View Full Version : Ignition Lock Change

12-01-11, 06:07 PM
2006 GT, anyone know what's invloved in changing out the ignition switch? Some thieving SOBs broke into our house yesterday and among the things they took was the spare set of keys for the Mustang. I know on older GM's it's easier to do if you have a key. I guess I'll do the door locks and trunk as well.


12-01-11, 06:26 PM
did they get the remotes too?have a locksmith rekey your locks and have the dealer clear the old remotes and buy a new one till then pull the starter relay and take it inside

12-01-11, 06:35 PM
and dont forget they probably follow you shopping or to work to get the car

12-01-11, 08:20 PM
Yeah, they got one of the remotes. I did pull one of the the relays, I'll have to remember that when I go to the store. Work isn't a problem, they couldn't get near it :mrgreen: