View Full Version : 5.0 Mustang Article...

12-21-06, 11:09 AM
Ok, so my new subscription to 5.0 mustang shows up yesterday, and on the cover, terminator vs. gt500. read the article, and its quite interesting. seems like a moderatly modded termee is right at the power range of the stock gt500. seems decent in my book considering the price difference. and they mentioned that the displacement makes up for the little added weight that th gt500 carries around. and also that the torque more than makes up for it. the funniest part i thought was when they were going to do the head to head, the termee snaped a half shaft. guess its solid axle ftw!!

anyways....wanted to see others opinoins......discuss!

12-21-06, 11:38 AM
Midly modded? Im not sure what all is involved with swapping IRS for a solid axle but I would consider that more than just a "mild mod". But yes Live Axles rock at the strip but I want IRS for the street

Also MMFF did a very similar article. May have to go home and read it

12-21-06, 11:43 AM
no, i meant power levels not a live axle. hence why i put that the termee broke a half shaft. lol. mildy meaning chip, instake, exhaust, stuff of that nature.

12-21-06, 11:51 AM
I like my stock IRS with a 1.59 60ft. LOL

12-21-06, 12:41 PM
can't argue that time. but how many times is it gonna take that?

12-21-06, 05:56 PM
1 million times?


12-21-06, 06:26 PM
very nice. :biglaugh: