to Tucson, this lil piggy stayed home! WEEEEEE, WEEEEEE! Gotta get a Mustang!

03-04-12, 07:41 PM
Well, I pulled a "Hank" on the way home from Tucson this afternoon:Crysmile: Just north of Picacho peak something went seriously wrong with the engine - my nearly brand new Smeding 347 stroker. Richard and I were heading back and taking it relatively easy. Suddenly there was a terrible noise and I immediately pulled over. The engine was still cranking but making a very loud ticking/thumping noise. I'm guessing a broken valve, push rod or maybe a lifter. Richard and Dan stopped to help out but not much to be done. Had it towed to Phoenix and I just got home (7:30). Not a great way to end the day.

03-04-12, 07:49 PM
Sorry I blew by you guys on the way home. I was concentrating on the tread in the road and didn't realize it was you guys until it was too late to stop. It looked like there was enough help. I hope everyone got home safe.

03-04-12, 09:39 PM
We saw you as well. You looked like you had help so we cruised on, I was on about 1.5 hours of sleep I needed to get home. Sorry to hear about your troubles. You should have been in the MCA!!

03-04-12, 09:43 PM
Sorry to hear that. When does the dis-assembly begin?

Well, I pulled a "Hank" on the way home from Tucson this afternoon:Crysmile:

03-05-12, 06:44 AM
Jon is going to pull the motor today or tomorrow and then the battle with Smeding begins. It has a 3 year warranty and I am only 2 years in. However, I suspect there is lots of fine print and will be lots of phone calls and email. I am pretty sure it is in the top end since the motor was cranking. With any luck it will be a short turn around. Thing that really pisses me off is that I was not pushing the motor at all. Doing 80-85 in 5th gear and running 2300 RPM.

Joe, what do you mean by MCA member?

03-05-12, 01:49 PM
Don't you have a Mustang Club of America Mustang as well?

03-05-12, 05:06 PM
Don't you have a Mustang Club of America Mustang as well?

OK - now I understand the statement. Should have taken the 012 MCA edition - then I coulda keep up with all the Shelbys! Wasn't about to try and handle the 66 at 100 MPH. It could do it but it wouldn't be very safe :snicker:. Not really interested in showing the 012 - what's the point. It's bone stock and anyone can buy one:snicker:. The 66's engine is getting pulled apart tomorrow - will hope its not major.

03-05-12, 08:12 PM
Not really interested in showing the 012 - what's the point. It's bone stock and anyone can buy one :snicker:.

Well not anyone can buy one! I think its awesome I contemplated getting one when I bought my 2010 GT. But the 66 is definitely cool. Sorry your going through the BS I know its a pain.

03-05-12, 09:33 PM
So how was the drive,the show:dunno:, ? alot of cars,gas cheaper still in Tucson? Pics anyone ??

03-05-12, 10:35 PM
The show didn't disappoint, it is always great time. Even in the overcast last year. $3.78 for premium on the way home. I'll post my photos tomorrow, but I didn't take alot. Spent alot of time chatting with the Phoenix group of Mustangers. Oh, and eating breakfast and lunch too.

So how was the drive,the show:dunno:, ? alot of cars,gas cheaper still in Tucson? Pics anyone ??

03-06-12, 08:36 AM
I posted my pics on the club Facebook page. I took a bunch.

03-07-12, 07:03 PM
Don't want to co-op this thread but wanted to give an update on my motor issues on Sunday. Turns out it was a broken rocker stud on the exhaust side of cylinder #1. An odd occurrence to be sure, especially given I was running about 2300 RPM when it happened. It snapped right below the rocker in the threads. I think the motor builder is aware of the same issue in other of their motor so now I just need to see if they are going to pay to replace the broken one and the other 15. I think they used substandard parts (or Edelbrock used substandard parts) since these are Performer RPMs. I want them all replaced with grade 8 ARP studs. There was no sign of unusual wear or spring binding that could have caused the stud to snap so I think it was just a bad part. The push rod was razor straight so no damage below the top of the head. Has anyone else ever heard of similar issues with Edelbrock heads on a push-rod engine?

03-07-12, 10:25 PM
At least it's not as bad as it could have been, Steve.

03-15-12, 07:42 PM
Well, back on the road again and the engine is running great. Hopefully I've gotten my "break-down" out of the way for a few years :Bucktooth:

03-15-12, 08:38 PM
Congrats I know your happy! Did they end up covering the warranty? Did they upgrade everything to the grade 8 ARP studs?

03-15-12, 09:31 PM
Yes and Yes. Road trip:pepper:

03-15-12, 10:15 PM
We are planning something for Sunday 3/25. We were going to go this next Sunday but its probably going to rain.

03-15-12, 10:32 PM
Bummer, I fly to Portland on the 25th for a meeting. Next time

03-15-12, 10:55 PM
Ahhh. 3/25 is the Coyotes game...

We are planning something for Sunday 3/25. We were going to go this next Sunday but its probably going to rain.

03-16-12, 09:46 AM
Ya I'm not going to the hockey game. Haven't been to one in my life, no sense bucking that trend.

03-16-12, 10:00 AM
Time to try something new and get out of the rut...

Ya I'm not going to the hockey game. Haven't been to one in my life, no sense bucking that trend.