View Full Version : Earnhardt No Longer Sponsor!!!
12-29-06, 03:16 PM
John Nissen GSM at Earnhardt Ford stated today that due to a 34% drop in sales and the fact that he has to lay some people off, he doesn't feel right in keeping Copperstate! Earnhardt has been very good to our club by paying for trophies, newsletter printing and mailing. But when it comes time to buy a car it looks like its not the choice of our members!!
Over 20 Members of the club have purchased new Mustangs in the past 2 years but I can only think of 1 who purchased it from Earnhardt.
Copperstate is a 501C3 Org and all things donated to the club are tax deductable!!!
12-29-06, 03:20 PM
wow. thats a shock. and what a bummer.
any prospects? i know this probably caught some people completely off guard....
12-29-06, 03:35 PM
Yes we have someone very interested but I cannot tell you until next week at the earliest!!!
I don't think that this is actually a bad thing we want tod so much more!!!!
12-29-06, 03:52 PM
John Nissen GSM at Earnhardt Ford stated today that due to a 34% drop in sales and the fact that he has to lay some people off, he doesn't feel right in keeping Copperstate! Earnhardt has been very good to our club by paying for trophies, newsletter printing and mailing. But when it comes time to buy a car it looks like its not the choice of our members!!
Over 20 Members of the club have purchased new Mustangs in the past 2 years but I can only think of 1 who purchased it from Earnhardt.
Copperstate is a 501C3 Org and all things donated to the club are tax deductable!!!
I have kind of been expecting something like this for awhile. They haven't done anything with us as a marking tool to sell Mustangs, or for that matter, promoted their inventory (New Mustangs) with us, or even carried much in the way of inventory that we would be intrested in. We have kind of been a Charity for them, easily costing 8-$9,000 a year.
If they had been smart, they would have had a "Mustang Roundup Sale" held in conjunction with our Spring Show, every year, and instead of grumbling about having to move 200 Cars to make space for our show, moved 250 Cars, and brought in extra inventory of Mustangs, new, and used, Promoted our Show to the Public, and had potental buyers walking on and off the lot, all day! Selling Cars isn't Rocket Science, it is Marketing, and bringing the right clientel to the product.
OK, I know Get Off the Soap Box. Earnhardts loss, will be another (Smart)dealerships gain. Some of us have a very good idea who that will be too.
12-29-06, 03:55 PM
Yes we have someone very interested but I cannot tell you until next week at the earliest!!!
I don't think that this is actually a bad thing we want tod so much more!!!!
That someone else will be very intrested in the potental of the MCA SW Regionals beeing held in town too!
12-29-06, 04:01 PM
Earnhardts loss, will be another (Smart)dealerships gain. Some of us have a very good idea who that will be too.
thats exactly the way i feel about it. we will find another dealer, there are lots of dealers out there the support car clubs. and know thier marketing value. its very good to hear there is something in the wings. that is awesome. personally since i got invovled that was the only thing i was not crazy about the club. being a former employee of earnhardts.
12-29-06, 04:07 PM
thats exactly the way i feel about it. we will find another dealer, there are lots of dealers out there the support car clubs. and know thier marketing value. its very good to hear there is something in the wings. that is awesome. personally sinc ei got invovled that was the only thing i was not crazy about the club. being a former employee of earnhardts. ;)
The Sales Manager at "Other Dealer" that Dave mentioned has expressed an interest in sponsering The CMC a couple time the past year. I have little doubt that it will be onwarned, and upward for the CMC.
12-29-06, 04:08 PM
Bought my truck from them. I will never buy a vehicle from them again after that experience.
12-29-06, 04:12 PM
I can only take a big huge monster guess who it will be, And im very happy for it too :pepper: :pepper: :pepper: :pepper:
12-29-06, 04:13 PM
Like I said before we want to do so much more and I think with HPS us and our new sponsor will be a great team!! Earnhardt never asked us to do anything!!!!!! We wanted to do alot for them but it always seemed like a burdern to them for the spring show.
12-29-06, 04:14 PM
Need help REPAINTING the trailer????? IM IN:pinkthumb:
12-29-06, 04:19 PM
Like I said before we want to do so much more and I think with HPS us and our new sponsor will be a great team!! Earnhardt never asked us to do anything!!!!!! We wanted to do alot for them but it always seemed like a burdern to them for the spring show.
What are we going to do about the news letter?
I would really like to have a push to get more members on the forums.
We could get more real time ideas with more participation.
12-29-06, 04:22 PM
What are we going to do about the news letter?
I would really like to have a push to get more members on the forums.
We could get more real time ideas with more participation.
Im sure they will get to that after intense discussions with the new sponsor. Im looking forward to a very very EXCITING new year with this club!!!!!:pepper:
12-29-06, 04:34 PM
What are we going to do about the news letter?
I would really like to have a push to get more members on the forums.
We could get more real time ideas with more participation.
The January Newsletter is being mailed as we speak, but I think we'll have the sponsor before the next one. What did you have in mind???
12-29-06, 04:51 PM
The January Newsletter is being mailed as we speak, but I think we'll have the sponsor before the next one. What did you have in mind???
Well we need to get something in the next letter promoting the forums again. There is so much that can be done on here to help promote the club and exchange ideas, have polls etc. The monthly meetings are good, but they only represent a portion of the membership. The more online the better. If members are interent chalked I can create the accounts for them.
12-29-06, 05:15 PM
Can do and I will in February's Newsletter!!!
12-29-06, 05:59 PM
I bought my car from Earnhart. But that's only becuase I knew the sales rep and got a bad ass deal on the car.
Chris B.
12-29-06, 09:57 PM
I really think this will be a good thing for the club!!
12-30-06, 10:28 AM
I really hope so!!!:pepper:
Oh the suspense is killing me :pepper:
Can't wait to find out who the new sponsor is.
I have to give it to the CMC Board though, sure didn't take long to find someone else. Very impressive.
There must of been over 40 convertables today at the Fiesta Bowl Parade. Most had Bell Ford and Sanderson Ford plagues on them. Few GT's, mostly plain janes...
12-30-06, 10:28 PM
I take it they were new Mustangs?? Or were they classic and mixed??
01-03-07, 10:14 PM
Meeting this Friday at 2pm with our potential new sponsor so as soon as the meeting ends I will post the news, good or bad!!
01-03-07, 11:47 PM
hey im a new member in the forum but am a member of the club. i want to attend the club meeting on the 14th. Can i just show up to the meeting? My name is Tyler Lucas.
01-04-07, 12:23 AM
absolutely!! Everyone is welcome!!! See You there!
01-04-07, 02:57 PM
great! i thought i might as well get involved in something.
I take it they were new Mustangs?? Or were they classic and mixed??
They were all brand new...... all verts...
Chris B.
01-04-07, 04:40 PM
Meeting this Friday at 2pm with our potential new sponsor so as soon as the meeting ends I will post the news, good or bad!!
I guess we'll have to change our hotline greeting!:hi:
Chris B.
01-06-07, 04:59 PM
Any word on who the next sponsor is going to be?
01-06-07, 05:06 PM
We will have a firm answer on Monday afternoon, things look really good!! The date for the spring show will most likely be March 31st at the new sponsors dealership But I still can't say until firmed up but looks like 99% done!!!!:highfive:
01-09-07, 10:38 PM
What are we going to do about the news letter?
I would really like to have a push to get more members on the forums.
We could get more real time ideas with more participation.
Hank is going to bring his lap top to the next meeting to show people the web site and the HPS Forum to get them motivated!!!
01-09-07, 10:44 PM
And we just printed 3,000 business cards with the former sponsors name. As soon as we get the new sonsors name I'll print another bunch of cards...
I guess we'll have to change our hotline greeting!:hi:
01-10-07, 12:01 AM
Hank is going to bring his lap top to the next meeting to show people the web site and the HPS Forum to get them motivated!!!
That sounds good.
We also need to create a master email list for the members.
I can also create many sub sections to the copperstate forum as the size increases.
01-10-07, 10:00 AM
That sounds good.
We also need to create a master email list for the members.
I can also create many sub sections to the copperstate forum as the size increases.
We have too!! Our new sponsor made the suggestion to find out how many would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail so we can save some postage and they get the newesletter in color when they download it!!
I think we need to send out an update file/page to members with e-mail and have some check boxes for newsletter, and addresses for them to look at so we can get them on the forums. I think if they try it they'll like it!!
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