View Full Version : NEW READ ME!!!! HPS Club Day at Speedworld 2-11-07
11-19-06, 10:37 PM
Come join the Second HPS Drag Racing Club Day at Speedworld on Sunday February 11, 2007 at 9AM. Club Day participants must be members of HPS or Copperatate Mustang Club to attend. It is $25 to race $15 to watch.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Please vote on the poll to sign up.
Race Gas will be available at the Track.
Directions to the track
Track Entrance Off of Happy Valley Road.
Safety Equipment to get you past Tech.
All convertibles drivers must have a Snell 2000
or better helmet.
Speedworld said they have no problems with a convertible running up to mid 12's without a roll bar on our club day.[/b]
Coupes running from 13.99 to 11.50 must a Snell 2000 or better helmet.
Any car with a non OEM power adder (Super charger, Turbo , nitrous) must have a fire jacket.
If anyone is buying a new helmet for this event get a Snell 2005 and it will be good for 10 more years.
Cars from 11.49 - 10.0 (If your this fast and don't know what you need shame on you)
11-19-06, 11:17 PM
i will make sure this day is perfectly clear!!
is it here yet? :bounce: :icon_razz:
Ok, fine you talked me into it.
I'll be there for sure.:thmbsup: :laughing1:
11-21-06, 06:38 AM
By then I should have some DR's, if so I'll go for sure. Well worth the drive from Tucson.:thmbsup: Hopefully Luis can make it up this time.
El Jefe
11-21-06, 09:30 AM
Who knows what Ill be driving then...but if its anything worthy Ill be there
11-21-06, 06:51 PM
I'm in
Should have her all done by than.
Hope to see you all there.:bounce:
11-21-06, 07:06 PM
:2thumbs: :2thumbs:
11-21-06, 07:23 PM
I will be there, hopefully ill have the rest of my exhaust done and my own DR.
11-25-06, 09:18 PM
TWIST TWIST :laughing1: :laughing1: ouch im in but NO im not dragging
11-25-06, 11:20 PM
Looking forward to it, should have some good stuff by then
Is it ok to bring friends or wives who are not members? Also what do I need when I get there to prove I'm a member?
11-26-06, 08:39 AM
Is it ok to bring friends or wives who are not members? Also what do I need when I get there to prove I'm a member?
Yes, its ok to bring family friends etc.. Just let Burntire know how many will be coming. You will have to wear a name tag with your Member name on it, Thats what we did last time, and it worked out real well. Also our Copperstate Mustang Club probably will be doing food again, So make sure you stop by the trailer when you get there. The last one was crazy fun except for the hour and 1/2 oil clean up on the track. But fun overall. Would love to see ya there and meet ya. Welcome to the site too:2thumbs:
11-26-06, 09:33 AM
I'll make sure to keep the calender clear. Should be a blast!:2thumbs:
11-27-06, 06:03 PM
OK Looking good for the food and trailer again!! Lots of fun!!!This time I'm bringing my car! Ihope!
11-27-06, 06:08 PM
OK Looking good for the food and trailer again!! Lots of fun!!!This time I'm bringing my car! Ihope!
You better bring your car. I want to see you in action.
11-27-06, 08:08 PM
I'm in as well, this time I will run my own,well thats if I manage to keep myself
My girl will be coming along as well, and most likely Andy w/ the charcoal notch as well. maybe he can use my puter to sign in for himself.
11-28-06, 06:03 PM
11-29-06, 07:47 AM
Definately going to be there, hopefully will have some new mods on before the event........ :bounce:
11-29-06, 08:27 AM
Count me in.
12-06-06, 10:53 PM
its time to try for the tens.i will be there
12-07-06, 09:50 PM
I'm going to bring some of my Army buddies with Mustangs, an 03 Cobra, a few 05-06 GTs. I have a buddy with an 06 WRX (not STi) that keeps talking crap about my car. He wants to race, can I bring him for 1 run?
12-07-06, 09:54 PM
I'll be back !!! Too much fun to miss....hopefully I can do better this time.
12-07-06, 10:14 PM
I'll be back !!! Too much fun to miss....hopefully I can do better this time.
Get some sticky tire this time.
12-08-06, 01:14 AM
Im in. Hopefully I wont have a day old tire shred on me the night before like last time. Well, I might end up taking pics more than anything.
12-08-06, 09:06 AM
Im in. Hopefully I wont have a day old tire shred on me the night before like last time. Well, I might end up taking pics more than anything.
Where are your videos?????????????????????????????
12-14-06, 01:52 PM
Ok Bumping.
Who else is coming?
:duh: I can't believe I hadn't already signed up. Im fired. Send me home.:lazy:
Haven't been to any previous events, so this sounds good to me. Probably will include my 30 year old son, maybe his wife and my wife. What more do I need to do to "JOIN"?
12-14-06, 11:41 PM
Where are your videos?????????????????????????????
Baaahhh! Knew I was forgetting to do something this week. OKAY, I will work on them tonight!
12-15-06, 09:31 PM
I will try to actually show up this time. Last time my wife had surgery a few days before and wasn't able to be left alone, so I had to skip it. She is coming along this time.
12-16-06, 12:51 PM
Haven't been to any previous events, so this sounds good to me. Probably will include my 30 year old son, maybe his wife and my wife. What more do I need to do to "JOIN"?
Looks like your good to go, The last event wasa blast I am sure your family will have a great time. :2thumbs:
12-16-06, 01:09 PM
Haven't been to any previous events, so this sounds good to me. Probably will include my 30 year old son, maybe his wife and my wife. What more do I need to do to "JOIN"?
All you have to do now is show up.
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
12-17-06, 06:53 PM
Is it going to cost us $25 since the track is changing the rates?
12-17-06, 07:01 PM
Is it going to cost us $25 since the track is changing the rates?
I will check on that.
12-17-06, 11:10 PM
Due to a schedule change at Speed World Club Day is now tentatively Sunday 2-11-07.
More details to follow. This interferes with the Copperstate Schedule.
To say the least I am ticked off.
12-17-06, 11:19 PM
if i am not mistaken thats the second sunday...which would be meeting day...
12-17-06, 11:22 PM
It is pancake breakfast day.
12-17-06, 11:32 PM
oh snaps. wow. any chance of a different weekend? i had planned on doing that....
12-17-06, 11:33 PM
I stripped the Poll so can everyone please re vote.
12-18-06, 07:14 AM
Looks like I can still make it, but thats 1 less week to get the mods on.....
if my car is fixed by then, ill be going
if my car is fixed by then, ill be going
Worst case scenario you take that quick little 6er you got there.
It was good to meet you on Friday night :hello:
12-18-06, 11:07 AM
Sorry guys I'm out of this one!!! Pancake Breakfast/Meeting..
Bummer.. Why did they change our date????????????????????????:furious:
12-18-06, 11:15 AM
Sorry guys I'm out of this one!!! Pancake Breakfast/Meeting..
Bummer.. Why did they change our date????????????????????????:furious:
I was given no reason. They just changed it.:irked:
Also they raised the entry fees to $25 to race and $15 to watch.
12-18-06, 11:33 AM
Well maybe Firebird is looking better and better!!!
12-18-06, 11:36 AM
well, since the pancake breakfast is once a year, and i can drag race most any weekend, i am out. bummer. as i was looking forward to this one big time.
12-18-06, 11:41 AM
Well maybe Firebird is looking better and better!!!
If firebird put on an event like this I would have it there, but they don't.
12-18-06, 12:09 PM
If firebird put on an event like this I would have it there, but they don't.
Maybe we should have a chat with them about having an event like this on top of friday night drags!!!:awsome:
Cobra Vic
12-18-06, 12:23 PM
Is there a speed or ET limit?
Can I bring our CIFCA funny car?
12-18-06, 12:24 PM
Is there a speed or ET limit?
Can I bring our CIFCA funny car?
What are you running with the car?
Cobra Vic
12-18-06, 12:26 PM
7. something 180mph
12-18-06, 12:30 PM
7. something 180mph
I don't see why not if the driver is liscensed and the safety all NHRA requirments are complied with.
What does CIFCA stand for?
12-18-06, 12:30 PM
I'm still in on this with the new date.:2thumbs:
Cobra Vic
12-18-06, 12:33 PM
I don't see why not if the driver is liscensed and the safety all NHRA requirments are complied with.
What does CIFCA stand for?
Cool, I'll get with the boss to see if we can make it ( we are # 3 in points
12-18-06, 12:38 PM
Cool, I'll get with the boss to see if we can make it ( we are # 3 in points
I just spoke to the track and they said it is not a problem.
They need to know for sure a week before if you are coming due to additional track and safety prep for the F/C. This would be great if you could come.
Cobra Vic
12-18-06, 12:50 PM
I just spoke to John he plans on being there we are going through the end of the year tear down now but should have it back together by then
12-18-06, 12:58 PM
I just spoke to John he plans on being there we are going through the end of the year tear down now but should have it back together by then
Cool. Now we have a support trailer with tools I would assume.
12-18-06, 01:00 PM
HPS will have the fastest car even if it is a GM body.
12-18-06, 01:10 PM
Discount Tire/Desert Star
Big John & Tony D'Oca
Worst case scenario you take that quick little 6er you got there.
It was good to meet you on Friday night :hello:
i was referring to the 6er, ford called, the cobra is done.
the 6er took a beatin on friday, clutch is gone (barely drives, and doesnt like WOT at all) and i think i bent one of the rear axle tubes tryin to launch at 5500rpm on the last run. the 7.5s just werent meant for the abuse that i can dish out hah.
i was referring to the 6er, ford called, the cobra is done.
the 6er took a beatin on friday, clutch is gone (barely drives, and doesnt like WOT at all) and i think i bent one of the rear axle tubes tryin to launch at 5500rpm on the last run. the 7.5s just werent meant for the abuse that i can dish out hah.
I wish I had sticky tires :icon_cry: then I might have run about what you are running. My best run of the night I cut a 2.6 60ft (against a Mach1 that I ET'd but he mph'd me) :rollingfloorrlol: . I guess it lived up to its nickname of slipperybird. It was a kick ass race between me and that 350Z though
If I've got the new trans an converter installed by then I should still be able to make it. The stock set up didn't like the bottle, but I do.
cant wait last time i ran a 1320 at hundred 110 with 2.3 60 foot and car wasnt tuned at all timig was off and really fat motor had p head and e 303 cam with 1.7 rockers and 4 or 5 pounds of boost. i just changed my set up to the afr 185's trick fow stage 2 cam and maybe moe boost and gonna have it tuned this time.
Cobra Vic
12-19-06, 07:31 AM
Cool. Now we have a support trailer with tools I would assume.
Yes we'll bring everything, I am thinking about bringing the Cobra Vic
[url=""]YouTube - Penzoil Funny Car (
and no Janine won't be there.
12-25-06, 10:13 PM
On 14 so far???
Those how signed up for the old date of 2-18 please re sign up.
Lets go racing!!
:wosautos118: :NOS1: :wosautos129:
12-26-06, 04:22 PM
I was at speed world last saturday and they didn't ask me if I had a jacket. Did the rules change about that? I plan on going into the 10's. Is there a place in phoneix I could get one. I just placed my order with summit and hate to order again plus would like to try it make sure it fits before I buy it.
12-26-06, 05:02 PM
Speedworld is pretty relaxed on the rules unlike firebird.
If you have a non oem power adder you are required to have a jacket.
11.00-11.49 and below you are also required to have a jacket.
5 point roll bar, 5 point harness
SFI approved bellhousing, flywheel, harmonic balancer.
Axle retention, drive shaft loop ( this is required on any car with slicks also)
I have a gforce jacket from Jegs.
I was at speed world last saturday and they didn't ask me if I had a jacket. Did the rules change about that? I plan on going into the 10's. Is there a place in phoneix I could get one. I just placed my order with summit and hate to order again plus would like to try it make sure it fits before I buy it.
12-26-06, 07:10 PM
Looks like I have everything you listed except the jacket. Ill need that. Does it have to be double layer? I see some single layer jackets from summit for $45.00
12-26-06, 07:28 PM
3.2 A/1
Single Layer
Will be good to 10.00
crow fire jacket they are on sale at lopers all the time
12-27-06, 03:44 PM
I got the RCI jacket $59 and got gloves from summit too will need them later on when I change the car over to a power glide.
12-28-06, 06:27 PM
Why so soon???? I need time to burn up my tax refund before showing of the new car.... Oh, well...I'll be there anyway. Look forward to it
01-02-07, 08:23 PM
Ok who else is coming.
Andy get that spray hooked up for our rematch :bouncy:
01-09-07, 07:00 PM
well if everthing goes good with the car and get a trailer i will be there with reaperaz aka dan
01-09-07, 10:29 PM
I should be there. Maybe.
01-09-07, 11:05 PM
now that i think about it, how long do they tech? i might run over there after the pancake breakfast....:twothumbsup:
01-09-07, 11:55 PM
Send Roland a PM. He should know.
01-11-07, 10:44 PM
Bump 30 Day Count Down.
My new converter and trans should be done soon. I hope they get it shipped quickly so I'm ready for the track day.
Oh ya, thanks for reminding me that I'm running out of time.LOL
01-11-07, 11:16 PM
My new converter and trans should be done soon. I hope they get it shipped quickly so I'm ready for the track day.
Oh ya, thanks for reminding me that I'm running out of time.LOL
Yea get that thing done and tell Dan to go too.
01-11-07, 11:41 PM
You can count me in... havnt met anyone from the site yet :icon_cool:
01-12-07, 04:56 PM
I hope to attend and get some good pictures for everyone.
I do plan on attending. Looking forward to meeting those who are there and seeing what everyone has done with their cars.
I pulled Dan's tranny out today. I don't know if it'll be back together in time for the track day, but if it is I'm sure he'll bring it. My tranny guy said everything should be shipped this week, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
01-13-07, 10:44 PM
I'll be there. Just need to sort out the rear suspension so 10's shouldn't be much of a problem. :uhh:
I hope to attend and get some good pictures for everyone.
Your racing too, right Rick.
01-13-07, 11:32 PM
Nevermind, I won't be racing.
Nevermind, I won't be racing.
01-13-07, 11:50 PM
Nevermind, I won't be racing.
Racing 1 minute not racing the next minute?
01-14-07, 08:36 PM
Racing 1 minute not racing the next minute?
Ehh, without getting into too much detail, I discovered some complications with my car last night.
I'm just really frustrated right now.
01-18-07, 01:34 AM
Dangit, I wont be able to attend now either! The Army moved my drill date to the 2-9 to 2-11. Can't get out of this one either. Im soo pissed! Guess they moved it from the 3-4 to avoid the superbowl. :censored:
01-19-07, 10:58 PM
Ok things are getting closer.
The funny car is still planning to attend.
Hopefully it doesn't rain.
01-19-07, 11:04 PM
I'm not attending guys, sorry.
01-28-07, 11:03 PM
2 weeks and counting.
01-29-07, 11:35 AM
Arizona Thunder is also coming.
2 alcohol funny cars racing heads up.
Definitely awesome... You think I got a shot against 'em with my blower going in????:bounce:
01-29-07, 11:44 AM
Oh yea on the return road. LOL
If I get 400whp where do you think I would be time wise?
01-29-07, 12:08 PM
If I get 400whp where do you think I would be time wise?
With good driving in the mid to lower 12's.
You will need a little more power to get into the 11's.
Where can I buy a fire jacket?
01-29-07, 01:02 PM
PM DynoJoe and see if he has them.
If not
01-29-07, 02:00 PM
03cobrazzz, matt,
06blacksabbath ( 93mustank ( 94scstang ( ASUSMC ( blacksunshine ( BurnTire ( Casey39er ( Chris B. ( Cobra Vic ( crazy ray ( DarkStang ( DesertMach ( DrumSTW3 ( Dustin@On3 ( Ethan@S3M ( gjmack3 ( hutnik ( INDY ( jared ( nexusvox ( ponypower2006 ( ReaperAZ ( Richard ( RogerL ( ronb0410 ( rsnider ( SuperDust22 ( TorchedMach1 ( Tortuga ( TRUUBLE ( vicious781 ( VSTNG ( vtecthis349pony (
01-29-07, 02:06 PM
hopefully there in the afternoon: azsonicsnake
01-29-07, 05:52 PM
06blacksabbath ( 93mustank ( 94scstang ( ASUSMC ( blacksunshine ( BurnTire ( Casey39er ( Chris B. ( Cobra Vic ( crazy ray ( DarkStang ( DesertMach ( DrumSTW3 ( Dustin@On3 ( gjmack3 ( INDY ( jared ( nexusvox ( ponypower2006 ( ReaperAZ ( ronb0410 ( SuperDust22 ( TorchedMach1 ( VSTNG (
Not alot of ppl attending.
01-29-07, 05:55 PM
Jeff I wish you could have changed the date, I would love to be there watching all you guys run. but we have so much with the club going on that day, Hey did you get the flyer done for me????
01-29-07, 06:15 PM
Jeff I wish you could have changed the date, I would love to be there watching all you guys run. but we have so much with the club going on that day, Hey did you get the flyer done for me????
Come out after the Pancakes.
No flyer yet.
01-29-07, 06:33 PM
06blacksabbath ( 93mustank ( 94scstang ( ASUSMC ( blacksunshine ( BurnTire ( Casey39er ( Chris B. ( Cobra Vic ( crazy ray ( DarkStang ( DesertMach ( DrumSTW3 ( Dustin@On3 ( gjmack3 ( INDY ( jared ( nexusvox ( ponypower2006 ( ReaperAZ ( ronb0410 ( SuperDust22 ( TorchedMach1 ( VSTNG ( is missing:biglaugh:
01-29-07, 08:27 PM
Maybe I'll be coming out. If I do I will be accompanied by my Hubby and the Birdy. It's undecided since it's our 5 year.:Bucktooth: We probably won't know until the day of.
01-29-07, 09:21 PM
Not alot of ppl attending.
I have 6 more not from this site and 2 alcohol funny cars.
01-29-07, 09:22 PM
03cobrazzz is missing:biglaugh:
Got ya.
01-29-07, 10:51 PM
Is it ok if I bring my father out?..........he just bought a n 88 5.0....
01-29-07, 10:54 PM
Is it ok if I bring my father out?..........he just bought a n 88 5.0....
Yes Bring Him.
01-31-07, 07:25 PM
Dang the 11th kinda snuck up on me. I've known for a while that my clutch is going out, and wouldn't handle any more track time. So I put in a call to Performance Solutions, and they ordered me out a Spec Stage 3 today. Should be in beginning of next week. Now all I have to worry about is the break in before the weekend. :biglaugh:
01-31-07, 07:59 PM
Dang the 11th kinda snuck up on me. I've known for a while that my clutch is going out, and wouldn't handle any more track time. So I put in a call to Performance Solutions, and they ordered me out a Spec Stage 3 today. Should be in beginning of next week. Now all I have to worry about is the break in before the weekend. :biglaugh:
Time for a little break in driving.
01-31-07, 08:22 PM
Yep. I guess they call for 500 miles of stop and go driving. Should give me some fun time in the drivers seat next week. Well actually not that fun since I won't be able to shift it hard, or run at WOT.
01-31-07, 10:02 PM
Ok It is time to start firming up the list. Anyone not coming that voted yes.
As long as my new trans shows up in time. Which means even if it shows up that weekend I should be there.
02-03-07, 06:10 AM
Not going to make it my powerglide wont be ready this week have everything but my converter and out of $$$ for this month anyway. I might just stop by and see the cars out there. Just make me wish I had mine
Still a "Yes!" and bringing 1 guest. Will not race, just want to meet people and see the cars.
02-03-07, 01:47 PM
not sure if im goin now :( gotta take the stang to the shop next week and get my paint job cleaned up so might not get it back till after the weekend:'(
Opens at 9am right? Good idea to get there then or ???
02-03-07, 02:58 PM
Opens at 9am right? Good idea to get there then or ???
If your watching 9 AM is fine. You may have to wait a little in line.
Racing will start at 10 AM.
02-03-07, 03:34 PM
Count me there, not sure if I will run...depends on if I can get in and get my stang re-tuned before the 11th
02-05-07, 11:38 PM
I'm going, but my car broke the P/S pump bracket as well as the bolt securing it to the head...I'll see if I can get a replacement and repair by this weekend. If I do, I'm looking for 11.50-11.70's
My friend with a TT 300ZX wants to go with us. I wanted to know if he could get on the HPS list.
02-06-07, 10:50 AM
My friend with a TT 300ZX wants to go with us. I wanted to know if he could get on the HPS list.
Sure Can.
Sure Can.
Does he have to do anything besides just show up...
02-06-07, 11:05 AM
Nope Just tell the gate what club he is with.
02-06-07, 03:35 PM
Do you think it will rain?
02-06-07, 03:37 PM
Oh and what other clubs will be there?
02-06-07, 03:43 PM
Do you think it will rain?
I hope not! Not in forecast.
02-06-07, 04:23 PM
Better check that, hope not but looked and there is a slight chance.. So so your anti-rain dance now!!!
02-06-07, 04:39 PM
Just checked. No Rain
02-06-07, 08:18 PM
Oh and what other clubs will be there?
corvettes,srt-4 and importclub as fer as i know
02-06-07, 08:25 PM
corvettes,srt-4 and importclub as fer as i know
Isn't Sonoran Muscle Car Club going?
02-06-07, 11:10 PM
did you say import club?.......for christ sakes........ that sucks....they will track water every where.....
02-06-07, 11:38 PM
There was imports there last time and the didn't cause an issue.
02-07-07, 08:05 AM
uh, the scottsdale exotic car club? them are some fancy imports right there.....:pepper: :hyper:
02-07-07, 08:32 AM
I have my next door neighbor lined up to attend. He just picked up his Roush 427R. He was supposed to have his drag radials delivered yesterday and put on the wheels today... but we'll see if he is on schedule. His car has some crazy traction problems on the stock tires. So I'm not sure he'll come out if he has problems with the DR's?
If anyone want's a pictue of their car that can be blown up to 24" X 36" with little distortion let me know. I'll have some envelopes that you can self-address. When I get home I'll burn copies of the cd and mail you a copy. I only ask that you make a donation to my office supplies fund. $3-$5 should cover the envelope, postage, cd, etc. If you want a color 8X10 let me know. My printer does a pretty good job. If you want a poster size file be sure to let me know that as well... I'll set my camera for 2800 X 1900 TIF. Thomas Reprographics will print and mount the poster on fiberboard for about $80 from CD.
I'll have my laptop so you can see if you like how the picture turned out.
I'll be wearing a bright yellow "Ford Racing" baseball cap. I'm 6'2", handsome, thick brown hair... no wait that is Jack Bauer. I am 6'2" but very short hair, balding, and ... well you get the idea.
02-07-07, 05:24 PM
Anyone going to have a video camera?
02-07-07, 06:59 PM
i was just messin.....dont like those front wheel drive cars
02-07-07, 07:12 PM
i was just messin.....dont like those front wheel drive cars
So its this sunday!
I know that the junior dragsters and big wheels will be racing also.
I may bring out a 95 mustang convertible to get some shakedown runs on it. :highfive:
02-07-07, 08:15 PM
So its this sunday!
I know that the junior dragsters and big wheels will be racing also.
I may bring out a 95 mustang convertible to get some shakedown runs on it. :highfive:
HEY!!! I know that vert!!!:icon_cool:
You mean this one?
That sounds like this? (
I know the owner quite well. He's a very nice guy.
02-07-07, 10:48 PM
ill be attending with my buddy on his bike.
02-08-07, 01:43 AM
ill be attending with my buddy on his bike.
Don't forget to stop by my house on the way and pick up the drag radials.
I wanna run against his zx6 as well...lots of grudge races against his bike. lol. My buddy 50h-Joe is coming out with his ZX10, but I don't think I'll have a chance.
02-08-07, 05:40 AM
I have my next door neighbor lined up to attend. He just picked up his Roush 427R. He was supposed to have his drag radials delivered yesterday and put on the wheels today... but we'll see if he is on schedule. His car has some crazy traction problems on the stock tires. So I'm not sure he'll come out if he has problems with the DR's?
If anyone want's a pictue of their car that can be blown up to 24" X 36" with little distortion let me know. I'll have some envelopes that you can self-address. When I get home I'll burn copies of the cd and mail you a copy. I only ask that you make a donation to my office supplies fund. $3-$5 should cover the envelope, postage, cd, etc. If you want a color 8X10 let me know. My printer does a pretty good job. If you want a poster size file be sure to let me know that as well... I'll set my camera for 2800 X 1900 TIF. Thomas Reprographics will print and mount the poster on fiberboard for about $80 from CD.
I'll have my laptop so you can see if you like how the picture turned out.
I'll be wearing a bright yellow "Ford Racing" baseball cap. I'm 6'2", handsome, thick brown hair... no wait that is Jack Bauer. I am 6'2" but very short hair, balding, and ... well you get the idea.
That sounds cool Rick, I might hit you up for a couple(going to have to wash the Mach I guess LOL).
Are you going to be running Tweetie this weekend??
02-08-07, 06:45 AM
No... Tweety will be home or in the parking lot. She still has the ticking in the rear end and we can't figure out what it is? The electronic ears indicated it's at the outer end of the left axle, but we haven't pulled the diff. cover to yank the axle yet. The night we were looking for the tick we didn't have the fluids to put back in the diff.
I don't know if Sodbuster (a.k.a. Tim) is coming with his video camera?
Neighbor has not gotten his drag radials yet and he is leaving for Vegas this morning. So even if he does get home in time he wouldn't have time to have the tires mounted.
If I can line up a baby sitter I'll be there with my wife, but I won't be :censored: racing. But the good news is my new set up is in transit as I type.:woot2:
I will be bringing my camera to take pictures and videos. But I will also of course be running so I may have my roommate filming if he comes too.
I've said several times that I would be there - haven't been to any of your events before - and I've been thrown several curve balls in the past month that had me about to cancel out. Mid-week I was told we would be working Sunday. Finally convinced our boss last night that working 16 hours today ought to be enough, so I'm planning on being there. I'll just be watching and meeting people. Did someone say something about name tags?
02-10-07, 09:47 AM
I will be there!!
02-10-07, 11:50 AM
I've said several times that I would be there - haven't been to any of your events before - and I've been thrown several curve balls in the past month that had me about to cancel out. Mid-week I was told we would be working Sunday. Finally convinced our boss last night that working 16 hours today ought to be enough, so I'm planning on being there. I'll just be watching and meeting people. Did someone say something about name tags?
I will have the name tags.
02-10-07, 02:39 PM
Weather Report Looks Good.
02-10-07, 06:48 PM rain!
02-10-07, 06:49 PM rain!
+1 :pinkthumb:
02-11-07, 02:22 PM
It was nice seeing everyone out there today. Too bad the rain ended the party early! Oh, and everyone ran their best 60' times of the year today. Nice job!
02-11-07, 02:55 PM
Cool! and Bummer what time did it start to rain???
02-11-07, 02:56 PM
I'd say somewhere around 1:30 ish. I think everyone got 2-3 passes in though.
02-11-07, 02:58 PM
Glad it held off until then, sounds like a geat time!! Nobody broke anythng I hope!!
02-11-07, 02:59 PM
Not that I know of anyway. Tony managed a 10 second burnout on his rev-limiter with no
02-11-07, 03:01 PM
Tee Hee. It was a nice day. Too bad I couldn't hook. Hey Vstng nice car, but you need to do something about that second exhaust hole. Saw ya on the Loop 303.
02-11-07, 03:01 PM
I hope we got video of that!!
02-11-07, 03:01 PM
Not that I know of anyway. Tony managed a 10 second burnout on his rev-limiter with no
U didn't race did ya? I saw ur car parked in the pits with no numbers on it.
02-11-07, 03:29 PM
U didn't race did ya? I saw ur car parked in the pits with no numbers on it.
Nope. 13.5 is all they would let convertibles run without a cage. Not worth it.
02-11-07, 04:24 PM
Well thanks for the good turnout everyone.
Too bad we got rained out after 2 runs.
I can say I was disappointed with the fact that the Junior dragsters and big wheels were there today. That was a total waste of our time. I got 2 runs in from 10 to 2 PM. The track prep was substandard and we did not see a single VHT re-treatment. The fact that 2 of our club members were not allowed to run each other is B.S. I spoke with the track director on the issue and he was apologetic, but the excuse was to keep the program moving with no single runs to get the junior dragsters running again. HPS had about twice the cars of any other club. At least 30. They had an official junior dragster race mixed in with our club day.
02-11-07, 04:49 PM
Well thanks for the good turnout everyone.
Too bad we got rained out after 2 runs.
I can say I was disappointed with the fact that the Junior dragsters and big wheels were there today. That was a total waste of our time. I got 2 runs in from 10 to 2 PM. The track prep was substandard and we did not see a single VHT re-treatment. The fact that 2 of our club members were not allowed to run each other is B.S. I spoke with the track director on the issue and he was apologetic, but the excuse was to keep the program moving with no single runs to get the junior dragsters running again. HPS had about twice the cars of any other club. At least 30. They had an official junior dragster race mixed in with our club day.
Having the Jr. Drags running really pissed me off!!! Yes the track prep was very sub standard, even though the 60ft times were not working, my 330ft was 4-5 tenths off. That has to tell you something.
02-11-07, 04:58 PM
what is up with that.....??????
You all should have come and had pancakes, just barely sprinkled and then the sun came out. Too bad.
02-11-07, 05:29 PM
well at least you got some racin in, but for the money thats crap they should have told you they were letting the jr's in today!! And I hope somebody got Tony's Burnout on video !!!!
02-11-07, 05:40 PM
wish i could have gotten there a little earlier! maybe i could have managed more than one run! lol. it was bs that andy and i could not run eachother. but whatever. i am happy that i ran my best time ever. ran a 12.20 @ 114. not too shabby. with a little better shifting i should be able to hit that 11. and honestly, i did not think about that while doing my burn out. lol. for some reason i thought nothing of it. hehehe. but not again, i will modulate the throttle better next time.
btw- who was taking pictures that was standing on the wall by the far lane?? i thought i saw a few pictures snapped when i was burning out, and launching. i would kill to have those pictures!!!
02-11-07, 06:51 PM
Had a awesome day at Speed World today, my first time out. Like to thanks all the techs/drivers from Performance Solutions that showed me the ropes and did my tune. A big thanks to Mike for letting me use his snell otherwise I would of been on the fence lookin in. Best time of three runs was 13.78 @ 100.18 MPH... guess its "Whipple Time".
02-11-07, 07:13 PM
wish i could have gotten there a little earlier! maybe i could have managed more than one run! lol. it was bs that andy and i could not run eachother. but whatever. i am happy that i ran my best time ever. ran a 12.20 @ 114. not too shabby. with a little better shifting i should be able to hit that 11. and honestly, i did not think about that while doing my burn out. lol. for some reason i thought nothing of it. hehehe. but not again, i will modulate the throttle better next time.
btw- who was taking pictures that was standing on the wall by the far lane?? i thought i saw a few pictures snapped when i was burning out, and launching. i would kill to have those pictures!!!
Tony I got into line ASAP when I got there. Then back into line again and it stopped when I got 4 from the front to run the Jr. Dragsters. I don't know if anyone got 3 runs, but I was trying to get all the runs I could.
02-11-07, 07:47 PM
Had a awesome day at Speed World today, my first time out. Like to thanks all the techs/drivers from Performance Solutions that showed me the ropes and did my tune. A big thanks to Mike for letting me use his snell otherwise I would of been on the fence lookin in. Best time of three runs was 13.78 @ 100.18 MPH... guess its "Whipple Time".
No prob man, glad you had a good day! You gotta be happy with that time on stock tires!
02-13-07, 05:36 AM
wish i could have gotten there a little earlier! maybe i could have managed more than one run! lol. it was bs that andy and i could not run eachother. but whatever. i am happy that i ran my best time ever. ran a 12.20 @ 114. not too shabby. with a little better shifting i should be able to hit that 11. and honestly, i did not think about that while doing my burn out. lol. for some reason i thought nothing of it. hehehe. but not again, i will modulate the throttle better next time.
Ya that was a very nice run you had there, thats a sweet ride you have there exspecially the back of it, do to that was all I seen as you dragged me down the track. :wave:
I got 3 runs in. None of them were very good but all were pretty fun regardless. Now... for tires!!!!
02-13-07, 07:50 AM
Ya that was a very nice run you had there, thats a sweet ride you have there exspecially the back of it, do to that was all I seen as you dragged me down the track. :wave:
thanks. i was wondering who that was i got to race. the role would have been reversed had they let me red the red cobra that was in front of me. lol. but a good time none the less. your time did not look too shabby for a mach though. still wish i could have seen the 60' times because that is the hardest launch i have yet to experience. :icon_cool:
02-13-07, 04:30 PM
I got only run in before it rained.......bad racing weather...........and yet another poor experience with speedworld motorplex...................junior dragsters....are you kidding me...........and no 60 ft times....that just angered me...........I just bought a set of et drag slicks and wanted to see what my new 60 ft would be but god forbid speedworld has every time marker up and working..........i think last time it was the 1/8 mile down.............
I didn't race, but had a good time meeting people and checking out some incredible cars. I really appreciate the welcome and friendly attitude by everyone. You're all first class in my book.
Oh, and Tortuga ... second exhaust hole will be filled Thursday.
02-14-07, 07:30 AM
The envelopes went out at the post office yesterday. I went to mail them Monday and Holy Cow... may dad would have said it looked like they were giving away money! Turns out that was the last day to mail Valentines Day cards and get them there by Wednesday. I was "on the clock" so I couldn't wait in the line.
I apologize for the quality of some of the pictues for those of you who wanted copies. My Minolta 7Hi has had nothing but focus trouble since it came back from repair. Some turned out well, and others were blurry. I plan on purchasing a new Canon 30D very soon with a 200mm lens. Awsome photo's should not be a problem any more.
I can post pictures on Webshots for anyone who would like to see what I did manage to get. If you think you'd like to see your picture email me and I'll put it on my Webshots page.
To View:
Go to
In the window to search type "February Mustang club day"
I'll start the new folder and download some of the better shotsthis morning.
It's not pulling up for me...
02-14-07, 07:59 AM
Hey is anyone going to do a little story on the day with pictures for the CMC Newsletter??? I have a few days and would be great to put an article in!!!! Let everyone see how fast you guys are!!!:bouncy:
02-14-07, 08:08 AM
I posted a couple of dozen photo's on Webshots just now. I can view them in my own profile using my password... but for some reason when I log out and open as a viewer the new album is not there? There may be a delay in making them available to public.
Go to Webshots
Use drop down menu next to Search to go to search for member
Type in rsnider101
click search
I'll check it again later to see if they opened the album.
02-14-07, 09:10 AM
OK... I give up! I can't figure out how to give directions to the album on Webshots. Is there anyone who can figure it out? I used "mustang", "racing", "speedworld", and "club day" as search words. My user name is rsnider101. If you can figure it out more power to you.
I am able to attach an active link that will take you right to the correct page. So email me at and I'll email you back with the link if you are interested.
I'm sorry for all the trouble. Webshots used to be so easy to use. But a number of months ago they changed the whole thing around and now it's kind of a pain. Once you get to the pictures feel free to download or share on this or any other site. Remember to click on FULL SIZE to the right of the photo if you want to see a larger image.
02-14-07, 09:13 AM
OK... I give up! I can't figure out how to give directions to the album on Webshots. Is there anyone who can figure it out? I used "mustang", "racing", "speedworld", and "club day" as search words. My user name is rsnider101. If you can figure it out more power to you.
I am able to attach an active link that will take you right to the correct page. So email me at ( and I'll email you back with the link if you are interested.
I'm sorry for all the trouble. Webshots used to be so easy to use. But a number of months ago they changed the whole thing around and now it's kind of a pain. Once you get to the pictures feel free to download or share on this or any other site. Remember to click on FULL SIZE to the right of the photo if you want to see a larger image.
What are u a teacher?
02-14-07, 10:29 AM
i had not emailed back, but i love the two pics you sent of my car. yea, not 100% perfect, but they look pretty kick butt to me. i dig em.
thank you.
I got through to the gallery there is one of my car that i tried to download and it won't let me. Looks like a good pic to me I am racing that gray notch number 555. It's the only time that I was ahead of him so I want that pic.
02-14-07, 02:18 PM
I want to use that picture i the newsletter!! Ok?:wink1:
02-14-07, 04:49 PM
OK. Anyone who would like to view all of the photo's taken last Sunday at SpeedWorld simply email me. I'll send you the Snapfish invitation that will give you access to the album. check out the pics and if there is one that you like email me again and I'll send it too you as an attachment.
If you think you would really like the TIF file you will have to email me your street address. some of the TIF files are 10-14meg and they just can't be emailed.
Be sure to use "club day pics" for the subject of the email... or our filter may dump it before I even see it.
02-14-07, 05:08 PM
email sent
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