View Full Version : 2007 Fall Show
12-27-06, 04:22 PM
Do we have a tentative date yet?
12-27-06, 06:38 PM
Way to early. We are also hosting the Glendale Community College Show, and want to have more than 2 weeks beween the two next year. Conflicts with other Shows is also a concern, we will have to talk with the Cougar, Thunderbird, and other Clubs before posting a firm date. We are thinking mid October right now.
12-27-06, 06:55 PM
I am trying to plan a drag strip event next fall and don't want any conflicts.
12-27-06, 07:07 PM
well, i think the day you have planned will take much more planning jeff, so i would set the day, and it will be much easier to work a car show around your event. am i right on this one? maybe work the drag day in conjunction with the fall show? i know i had heard a autocross day instead of a drag day being a possibility, but i do know that a huge car show, with a huge drag day would be one sick event. could the two be mixed and make some similr to fun ford? just with us local yocals running it?
12-27-06, 07:16 PM
well, i think the day you have planned will take much more planning jeff, so i would set the day, and it will be much easier to work a car show around your event. am i right on this one? maybe work the drag day in conjunction with the fall show? i know i had heard a autocross day instead of a drag day being a possibility, but i do know that a huge car show, with a huge drag day would be one sick event. could the two be mixed and make some similr to fun ford? just with us local yocals running it?
12-27-06, 07:24 PM
just thowin out suggestions there missy....hehe. lol. :wave: :tongue: :biggrin:
12-27-06, 07:50 PM
well, i think the day you have planned will take much more planning jeff, so i would set the day, and it will be much easier to work a car show around your event. am i right on this one? maybe work the drag day in conjunction with the fall show? i know i had heard a autocross day instead of a drag day being a possibility, but i do know that a huge car show, with a huge drag day would be one sick event. could the two be mixed and make some similr to fun ford? just with us local yocals running it?
This is going to take some major planning.
There is no FFW in Phoenix in 2007.
I would be cool to have a good all Ford Event.
October is a little too early weather wise.
I want a cool day temp wise.
12-27-06, 08:10 PM
FYI, the Glendale Community College Show is an all Ford Show to benefit the Ford Advantage Program Schoolership that the CMC has set up. If we can shoot for the first weekend in Nov for the Show, (and I am not commiting to that date, as it has to be OK'ed by administrators at GCC), there could be a good turn out by a lot of Ford people for Drag Racing the second weekend in Nov.
The SVT Lightning guys would go for it, and I know a couple Galaxie owners (think 427 Side Oiler big blocks!) that would be intrested. Cobra owners would be another group that, might be intrested.
12-27-06, 08:24 PM
I was thinking of mid Nov.
12-27-06, 10:30 PM
Last I heard the GCC show would be put off until January 08!! Nov. is too closr to the fall show. Looks like Oct 26-28 could be a possible date for the fall show>
12-28-06, 08:57 AM
Last I heard the GCC show would be put off until January 08!! Nov. is too closr to the fall show. Looks like Oct 26-28 could be a possible date for the fall show>
Nov is fine. I just don't want to conflict with the show weekend.
12-28-06, 09:43 AM
What do you think about possibley having the event to gether at Firebird? There is enough room to have all the things that we want to do right there?
12-28-06, 09:51 AM
thats what i was suggesting....:twothumbsup:
12-28-06, 10:02 AM
thats what i was suggesting....:twothumbsup:
Its funny, when I took over the fall show with Darel we tried some different things the first time out and everyone said that this wont work and that wont work, well you never know until you try and all the stuff worked great! We have to try to do different stuff thats what makes it fun and your right T how cool would it be to have a huge event? Car Show, Drags and Auto cross!!!!
12-28-06, 10:35 AM
What do you think about possibley having the event to gether at Firebird? There is enough room to have all the things that we want to do right there?
So you want to have the show and race at the drag strip?
12-28-06, 10:46 AM
thats what FFW does, and i thought it was laid out great. there is that lot by the lake, and it worked out perfect for the show, and did not interfere with the racing. i personally think the two could be held like that. but was not sure if we wanted to do something like that. :icon_cool:
12-28-06, 11:00 AM
thats what FFW does, and i thought it was laid out great. there is that lot by the lake, and it worked out perfect for the show, and did not interfere with the racing. i personally think the two could be held like that. but was not sure if we wanted to do something like that. :icon_cool:
Well it is possible, but the planning for this needs to start now.
12-28-06, 01:43 PM
Just after the January meeting we are holding a show meeting to go over everything this year.. Any input would be great!!!!! I think it could work out and I know this could be the start of someting really Big!! There is always going to be the "No Way" type people out there.. But you never know until you try!!
12-28-06, 01:49 PM
Just after the January meeting we are holding a show meeting to go over everything this year.. Any input would be great!!!!! I think it could work out and I know this could be the start of someting really Big!! There is always going to be the "No Way" type people out there.. But you never know until you try!!
Well I think it could be a better deal than the hotel parking lot show.
Some of those show cars could take a trip down the track.
I will talk to Firebird about options.
12-28-06, 02:11 PM
even though the show was awesome, and very well ran last year, i agree, i would be nicer to have a venue other than a hotel parking lot, but again, the way last years show went, you could barely notice thats where you were. but putting them both on the same weekend would be awesome. and i think we could pull the sponsors to make it happen. i think it would be awesome. but wouldn't it all need to be done the same day to make it happen? or would we wanna rent the track for two days? and if we are making it an event of that kinda of magnitude, i think cash prizes for the racers would make for a bigger draw.
12-28-06, 02:13 PM
Yep or have the show in the morning and racing in afternoon into the night.
12-28-06, 02:28 PM
We could still use the hotel for the banquet and Hospitality. The vendors will go wherever the show is and the track has so many places to set up. The only thing is how many people want to race and show so we would have to schedule it just right!!!
12-28-06, 03:51 PM
Last I heard the GCC show would be put off until January 08!! Nov. is too closr to the fall show. Looks like Oct 26-28 could be a possible date for the fall show>
Next GCC Show in January 08!:bouncy: That is what I have been hoping for! With a swap meet, and some work coordinating things with other Clubs, we could make that show Arizona's version of Knott's Berry! Having it in January, just after the Holiday's, could make it the Daytona 500 of Car Shows too!
By now, I think that Dave and I have enough respect in the Club, :yes: that if we put together a well thought out proposal, and costs were not to prohibitive, Firebird could see a Copperstate Mustang Club Car Show. There are Hotels nearby, Southern Arizona Mustang Club would support the site. We are getting real close to outgrowing the Holiday Inn.
Fall Show Oct 26-28, 2007, any truth to the rumor that Jake and Elwood will be getting the Band back together for that one?
12-28-06, 04:09 PM
Can you think of a better place to hold the MCA National in 08'?? Can you imagine... Drags, Road course, Show etc... Lets show them how to really celebrtate The Mustang and all Blue Ovals!!!
12-28-06, 04:18 PM
Can you think of a better place to hold the MCA National in 08'?? Can you imagine... Drags, Road course, Show etc... Lets show them how to really celebrtate The Mustang and all Blue Ovals!!!
Southwest Regionals, There would be lots of space for it, Hotels nearby, easy access.
12-28-06, 04:23 PM
The only real variable is how much will it cost us but if we get enough sponsors this could be good!!
12-28-06, 04:36 PM
The sponsors will not be a problem.
I will have some options as soon as I talk to the rental department at Firebird.
12-28-06, 04:38 PM
The only real variable is how much will it cost us but if we get enough sponsors this could be good!!
It is worth looking into, Vendors would come inmass, there would be one source of revenue.
12-28-06, 04:40 PM
It is worth looking into, Vendors would come inmass, there would be one source of revenue.
I called Firebird earlier and am waiting for a call back. So I will have some money numbers soon.
12-28-06, 06:22 PM
Hey you guys need to let me know whats going on so Joni and I can start planning some stuff, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and thank you:bounce:
Chris B.
12-28-06, 06:33 PM
Dang... if this could be pulled off it could be very big!!
12-28-06, 06:34 PM
Hey you guys need to let me know whats going on so Joni and I can start planning some stuff, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and thank you:bounce:
Mainly talking about the fall show with the possiblity of a complete track rental. Jason the guy over at the Holiday Inn quit and works at another hotel in Tempe and I already asked him about March but the Parking lot is too small for us... I am afraid that the person who replaced him will be hard to deal with.. She was the one who askked how much we paid for rental on the hotels parking lot!!!1 None!!!!!!
12-28-06, 06:37 PM
We really need a location for the spring show!!!!!! Before the January General Meeting!! Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc:hurry:
Chris B.
12-28-06, 06:38 PM
Just had a thought, what if the spring show were to be eliminated and just have this one huge show in the fall, the money for the spring show could be used to help support this mega show. There seems to be plenty of other car shows going on in the valley in the spring anyway. And who knows this could be a great boost for the club!
12-28-06, 06:40 PM
Mainly talking about the fall show with the possiblity of a complete track rental. Jason the guy over at the Holiday Inn quit and works at another hotel in Tempe and I already asked him about March but the Parking lot is too small for us... I am afraid that the person who replaced him will be hard to deal with.. She was the one who askked how much we paid for rental on the hotels parking lot!!!1 None!!!!!!
No but lots of people rented hotel rooms and its free advertising for them sheesh......
12-28-06, 06:41 PM
Just had a thought, what if the spring show were to be eliminated and just have this one huge show in the fall, the money for the spring show could be used to help support this mega show. There seems to be plenty of other car shows going on in the valley in the spring anyway. And who knows this could be a great boost for the club!
Oh sure kick out the first one I actually get to chair hmmmmmmmmm (NOW WHERES THAT CRYING EMOTE BUTTON)
12-28-06, 06:42 PM
I know !! But we are out growing the hotel, there are other ones out there and Jason said we could do a Hospitality Suite at his Hotel Baseline and I-10 which could work out well for us...
Chris B.
12-28-06, 06:46 PM
Oh sure kick out the first one I actually get to chair hmmmmmmmmm (NOW WHERES THAT CRYING EMOTE BUTTON)
Sorry Trisha, don't mean to rain on your parade... umm car show!!
12-28-06, 06:49 PM
Naww its ok, Just giving ya a hard time, but that sounds good to me to have only one big one. I would have to agree with Chris. Its so time and cost efficient and hmmmm we could have the HPS day on March 24th at speedworld. hmmmm :laughing1:
12-28-06, 06:51 PM
Thats been discussed before but unless we are out of options the show must go on!!! That being said...If we do deceide to make a big show like the MCA Regional and the combination of HPS etc.. we will need "All Hands On Deck" for this one!!!
12-28-06, 06:52 PM
Guys I have a substantial amount of sponsor money pledged for the HPS rental. I know we can get the funds together to do Firebird rental and have the car show there at the same time. I will have the cost narrowed down by next week. We just don't need to run into any club political issues. 400 members and only 150 cars at the fall show. We need to shoot for 300 cars at the show and 150 racing. To have something this big we will need to get things ironed by the end of January at the latest.
12-28-06, 06:58 PM
That would be great and now since our guy has left the building over at the Holiday Inn this is exactly what we need. Now lets come up with an event title!!! I can tell you that some of the members in our club are going to think we are crazy but its time to have a big all ford show for everyone!!!
12-28-06, 07:06 PM
That would be great and now since our guy has left the building over at the Holiday Inn this is exactly what we need. Now lets come up with an event title!!! I can tell you that some of the members in our club are going to think we are crazy but its time to have a big all ford show for everyone!!!
There will always be skeptics or those who say we always did it this way and we are not changing, but it is time to look for a bigger better event that draws in more mustangs.
It would be nice if we had more copperstate members on this site so we can get more ideas. Does anyone have a master email list? From the applications?
12-28-06, 07:10 PM
Thats been discussed before but unless we are out of options the show must go on!!! That being said...If we do deceide to make a big show like the MCA Regional and the combination of HPS etc.. we will need "All Hands On Deck" for this one!!!
Ok whos hands are on deck then, and whos hands do we need????? Lets get this party started:woot2:
12-28-06, 07:11 PM
Ford Monsoon Madness Invitational
Monsoon Madness Invitational
Monsoon Madness Challenge
Monsoon Madness Shootout
Southwest Monsoon Madness Invitational
Southwest Monsoon Madness Challenge
Southwest Monsoon Madness Shootout
12-28-06, 07:13 PM
There will always be skeptics or those who say we always did it this way and we are not changing, but it is time to look for a bigger better event that draws in more mustangs.
It would be nice if we had more copperstate members on this site so we can get more ideas. Does anyone have a master email list? From the applications?
Well the people who are "set in there ways" will have to bend a bit and realize that there are new ideas out there and we all cant have bad ideas, Times are a changing. I think there should be a vote, what ya say mister vice president????
12-28-06, 07:19 PM
Ford Monsoon Madness Invitational
Monsoon Madness Invitational
Monsoon Madness Challenge
Monsoon Madness Shootout
Southwest Monsoon Madness Invitational
Southwest Monsoon Madness Challenge
Southwest Monsoon Madness Shootout
Copperstate Monsoon Drag n Brag Car Show and Drag Racing
12-28-06, 07:20 PM
Copperstate Monsoon Drag n Brag Car Show and Drag Racing
Too Long :biglaugh:
12-28-06, 07:21 PM
Too Long :biglaugh:
ok hmmm, Copperstate Monsoon Drag n Brag show
12-28-06, 07:26 PM
Ohhh heres a good one...
Copperstate monsoon Park and Strip show......hehehehehehe
12-28-06, 07:29 PM
How about a name without copperstate.
12-28-06, 07:40 PM
How about a name without copperstate.
I dont know if the club members would like that though. But who knows, Im just a little peeon in the club hehehe.:biglaugh:
12-28-06, 07:45 PM
Monsoon Madness All Ford Invitational.. We never used the Copperstate name in the show title Mustang Monsoon Madness Treasured Ponies.. Spring Fling and then we put the sponsors in!!!
Sponsored by: All Of us!!!!
12-28-06, 07:47 PM
Monsoon Madness All Ford Invitational.. We never used the Copperstate name in the show title Mustang Monsoon Madness Treasured Ponies.. Spring Fling and then we put the sponsors in!!!
Sponsored by: All Of us!!!!
Ahh ok sorry:redface:
12-28-06, 07:50 PM
We'll work on it!!!!
12-28-06, 07:51 PM
Monsoon Madness Ford Invitational
12-28-06, 07:54 PM
Southwest Monsoon Madness All Ford Invitation At Firebird International Raceway!!
Think that will fit on a shirt???? He He
12-28-06, 08:08 PM
Make it a little longer.
Chris B.
12-28-06, 08:53 PM
Ok before we get to far along we need to decide is it an all Ford show or just an all Mustang show? That could make a big difference.
12-28-06, 08:54 PM
Ok before we get to far along we need to decide is it an all Ford show or just an all Mustang show? That could make a big difference.
All Ford for the racing aspect.
Chris B.
12-28-06, 09:03 PM
All Ford for the racing aspect.
That's fine, but if it's going to be a judged show that could open up a whole bunch of questions for judging. I guess if we can get the support we need for judging the show, it might work.
12-28-06, 09:19 PM
Well it could be an all ford race and mustang show.
12-28-06, 10:13 PM
We could do whatever we really want, have a judged Mustang Show then peoples chioce classes for all Ford Powered vehicles and Race on into the evening!! All I know that if it gets as big as we think it might get... I'n not cookin for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we could order out? :woot2:
12-28-06, 10:18 PM
We could do whatever we really want, have a judged Mustang Show then peoples chioce classes for all Ford Powered vehicles and Race on into the evening!! All I know that if it gets as big as we think it might get... I'n not cookin for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we could order out? :woot2:
Your little grill will do the job.
12-28-06, 10:34 PM
We will have a whole team working on this one!!!!
Chris B.
12-29-06, 08:18 AM
We could do whatever we really want, have a judged Mustang Show then peoples chioce classes for all Ford Powered vehicles and Race on into the evening!! All I know that if it gets as big as we think it might get... I'n not cookin for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we could order out? :woot2:
Sounds like a plan to me! I really think we can pull this off!! :highfive:
12-29-06, 11:48 AM
I talked to firebird today. I will have some info from them after the holiday.
Does the copperstate show have to be in OCT?
12-29-06, 02:34 PM
Not Necessarily what were you thinking???
12-29-06, 03:32 PM
Gee its been busy here, the past 20 Hours! We really should have Trish and Joni's Spring show as #1 priority, the next two months, to get that one set up and rolling. Any possable sites? I think we should look at Papago Park, while we are having Pancakes there. Good central location.
Can do some long range planning for the Fall Show, need to look into date conflicts with other Clubs too. Fall gets busy.
12-29-06, 04:11 PM
Not Necessarily what were you thinking???
November. Just hoping for a little cooler weather.
As far as conflicts if other clubs don't have things scheduled yet they can work around this show/race.
12-29-06, 04:18 PM
Gee its been busy here, the past 20 Hours! We really should have Trish and Joni's Spring show as #1 priority, the next two months, to get that one set up and rolling. Any possable sites? I think we should look at Papago Park, while we are having Pancakes there. Good central location.
Can do some long range planning for the Fall Show, need to look into date conflicts with other Clubs too. Fall gets busy.
We will need to find a hotel that is near by there, But sounds like a good place, I have not been there yet but I sure can take a drive up there too check it out. Please let me know whats going on, Joni and I are supposed to be meeting at 5pm tomorrow to discuss some things. Please fellas lets get this going if this is what you all want to do.....................
12-29-06, 10:05 PM
We will need to find a hotel that is near by there, But sounds like a good place, I have not been there yet but I sure can take a drive up there too check it out. Please let me know whats going on, Joni and I are supposed to be meeting at 5pm tomorrow to discuss some things. Please fellas lets get this going if this is what you all want to do.....................
Get some ideas on who you would like to help you, and what they would be assigned to do.
ie: A Lead to handle trophies/T-Shirts/Dash Placks
A Lead to handle registration and ballots
I will be helping some, and more or less "Writing the Book" on how to properly organize, and run a Show, so we do not continue to burn people out.
12-30-06, 09:34 AM
Get some ideas on who you would like to help you, and what they would be assigned to do.
ie: A Lead to handle trophies/T-Shirts/Dash Placks
A Lead to handle registration and ballots
I will be helping some, and more or less "Writing the Book" on how to properly organize, and run a Show, so we do not continue to burn people out.
Lets back this one up a bit please. So guys please tell me...are we still doing the spring show or will it be just a mini show at the park. And then we have this large show in the fall? I need these kinds of details to plan things. I cannot get organized if I dont have some structure to go on. I have lots of ideas but They are on hold till I have some kind of descision from you guys please. I agree with the burn out part. I was so exhausted from the monsoon show whew.
12-30-06, 10:21 AM
We will have more answers by the Club Meeting so hang in there!!
12-30-06, 11:01 AM
Lets back this one up a bit please. So guys please tell me...are we still doing the spring show or will it be just a mini show at the park. And then we have this large show in the fall? I need these kinds of details to plan things. I cannot get organized if I dont have some structure to go on. I have lots of ideas but They are on hold till I have some kind of descision from you guys please. I agree with the burn out part. I was so exhausted from the monsoon show whew.
You and Joni should stay loose on this one, it is possable that the new Club Sponser will host the Spring Show. I would get a short list of possable sites together, just incase. For now I would be thinking up a theme for the Show, and who you would like to ask to help out, and what area they would help in.
Chris B.
12-30-06, 11:44 AM
You and Joni should stay loose on this one, it is possable that the new Club Sponser will host the Spring Show. I would get a short list of possable sites together, just incase. For now I would be thinking up a theme for the Show, and who you would like to ask to help out, and what area they would help in.
Don't feel like you are doing this for nothing since we may be able to use some of your ideas for the fall show!! :yes:
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