View Full Version : New converter and tranny
Well as some of you know I broke the stock converter with the bottle. If you leave the converter unlocked when using the bottle I've been told it shouldn't hurt the conv. You wont get as good of a result at the track, but you wont have to spend money for a new conv. either. I wanted to see how long it would hold up to going into lock-up in 2 gear on the bottle. I found out it wont last long, maybe a couple passes maybe not! I figured I'ld blow the conv. or the tranny by putting it in to lock-upon the bottle, but I thought it might last alittle longer then it did. Oh well time for a higher stall, stronger conv., and a built tranny.
Now I'm having BC Automotive build me a stronger/better conv. and tranny. The tranny isn't hurt but since I'm doing the conv. I figured I might as well do the tranny while I'm at it. With the new comb. I'm hoping to hit run 12's on the motor and 11's on the bottle. Once I have all the info on the new set up I'll be sure to post it and the results from the track. Should be done in a couple of weeks.
12-27-06, 04:11 PM
Cool. Some day I may end up with an auto.
Just let me know when your ready Performance Solutions is going to be a dist. for them in the SW area. BC Automotive has a complete kit to convert you Cobra to an auto. Plus you'll get a converter matched to your car and built from scratch, not one thats been sittng on a shelf collecting dust.
12-27-06, 04:23 PM
be sure to call me when you hit up the track, i cannot wait to see this setup in action. maybe even race ya. :pepper:
Um no one allowed it'll be a private test & tune, HAHAHA I wish. :z7shysterical: :snicker:
AZSonicSnake you already know I'll be calling you to head to the track with me. Once its all tuned in, you bet your @$$ we'll line up (oh an the bottle will have to on for that race).:thmbsup:
12-27-06, 04:35 PM
Um no one allowed it'll be a private test & tune, HAHAHA I wish. :z7shysterical: :snicker:
AZSonicSnake you already know I'll be calling you to head to the track with me. Once its all tuned in, you bet your @$$ we'll line up (oh an the bottle will have to on for that race).:thmbsup:
Dam this is serious. :woot1:
Dam this is serious. :woot1:
Nothing serious, AZSonicSnake and I usually head to the track the at the same time. I just know that I'll need the bottle to even have a chance at giving him a good run!:yes:
12-27-06, 07:02 PM
werd. can't wait. i know you'll more than likely tree me, but it will most def be a kick ass race! can't wait to see tha mach back on the track!!!
werd. can't wait. i know you'll more than likely tree me, but it will most def be a kick ass race! can't wait to see tha mach back on the track!!!
I'ld need a big hole shot to keep ya from going around me at the top end. After all you still have alot more power even when I'm on the bottle. But I agree it would be a great race.:highfive:
:woot2: Well all of my parts have finally showed up. The new set up is sitting in the shop waiting to be installed. Now if I can just find some free time to get it installed. After that its time to head to the track and see how much time it'll shave off. I hope to get my slow @$$ in the 12's n/a & ??? on the bottle.:icon_cool:
02-15-07, 09:25 PM
i was plannig on coming down saturday along with rambo to lend a hand...:veryhappy:
02-15-07, 09:34 PM
i was plannig on coming down saturday along with rambo to lend a hand...:veryhappy:
Yes and I can drink beer. Should be fun to watch you run when you've got it together Shane!
02-15-07, 09:38 PM
hopefully we can get it all done before we get too many beers in us. hahaha. think i am gonna bring down the ranger so i can be a little less obvious on the way home. lol.
I'm still not sure if we'll do it after work on Sat. or not. It all depends how the AZLOC dyno day goes.
Well the the new combo is in and I'm very pleased . Thanks to everyone who helped out.
Let me just say that my Mach is a blast to drive now. I didn't think an automatic could be this much fun to drive. I'm pretty sure I'll hit the 12's N/A now as long as I can hook up. On street tires it just blows the tires off all the way through 3rd gear:3gears: :icon_cool: :highfive: :woot2: :drool5:
On the freeway from a 3rd gear kick down it pulls alot harder then it did before! I cann't wait to hit the track.
Can't wait to see some numbers. Be sure to let us all know when you're planin' on headin' out.
SOON very very soon, maybe this weekend. I cann't handle not knowing what she'll run.:icon_cool:
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