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View Full Version : Buick GrandNational Nationals @ speedworld

11-24-06, 09:14 PM
11-25-2006 and 11-26-2006 gates open @ 9am anyone gona go show up some buicks??

im goin to try and make my neon make someone look bad

11-25-06, 09:58 AM
Good luck man, not sure if you were out for club day but the Buick boys had some bad ass rides out there. I think there were at least 3 in the 10's and one was probably capable of doing 9's (I think it ran a 10.30 on street tires.)

I don't know about anybody else but I was pretty impressed. I think I am gonna have to get me one. :yummy:

11-25-06, 10:27 AM
they were rather impressive, but i'll gladly stick with my terminator. :) :biggrin:

11-25-06, 02:35 PM
no, didnt get to make it to the club day, and i know they got soem sick cars out there, unfortunatly didnt get to make it out there today either.