View Full Version : Website Problems
01-12-12, 11:56 AM
AHHHHH. Getting really aggravated lately trying to access this site. No matter what computer, browser type, etc etc, about 80% of the time I try to access I get errors saying the site cannot be found. This includes while clicking from link to link within forums. What gives? Took me over an hour to just try to post this.
01-12-12, 02:12 PM
HPS, CMC, and SCS are all on the HPS server. I have never had a complaint of this type and SCS is about 10 times busier.
I access this site from all over the county with no problems ever.
Is your problem coming from the same location?
01-12-12, 07:32 PM
Worst issues are from all the work PC computers, from my home macbook this website is just much slower than any other.
01-12-12, 08:55 PM
No problem here.. HP laptop... Havent noticed any "speed' problems,or login,links etc...
01-13-12, 12:23 AM
I have no issues ever. This site is on a VPS server that is no where near maxing out the resources.
Is anyone else having issues?
No issues here at work or home
I have issues on my phone.. it times out
01-13-12, 05:17 PM
I have issues on my phone.. it times out Are you using the mobile style?
yes on mobile and regular.. I just figured its a Tmobile thing.. lol
01-13-12, 08:30 PM
No problems here so far on my comp or mobile.
Including our ancient Domain Controller, We have 6 PC's here at the house, all accessing the Internet through the same router and cable modem. All have their security levels, network configurations, and Internet options set the same. None has any trouble accessing any other website that we have tried. Here's how ability to access the High Performance Stangs site breaks down by PC:
Domain Controller running Win 2000 Server ................ YES
Old Vista laptop running Vista Business 32-bit ............ YES
File and media server running Win7 Ultimate 32-bit ...... NO
My desktop workstation running Win7 Pro 64-bit ......... YES
Wife's desktop workstation running Win7 Pro 64-bit ..... NO
My notebook running Win7 Ultimate 64-bit ................. YES
As mentioned by OP, inability to access the site is not browser dependent.
Further, those PC's which can access the site in a browser window are consistently able to receive replies when pinging the site from a command prompt. Pings from those that cannot access the site in a browser window all time out.
Maybe, this data will help us all figure out what's going on. :confused:
01-15-12, 08:49 PM
See if you can access
They are on the same server.
See if you can access
They are on the same server.
Results for those sites were the same as for this one. :dunno:
01-15-12, 11:37 PM
Do you know how to run the tracert command?
I would like to know where it is hanging up at.
See if you have the same problem with
01-15-12, 11:58 PM
works on everything I own
Do you know how to run the tracert command?
I would like to know where it is hanging up at.
See if you have the same problem with
Tracert is no help. All I get get is an "unable to resolve target system name" message from the PC's that can't reach the website. No trace.
FWIW, here's a trace from my PC, which has no problem reaching the site: is reachable from all our PC's.
01-16-12, 09:20 AM
Interesting to say the least. Did you try clearing cookies and temp internet files?
Yes, deleted cookies, history, temp files, etc.
Also, inability to even ping the site from a command prompt points to something other than browser issue.
01-16-12, 12:40 PM
I am curious what OS papa is running.
I have come up with a fix that works for my machines. The fix is buried in an obscure network connections property sheet multiple dialogs down. Here's what I did:
1. Open up the Network Connections dialog in control panel and open the property sheet for the NIC you're using for your internet connection.
2. Click the Properties button to bring up the Properties dialog
3. Double-click the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) list item to bring up the IPv4 dialog
4. Click the Advanced button on the dialog to display the dialog for the advanced TCP/IP settings
5. Select the DNS tab
6. Clear out any/all IP address(es) in the DNS server addresses box.
Ping site --> reachable
Open site in browser window --> no problem
01-17-12, 07:35 AM
weirdness. i have never had issues with this site from anywhere. even my cell phone gets it just fine.
01-17-12, 09:51 AM
Strange that the only complaints comes from the local area.
Having this issue today - Resolved it by switching to Google's DNS servers. The problem is not with the site or the end user, just that certain DNS servers seem to not have the site listed.
01-18-12, 10:03 AM
Having this issue today - Resolved it by switching to Google's DNS servers. The problem is not with the site or the end user, just that certain DNS servers seem to not have the site listed. Who is your IP?
01-18-12, 01:05 PM
Integra Telecom
I see papavolume has posted from the same IP.
Maybe you can email the provider and have them update their DNS records.
01-18-12, 04:15 PM
Yes, we work together :goodidea:
01-18-12, 05:44 PM
Yes, we work together :goodidea: So can you access the site ok now?
01-18-12, 05:46 PM
since Tim, aka "snake", made some changes to the dns settings I havent had any issues.
01-18-12, 05:49 PM
02-25-12, 06:29 PM
No issues from NY. However, you do have to tweak you meta tags and titling so this site can work its way onto the first page at google. ;)
02-27-12, 09:03 AM
No issues from NY. However, you do have to tweak you meta tags and titling so this site can work its way onto the first page at google. ;)
good idea!
02-27-12, 03:45 PM
No issues from NY. However, you do have to tweak you meta tags and titling so this site can work its way onto the first page at google. ;) And what do you suggest? It is my understanding that Google does not use meta data.
02-27-12, 06:30 PM
And what do you suggest? It is my understanding that Google does not use meta data.
My experience says that they do use some, like description, to help rank a page.
This is from the home page here:
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="description" content="Welcome to High Performance Stangs" />
I would make it look like this:
<meta name="keywords" content="Mustang, Forums, Ford, Discussion, Community" />
<meta name="description" content="Mustang forums and community for discussing all aspects of Ford Mustang ownership, performance, tech, restoration racing, collecting" />
(Feel free to use different keywords and description, mine is just example, I think Mustang Forums should be first regardless of others used.)
But more important, title tags should be added to the head, at the top, most important keywords first:
<title>Mustang Forums High Performance Stangs Discussion</title>
I can't guarantee a huge success with these mods, but at least google (and others) will know what this site is about. I used to be a search engine guru, but I have not kept up on the latest tips and tricks, but these always did, and still do serve me well.
I can't remember what I was looking for when I found this place, but, it was not Mustang Forums, which I would assume would be the most common search terms.
I'm glad I found you folks, even though you're all desert dwellers. :)
But I might not have if I searched for a mustang forum.
I see you do have some good keywords and description on the forum pages. I was just looking at the home page. I think that's the most important page because any incoming links would point there and the search engines would assume that is the most important page by incoming link vote. What does google find when it gets there? High Performance Stangs, but no Mustang Forum. You are the first result for High Performance Stangs, but nowhere to be found on the first 6 or 8 pages of mustang forums.
I hope you don't take this all the wrong way, just trying to help if I can. :)
02-27-12, 06:45 PM
Ok I made some changes.
02-27-12, 09:12 PM
Ok I made some changes.
The only thing I would change is take out the first part of this:
<title>High Performance Stangs - Mustang Forums at High Performance Stangs</title>
and make it this:
<title> Mustang Forums at High Performance Stangs</title>
The first words are carry the most weight. I'm not positive, but I think someone looking for a mustang forum would search for mustang forum. I'm not being a smart alec, it's that I just can't think of much else they would use for search terms.
What happened to the "Everywhere Sidebar" that listed the last few most recent posts to the forums? Also for the record Google does still use meta tags, but they can also hurt you if they are not done correctly. Keep in mind that believe it or not, not every person uses Google. So therefore the other search bots still use meta tags.
What happened to the "Everywhere Sidebar" that listed the last few most recent posts to the forums? Also for the record Google does still use meta tags, but they can also hurt you if they are not done correctly. Keep in mind that believe it or not, not every person uses Google. So therefore the other search bots still use meta tags.
No clue why this posted again. but I cant delete sorry....
03-16-12, 10:09 AM
The style got messed up during the last upgrade. I will fix it someday.
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