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View Full Version : 1/29/12 Celebrity Baseball Game Scottsdale FREE TICKETS

01-11-12, 05:28 PM
We have gotten a supply of free tickets to the Celebrity Baseball Game again this year. CMC will be displaying 10 Mustangs on the sidewalk inside the stadium by the concessions. We're inviting everyone to come out and watch the game for FREE. Gates open at 11am, game starts at 1pm. Food and refreshments are available for purchase. Under 16, over 65 and Military are free-no ticket needed. You can have a nice day out for free.

AZMCC-Jim Peterson has a supply of tickets he will bring to the Pavilions on Saturday. CMC-Dan Martorano has some also. I will give a supply of tickets to WWMC club tonight. Please take only what you can use so everyone has a chance to attend.

They give over $40,000 AT THE SHOW to 40 local Arizona Little League teams at the end of the game. We always have a nice time at the game.

AZMCC may be setting up a cruise to the show, everyone is welcome to join in from their corner of the valley. We'll try to post updates on this thread.

More info on the show: http://arizonabaseballcharities.com/
Info on Scottsdale Stadium: http://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/stadium

See you there

01-11-12, 09:32 PM
Very cool! Went to this last year and its a total blast! Would love to go again! Not sure if this is the same one i went to last year but last year it was at that new talking stick baseball field.

01-11-12, 09:59 PM
Oh. This one was and is at the Scottsdale Stadium. I don't know who put on the one at Talking Stick but it's fun to watch the the guys play ball.

01-11-12, 11:13 PM
Very cool. Look forward to hopefully going!

01-12-12, 01:41 PM
sounds like fun!

03-09-13, 12:37 AM
That was great! Hoping for more free tickets for the coming events. There is a lot happening in baseball this year, and any sports fanatic will want to see at least one major sport. Make sure you can get your loved one a ticket to the sport, even if it means applying for a loan (https://personalmoneynetwork.com/payday-loans). There is nothing more exceptional than somebody you love taking you to see baseball.