View Full Version : Blue Stripe
11-30-06, 11:55 AM
so, i have read a few other forums, and have found 1,000 different answers. so i thought i would ask the guys i know better. last night as i was looking around under the hood, i happened to notice a blue stripe on the drivers side cylinder head on my cobra. does this mean anything? i think i have been told in the past that it was an updated head. is that the case?
thanks guys. :awsome:
11-30-06, 02:17 PM
yes its an updated head for 03. not the same as the early run cars. my first engine had it. mine was built late too, one of the last ones before 10th aniv.
12-11-06, 05:47 PM
The only updated heads that have the 9 threaded spark plug holes were never installed on a Cobra. They were installed on the Aviator in 05.
12-11-06, 06:37 PM
so then it means nothing?
It has the updated head for the cooling/ticking problem. But it still doesn't have the 9 thread plug holes. Alot of the mid year 03 Cobras and Machs have the "blue stripped head", or any that have had the warrenty/recall done at the dealership.
12-11-06, 07:13 PM
so its updated, but not 100% fixed. makes sense. i feel a little better then. :2thumbs:
12-11-06, 07:24 PM
Some of the blue heads still tick LOL! There's only one fix, the revised 9 thread heads
12-11-06, 10:10 PM
so, i have read a few other forums, and have found 1,000 different answers. so i thought i would ask the guys i know better. last night as i was looking around under the hood, i happened to notice a blue stripe on the drivers side cylinder head on my cobra. does this mean anything? i think i have been told in the past that it was an updated head. is that the case?
thanks guys. :awsome:
My car was made in March of 03 and has the blue paint on the ds head.
12-12-06, 10:20 AM
It has the updated head for the cooling/ticking problem. But it still doesn't have the 9 thread plug holes. Alot of the mid year 03 Cobras and Machs have the "blue stripped head", or any that have had the warrenty/recall done at the dealership.
The main cooling issue with the drivers head is that there is no fitting in the back of the head allowing the hot coolant an escape passage out of the head, like on the pass side.
The main cooling issue with the drivers head is that there is no fitting in the back of the head allowing the hot coolant an escape passage out of the head, like on the pass side.
Thats not what AZSonicSnake asked. He wanted to know why the blue stripe was on his driver side head. It was there to identify that the warranty/recall or TSB had been performed. Its Fords claim that the redesigned head cured the cooling issue which resulted in the ticking noise. The AFTERMARKET came out with the fitting to replace the freeze plug in the driver side head that lets coolant excape the rear of the head like the passenger side does from the factory. But again thats not the question AZSonicSnake asked.
12-12-06, 08:05 PM
its all good, the more info the merrier. :2thumbs:
12-13-06, 03:55 PM
Thats not what AZSonicSnake asked. He wanted to know why the blue stripe was on his driver side head. It was there to identify that the warranty/recall or TSB had been performed. Its Fords claim that the redesigned head cured the cooling issue which resulted in the ticking noise. The AFTERMARKET came out with the fitting to replace the freeze plug in the driver side head that lets coolant excape the rear of the head like the passenger side does from the factory. But again thats not the question AZSonicSnake asked.
Sorry if I upset you somehow.
The blue stripe means there is some blue paint on the head, nothing more.
Again, sorry if I upset you somehow.
12-13-06, 04:19 PM
The blue stripe on the means absolutely nothing as far as differentiating it from another run/part number or replacement head. There are several stock cobras running around that have had no TSB work done that still have the blue stripe (my sisters neighbor has a cobra that has never had the heads replaced and it has the blue stripe). In others words, pay no attention to the blue stripe.
12-13-06, 05:55 PM
There new redesigned heads have also ticked on some cars.
If your head is not ticking don't worry about it.
+1 on the LDC cooling mod to get more cooling on the drivers side head.
12-13-06, 05:59 PM
Thats not what AZSonicSnake asked. He wanted to know why the blue stripe was on his driver side head. It was there to identify that the warranty/recall or TSB had been performed. Its Fords claim that the redesigned head cured the cooling issue which resulted in the ticking noise. The AFTERMARKET came out with the fitting to replace the freeze plug in the driver side head that lets coolant excape the rear of the head like the passenger side does from the factory. But again thats not the question AZSonicSnake asked.
dun4791 ( is one of the owners of LDC Chicago. HPS's newest supporting vendor. They manufacture the cooling mod and and have extensive knowledge relating to the head issues on these cars.
dun4791 ( is one of the owners of LDC Chicago. HPS's newest supporting vendor. They manufacture the cooling mod and and have extensive knowledge relating to the head issues on these cars.
The problem was that Svt thought that the infamous tick was caused by the cylinder head this is a problem they had a few months after production so they had changes the drivers head and the only way they could differentiate between the two was the blue stripe. I don’t care who works were if you have access to any TSBs you will see that they specifically identify the up graded head by the blue strip. How ever the blue strip head was only from mid year 03 to the start of the new 9 threaded production in 04. I Find it odd that I was told from modular fords why would you use anti seize when we only have 4 threads and that statement was wrong and he too was a shop owner because I was working on a 2004 and not a 2003. The facts are the blue strip head is a 03 replacement head only some cars received this before ever being sold or final assembly. The 04 head is a completely different head all together. Because the 2004 cobra head is equip with improved coolant passages and the all new 9 threaded spark plug hole. If you have anymore question on this matter I will gladly address them. I will guarantee you all that I have done my home work on this subject seeing as how I was working at ford when this change took place and also after having done so many of these cars.
The actually the tick is caused by collapses piston skirts that is a direct result of detonation causing excessive piston to wall clearance. In my case it was 4 thousands clearance at the top of the cylinder that is why it was ticking in the mornings and would go away after warming up until the problem worsened
I think that we can all agree that I have beaten my Cobra:1cool: more than anyone around I have been 200mph in my cobra and back down:highfive: I have had 18#s of boost spraying the shit out of it for two years strait:awsome: , I also was in the 10s with a stock un-ported Eaton And I have been one of the quickest if not the fastest 2.2 KB car in the country:kneel: I have never ever performed a cooling mod on my car nor will I ever. I have had no problems with cooling on my car:hello: . I personally don’t ever recommend it. 99% of the modifications leak or are made:wink: poorly If this was the end all be all cooling modification wouldn’t you think that with the 208780680243086082 dollars ford spent on R&D and head up grades they would have spent the .35 cents to make this foolish:bawling: modification. If you buy this mod for some added protection please under stand that it is not proven to protect anything other than the other guy’s wallet. Think about it 180-200 mph on Spray and I have documentation of this! You do the math I have 373 gears and was in 6th gear at 6800 RPM this is no joke:rollingfloorrlol: . The guy I was racing was Joe the leader of Scottsdale Exotic car club with his Porsche 911tt.
I by no means am saying that I know it all:duh: , I just have never seen the need nor supporting evidence to justify this modification:nono: .
Remember Jeff I still love yea ::: kiss::::: Kiss::::: :pointlaff:
The Nunn's
12-13-06, 08:27 PM
It was brought to my attention:duh: that my post could possibly be taken as a slam on our new vendor. that is not the case here, If you feel compelled to perform this modification by all means use his stuff :hide:because it is the only one that I have seen that actually has some thought put in to it. If it sounded like I was bashing someone I am not and it was not my intention. Thank you again :highfive:
Jeff I love all the smilies
12-13-06, 09:03 PM
wow, some good info there dan. good thing i am not too worried about how my plugs are in the heads. some really cool ernie guy put mine in...:2thumbs:
12-13-06, 09:56 PM
LDC supports this site. It is their $$$ that help pay for the never ending increasing costs of running this site. Their products are top notch and come highly recommended in the mustang community. Some people personally like the cooling mod, others feel it is not necessary. If you do choose to do the cooling mod the LDC is the best designed kit on the market. Their Clutch freeplay kit is also top notch. LDC can answer any questions you may have about their products.
12-13-06, 10:10 PM
12-14-06, 07:43 AM
ok, well, i have 43k on my car. is it safe to say i will not have the issue? or does it pop up at anytime? and whats the best precautions i can take to avoid it? i mean i know about the various cooling mods, and when i have a clutch done, one will be done. but otherwise, are there things i can avoid in my daily driving of the beast?
ok, well, i have 43k on my car. is it safe to say i will not have the issue? or does it pop up at anytime? and whats the best precautions i can take to avoid it? i mean i know about the various cooling mods, and when i have a clutch done, one will be done. but otherwise, are there things i can avoid in my daily driving of the beast?
Typically, but not always, the tick shows up early in the engine's life. Unless you do something really dumb like an extended high speed run, as opposed to 1/4 mile racing, you probably will never experience the tick issue if you don't have it by now.
The extended high speed runs seem to be a primary cause for the tick to develop. There are several underlying reasons for this, one being the excessive heat and no way to rid that area of it.
Many people that have the tick, and weren't eligible for warranty repairs by Ford, have continued to drive the car with no further problems other than the annoying sound, opting to replace the head when other problems arise for which the repairs would lend themselves to installing new heads.
12-14-06, 09:08 AM
thank you for the info. i had been warned about the high speed runs by dan, and personally i am not a high speed on the freeway kinda guy. i prefer drag racing. and not doing 150mph runs.
but i do appreciate the info. i 100% trust the info i get from my shop, but never hurts to gather more info. :awsome:
12-14-06, 10:13 AM
Tony the cooling mod is an owner decision. If you want the most effective cooling this mod can not hurt. Allowing coolant to flow out of the back of the drivers head to the heater core is not a bad thing. You know that I don't do anything on my car that I feel is unnecessary. I feel that this was $180 well spent. But ultimately it is an owner decision.
12-14-06, 10:19 AM
well, as i said, when i do a clutch i will have some form of cooling mod put in there. as i know its an issue, and i am also a firm believer that you cannot have too much cooling. thus my radiator, and alumn tanks. :2thumbs:
12-14-06, 10:21 AM
Well LDC is the one to use. It is worth the extra money due to design.
12-14-06, 10:23 AM
well, i have been more than pleased with thier freeplay clutch mod, so, its at the top of the list. :2thumbs:
12-14-06, 10:34 AM
Also their kits are custom made from Ford fittings. Many of the other kits are made form cheap plastic, don't fit right, melt, leak, etc. So don't fall for a cheaper one.
12-14-06, 08:31 PM
12-14-06, 08:40 PM
12-15-06, 04:51 PM
I've always been under the impression that the updated heads were NEVER installed on a production cobra. The latest heads came out in 1/05, and there were other versions installed by dealers that were addressing the tick issue. Furthermore, the blue stripe means nothing as I said before....Correct?
12-15-06, 07:43 PM
well i was under the assumption that the blue strip head was just another head with a different part number that ford used. not more threads just another head. like the heads that were used to replace the cobra heads built before Nov xx, 2002 (forgot the date). it dont matter my new engine is new =)
12-16-06, 10:28 AM
well i was under the assumption that the blue strip head was just another head with a different part number that ford used. not more threads just another head. like the heads that were used to replace the cobra heads built before Nov xx, 2002 (forgot the date). it dont matter my new engine is new =)
Yea, I hear ya...mine is new too...but not installed quite yet...
Come on Dan...get on it!!!:icon_razz:
Yea, I hear ya...mine is new too...but not installed quite yet...
Come on Dan...get on it!!!:icon_razz:
oh are you still typing? I have been in Florida at the PRI show :highfive: and at this point I dont have time to E- battle you right now
12-16-06, 04:19 PM
oh are you still typing? I have been in Florida at the PRI show :highfive: and at this point I dont have time to E- battle you right now
E-Battle. LOL
That is your new name
The E-Battle Master.
12-16-06, 07:17 PM
oh are you still typing? I have been in Florida at the PRI show :highfive: and at this point I dont have time to E- battle you right now
Dan, you quoted the wrong post....:bitchslap:
Venomous Bite
12-17-06, 05:11 PM
E-Battle. LOL
That is your new name
The E-Battle Master.
LOL E-Battle Master
12-17-06, 07:14 PM
Ok here is a classified top secret CIA spy picture of Dans Heads.
Look at that a pretty pink Stripe. :rofl:
Ok here is a classified top secret CIA spy picture of Dans Heads.
Look at that a pretty pink Stripe. :rofl:
Your entire post is stupid. The only 9 threaded heads are OE 05 Aviator heads.
Then I must have the fastest and quickest 04 that should be a 05 Aviator in the country. Blah blah blah keep talking because your looking good on this end
Then I must have the fastest and quickest 04 that should be a 05 Aviator in the country. Blah blah blah keep talking because your looking good on this end
I have a slow N/A 2V GT !!!!!!!!! :veryhappy:
12-18-06, 06:23 PM
Then I must have the fastest and quickest 04 that should be a 05 Aviator in the country. Blah blah blah keep talking because your looking good on this end
Are your heads the ones that came on the car or the reworked heads issued in Jan 05?
12-18-06, 10:08 PM
Typically, but not always, the tick shows up early in the engine's life. Unless you do something really dumb like an extended high speed run, as opposed to 1/4 mile racing, you probably will never experience the tick issue if you don't have it by now.
The extended high speed runs seem to be a primary cause for the tick to develop. There are several underlying reasons for this, one being the excessive heat and no way to rid that area of it.
Many people that have the tick, and weren't eligible for warranty repairs by Ford, have continued to drive the car with no further problems other than the annoying sound, opting to replace the head when other problems arise for which the repairs would lend themselves to installing new heads.
If anyone wants to hear what the tick sounds like, just listen to my freakin' car. Its got it. Gotta get that fixed soon......:irked:
If anyone wants to hear what the tick sounds like, just listen to my freakin' car. Its got it. Gotta get that fixed soon......:irked:
it doesnt hurt performance. Its just annoying
12-18-06, 10:27 PM
Also it could be somthing like an exhaust leak.
12-18-06, 10:35 PM
or a piston skirt
12-18-06, 10:46 PM
Or a valve in the tail pipe. LOL
Are your heads the ones that came on the car or the reworked heads issued in Jan 05?
You know there were some pictures that were posted by Fast fish once that showed us putting anti seize on a set of spark plugs and everyone said why? We only have 4 threads and they were all wrong because of the issue ford had with there heads the lightning and the mustangs in 04 all received 9 threads as did every thing else in the ford line up for that year
12-19-06, 09:48 AM
Arent you supposed to use anti-seize when your putting plugs into aluminium heads. Or anything your threading into aluminium for that matter.
12-19-06, 09:51 AM
Some say yes some say no. The Shop manual doesn't say to. I use a little and my plugs have and have yet to launch one out of the head.
12-19-06, 02:15 PM
You know there were some pictures that were posted by Fast fish once that showed us putting anti seize on a set of spark plugs and everyone said why? We only have 4 threads and they were all wrong because of the issue ford had with there heads the lightning and the mustangs in 04 all received 9 threads as did every thing else in the ford line up for that year
I got so curious that I got a piece of gum and put it on a rod and made an impression of a plug hole. Guess what only 4 threads.
12-19-06, 02:19 PM
LOL, you need a life.:rollingfloorrlol:
I got so curious that I got a piece of gum and put it on a rod and made an impression of a plug hole. Guess what only 4 threads.
12-19-06, 02:21 PM
LOL, you need a life.:rollingfloorrlol:
Well when I get a difference of opinion I like to have the facts. LOL
12-19-06, 02:26 PM
Yea but yours is a stock motor.:2thumbs:
I got so curious that I got a piece of gum and put it on a rod and made an impression of a plug hole. Guess what only 4 threads.
wow we must have the magic touch because every stock 04 cobra motor that has been here has 9 threads
I got so curious that I got a piece of gum and put it on a rod and made an impression of a plug hole. Guess what only 4 threads.
Did you go all the way? :rollingfloorrlol:
I got so curious that I got a piece of gum and put it on a rod and made an impression of a plug hole. Guess what only 4 threads.
:awsome: cool
12-19-06, 02:31 PM
Dan your wrong. You are the only person in the country on any forum claiming this. The LDC guys are long time ford employees and have seen a boat load of these heads and the impression I made doesn't lie.
:2thumbs: even better
Dan your wrong. You are the only person in the country on any forum claiming this. The LDC guys are long time ford employees and have seen a boat load of these heads and the impression I made doesn't lie.
12-19-06, 02:43 PM
:2thumbs: even better
:moon: :moon: :moon: I know you love the smilies.
E-Tizzy Dan strikes again...
12-19-06, 02:45 PM
E-Battle Master!!!!
I really don't give a rats ass how many threads the heads have as long as the plugs don't shoot into the hood.
Some say don't use anti sieze. I use just a slight dab.
12-19-06, 02:56 PM
Hum who is this guy.
12-19-06, 02:57 PM
Gas troller?
Hum who is this guy.
12-19-06, 02:58 PM
:mrgreen: LOL
12-19-06, 03:00 PM
Jesus Christ, Doesnt anybody work anymore?:no:
Jesus Christ, Doesnt anybody work anymore?:no:
I am at work. I sit at my desk, BS with you guys, and wait for the phone to ring. Get paid a decent salary for it. I am not complaining
12-19-06, 03:07 PM
Jesus Christ, Doesnt anybody work anymore?:no:
My goal is to get paid some good $$$ and work as little as possible.:icon_razz:
12-19-06, 03:46 PM
I am at work. I sit at my desk, BS with you guys, and wait for the phone to ring. Get paid a decent salary for it. I am not complaining
Same here.:biggrin:
Fitting analogy.
Size of stomach = size of turbo
Pink shit out of my mouth = gospel
All the people behind me = my minions
And you even got the color right-
Good job Jeff...
12-19-06, 04:12 PM
Same here.:biggrin:
I'm calling Bill right now!!!
12-19-06, 04:22 PM
Fitting analogy.
Size of stomach = size of turbo
Pink shit out of my mouth = gospel
All the people behind me = my minions
And you even got the color right-
Good job Jeff...
Oh yea I did the Orange just for you.
That is a big ass turbo.
12-19-06, 06:33 PM
Well since I have nothing of any value to add to this disaster:
12-19-06, 08:47 PM
Well the funny pictures add value. I will have to make them into smilies.
Well since I have nothing of any value to add to this disaster...
I do.
This thread was just cracking me up. So I was thinking in the shower last night...hmmm...I had 9 thread heads (OEM) on my car...I've known that for a long time. So then I though...hmmmm... what do we have a lot of in the shop...
04 cobras, of course.
So this morning we busted out the bore scope...
My car, build date 11/03 has 9 thread heads
Dans car, build date 02/04 has 9 thread heads
Akumas car, build date 02/04 has 9 thread heads
Brads car, build date 02/04 has 9 thread heads
**Dario's car, build date 11/03 has 4 thread heads** <-----this is a 2004 cobra
All confirmed by 3 different people and a customer.
We also have shaggy's car (OEM heads not the 78 heads) which is in consecutive order to mine with unknown threads, my old man's built the day after mine with unknown threads, and a third orange car coming in for a tune on Friday built 03/04 that we will be checking as well.
Just thought I'd add some value here...
P Machy
12-20-06, 11:23 AM
Left Side Head P/N: 2C5Z-6049-BAB
Right Side Head P/N: 2C5Z-6049-CAB
Those are the latest P/N with 9 threads.
12-20-06, 11:40 AM
Left Side Head P/N: 2C5Z-6049-BAB
Right Side Head P/N: 2C5Z-6049-CAB
Those are the latest P/N with 9 threads.
Hey P are those the 1/05 heads or a production head part #.
The 3rd orange car (joe public off the street car) has 9 thread heads, production date 03/04. Customer also looked through bore scope and counted 9 threads before we said anything to him. Car just left the shop...
12-20-06, 05:13 PM
Ok Dan this is for you Big Boy:bowing:
I was so dam curious about this issue that I had to see for myself.
I took a look at a set of unmolested stock heads from an 04 cobra.
This car was built 11/03.
I retract any previous statements to you Dan about being wrong on the issue. You are correct 04's have 9 threads. I have to take a look at mine again.
Here are my findings
This 04 Cobra Head has 8-9 threads.
I took an impression of the hole with a good piece of Trident Gum. What a waste of a good piece of gum. It took about 8 to 8 1/4 full turns of the plug to seat it depending on the hole we selected. It is hard to see the gum but I counted 8 full threads on the impression. With the partial threads at the start and finish it is closer to 8 1/2 to 9 threads depending on cut.
Head Stamp
Sticker On head. Maybe someone can verify what this is for the date is 7-24-03
1. This 04 OEM Production Head has 9 threads.
2. We have pictures to prove it.
3. I wasted gum.
4. It still appears that some 04's have 4 threads. I am curious if those are only from the early part of the 04 production?
5. I was wrong and I will shut the hell up on the issue.
1. This 04 OEM Production Head has 9 threads.
2. We have pictures to prove it.
3. I wasted gum.
4. It still appears that some 04's have 4 threads. I am curious if those are only from the early part of the 04 production?
5. I was wrong and I will shut the hell up on the issue.
It doesn't matter who is wrong, it's getting the correct info out there that matters to me.
So I take it those are shaggys OEM heads?
Number 4 might be engines that were "pulled" and set aside on the line then put into a later build car. Dario's car is a perfect example of this. Also, what month/year was your car built?
12-20-06, 05:33 PM
It doesn't matter who is wrong, it's getting the correct info out there that matters to me.
So I take it those are shaggys OEM heads?
Number 4 might be engines that were "pulled" and set aside on the line then put into a later build car. Dario's car is a perfect example of this. Also, what month/year was your car built?
Yes this is the OEM head.
Mine was one of the last ones 3/04.
12-20-06, 05:35 PM
Whoopty freakin doo! Here is one you can guys can argue about next. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.:biggrin:
12-20-06, 05:39 PM
Whoopty freakin doo! Here is on you can guys can argue about next. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.:biggrin:
Well Dan what do you think?
Well Dan what do you think?
An apology from the great coolant gods would be nice. There response was neither correct nor professional. I understand doubting me because they have no idea who we are however maybe they should exert half the effort Jeff has in the researching this as we had last year. What is done is done. However an apology to Indy is in order if not public then at least in a PM
I wish I gave a shit to be a part of all of this action. For what its worth, I still have 4 thread heads and anti seize them everytime a plug goes in. I've never had a problem. :goodidea:
I wish I gave a shit to be a part of all of this action. For what its worth, I still have 4 thread heads and anti seize them everytime a plug goes in. I've never had a problem. :goodidea:
yes sir! we still love you no matter how many threads you have Gene
12-20-06, 07:53 PM
I wish I gave a shit to be a part of all of this action. For what its worth, I still have 4 thread heads and anti seize them everytime a plug goes in. I've never had a problem. :goodidea:
:rollingfloorrlol: Amen!
12-20-06, 09:14 PM
OK you have the fastest car in the country.:pinkthumb:
For your information Ford lets the coolant escape out of the rear of both heads on the new V6s and it is also going on all the new 3.5 and 3.7L V6s. The 3.5 is slated to be in 85% of thier cars. They utilize a crossover tube (plastic with O ring seals) that then feeds the heater core. Maybe with all the 98723978563489756 they spend on RnD they finally got it right. And your .35 cent per vehicle figure is millions for Ford.
Oh and I STILL work for Ford.
You are entilted to your opinion, however I take personal offense to when you make reference to 99% of coolant mods leaking or being made poorly. Have you ever held one of my coolant mods in your hand? You would know it is a quality piece. It is bolted to the back of the head and utilizes an O ring for sealing.And for the record we have never had ANY reports of a mod leaking. EVER.
Also for the record- the time involved for the monetary return on the few products we sell is nothing. We do it because we are part of the Terminator community and we enjoy doing it. Nothing more. We all have day jobs, and we all own modified Terminators.
Im not apologizing for this post.
12-20-06, 09:21 PM
Your entire post is stupid. The only 9 threaded heads are OE 05 Aviator heads.
Why if the piston skirt was making a noise and then Ford replaced a head, the why wiould the noise disapper? Are piston routinely replaced along with a head swap on a 4V Terminator?
Yes your post was a dumb read...............:hi:
Ok, I apologize for the attitude here, I evidently was misinformed. But the attitude was well deserved from the other post you made, it just kind of bled over.
Evidently there was some 04 Cobras with 9 threaded holes, and I applaud you for setting the record straight.
Also, no 9 thread heads have ever been installed at the factory on production Cobras. They were not released until after Cobra production ceased.
Up until today, I too believed that the 9 plug heads were only released after Cobra production ceased.
I stand corrected on that and thank you for taking the time to research it.
Sorry for the bad info.
12-20-06, 10:27 PM
Well I came up with the The number of turns head thread Test.
Dan tested out the theory for me.
Dan also adamantly stated the 04's have 9 threads and he was always right.
Basically there is a seat in the head for the wider portion of the plugs just above the threads to stop on. This seat, notch, ledge, whatever you want to call it is in the same location in the 03/04 heads. What is different is the 03 head threads start at the bottom of the head and go up 4 threads then there is space between there and the seat.
The 04 heads threads start at the same spot, but go up 9 threads much closer to the seat.
So when you screw a plug in your are using the bottom 4 threads of the plug on an 03 head and the bottom 9 plug threads on an 04.
Most plugs have 10-11 threads.
So this is how to find out how many threads your head has.
Make full 360 degree turns on the plug
4-4.5 turns to remove or seat the plug on a 4 thread head
8-8.5 turns to remove or seat the plug on a 9 thread head
Cool. Thats how I found out I only had 4 threads that actually worked. ie.e only getting 4.5 turns on my plugs. Guiness guys "Brilliant"!
Well I came up with the The number of turns head thread Test.
Dan tested out the theory for me.
Dan also adamantly stated the 04's have 9 threads and he was always right.
Basically there is a seat in the head for the wider portion of the plugs just above the threads to stop on. This seat, notch, ledge, whatever you want to call it is in the same location in the 03/04 heads. What is different is the 03 head threads start at the bottom of the head and go up 4 threads then there is space between there and the seat.
The 04 heads threads start at the same spot, but go up 9 threads much closer to the seat.
So when you screw a plug in your are using the bottom 4 threads of the plug on an 03 head and the bottom 9 plug threads on an 04.
Most plugs have 10-11 threads.
So this is how to find out how many threads your head has.
Make full 360 degree turns on the plug
4-4.5 turns to remove or seat the plug on a 4 thread head
8-8.5 turns to remove or seat the plug on a 9 thread head
I’m not asking you to apologize to me what so ever I want a formal apology to INDY. You are the one whom started on him so I jumped to set the record strait on the 9 thread stuff and what happened between you and I was uncalled for between the two of us and we both threw shit at each other however Indy was only trying to answer the question at hand and you flug shit at him. He didn’t need that,
12-21-06, 09:08 AM
I’m not asking you to apologize to me what so ever I want a formal apology to INDY. You are the one whom started on him so I jumped to set the record strait on the 9 thread stuff and what happened between you and I was uncalled for between the two of us and we both threw shit at each other however Indy was only trying to answer the question at hand and you flug shit at him. He didn’t need that,
He apologized on the first page
I think we can just end this thread the way it is.
We have totally verified the issue for the cobra world to see and came up with an easy way to check the status of a set of heads.
12-21-06, 09:40 AM
Cool. Thats how I found out I only had 4 threads that actually worked. ie.e only getting 4.5 turns on my plugs. Guiness guys "Brilliant"!
Guiness ?? Is that beer?
12-21-06, 09:42 AM
yummy beer at that.... BRILLIANT!!!
Guiness = only beer I drink...and rarely at that.
Most people say it tastes like dirt...then I watch them drink a corona :z7shysterical:
12-21-06, 11:45 AM
roger that, corona=piss. natsy stuff imo. but i am fairly open to beer, prefer rich german beers, but, love draft beer in general.
Guinness is the reason why I'm fat right now.
Yep, like I always say...bottled at the source:
Notice the corona bottle on the wallpaper, left side...
12-21-06, 09:57 PM
i love it.
oh, btw- a certain lazy ass will be down there tomorrow to pick up his gt. that is, if its not auctioned off yet...:awsome:
oh, and ask devin if he has driven it yet..:icon_biggrin:
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