View Full Version : HPS Club Day Timeslip Results
11-19-06, 07:34 PM
Post up your best time.
9.74 @ 141------1.31---Doug (Dans Car)
11.189 @ 124.92--1.673-- Burn Tire
11.5 @ 133 ---2.1---Gene
11.66 @ 121.1---1.691--03cobrazzz
11.925 @ 117.251--1.855-- QTRPony
11.94 @ 113--1.56-----blacksunshine (Ernie)
12.55 @ 110---1.814---Hostile
12.58 @ 108--1.9----HCINothchback
12.65 @ 112.14---2.0--Indy
12.93 @ 110.10 ---2.148-- crazy ray
12.99 @ 108.948---2.050 Azsonicsnake
13.2 @ 110.188---2.273--Jared
13.4 @ 107---- 2.1---ReaperAZ
13.4 @ 102 --1.8----Redhot91gt
13.416 @ 101.706---2.0---93mustank
13.646 @ 100.874--------Casey39er
13.8 @ 99 --2.0----Tortuga
14.020 @ 97--------ahawkins
14.2 @ 103.743----2.35---ponypower2006
14.2 @ 98 --2.2--- SuperDust22
14.6 @ 96--2.25--ASUSMC
11-19-06, 07:35 PM
2.0 60'
on 20s :laughing1:
11-19-06, 07:37 PM
2.0 60'
on 20s :laughing1:
What was your speed?
11-19-06, 07:45 PM
Azsonicsnake - 12.99 @ 108.948. 2.050 60' (yikes!)
bad rev limiter!
11-19-06, 07:47 PM
Wish I coulda got more runs in, but I managed a 13.4@102 with a 1.8 60 foot. :awsome:
(99 cobra)
11-19-06, 07:55 PM
What was your speed?
11-19-06, 08:18 PM
14.2 at 98 with a 2.2 60'
Slowest one out there
12.65@112.14mph 2.0-60' testing the bottle @ 1/8 mile on
11.5 @133 with a 2.1 60' LOL! Time for a real 2 step.
Venomous Bite
11-19-06, 09:16 PM
13.4 @ 105 (13.4@105) 2.1
11-19-06, 09:25 PM
11.5 @133 with a 2.1 60' LOL! Time for a real 2 step.
Pro Racers Package, Pro Racers Package!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-19-06, 09:39 PM
11.925 @ 117.251--1.855 60 ft.
BUT I also had a couple of pretty humorous runs:
My favorite: 21.533 @ 64.063 --2.906 60 ft.
The release on my seat was not fully seated so when I launched it slid all the way to the rear and I could not reach the gas pedal or clutch. Come on now somebody has got to have that on video. What can you do :z7shysterical:
11-19-06, 10:00 PM
I got in 4 runs in and my best time slip was.
Reaction time: .044
I1: 2.012
I2: 5.718
I3: 8.755
MPH (I3) 80.781
I4: 11.326
ET: 13.646 @100.874 MPH
This is my third time running at Speedworld and with twelve total runs this is my best time slip.
It was a great day and it was a pleasure meeting all of the HPS Forum members that were there.
A special shout goes out to Trisha and the other CMC members for setting up and preparing the food..:laughing1:
11-19-06, 11:42 PM
lol well the thing about my best was is the tree was messed up, like something went in front of the lights somewhere cuz I ran a 12.8@98 but my previous fastest was a 14.020@97 anyways heres my time slip of my best run
For the ones who dont know me I have the 2000 Black Mustang Gt Convertible and my only mods are JLT cold Air Intake, 75mm bbk throttle body and plenum and thats it. Well also some slicks. but I have been shooting for 13's for a while now and this is probably the only run that would have gotten me into the 13's but of cours the lights mess up or whatever happened.....say i added 1 full second on there, do u think I could have ran a 13.877 realistically given my 60' and everything else?
11-20-06, 12:09 AM
lol well the thing about my best was is the tree was messed up, like something went in front of the lights somewhere cuz I ran a 12.8@98 but my previous fastest was a 14.020@97 anyways heres my time slip of my best run
For the ones who dont know me I have the 2000 Black Mustang Gt Convertible and my only mods are JLT cold Air Intake, 75mm bbk throttle body and plenum and thats it. Well also some slicks. but I have been shooting for 13's for a while now and this is probably the only run that would have gotten me into the 13's but of cours the lights mess up or whatever happened.....say i added 1 full second on there, do u think I could have ran a 13.877 realistically given my 60' and everything else?
Yeah, like I said...with the numbers from that newer slip compared to previous slips it was definatly a 13.8-13.9 run.
11-20-06, 12:11 AM
As I mentioned in another thread...Thanks to Ernie for running my stang, it is the Blk Fox GT
on all motor she went
11.94@113 w/ a 1.56 60ft.
11-20-06, 05:10 AM
Great Runs Guy / Gals......:2thumbs:
11-20-06, 07:28 AM
For the ones who dont know me I have the 2000 Black Mustang Gt Convertible and my only mods are JLT cold Air Intake, 75mm bbk throttle body and plenum and thats it. Well also some slicks. but I have been shooting for 13's for a while now and this is probably the only run that would have gotten me into the 13's but of cours the lights mess up or whatever happened.....say i added 1 full second on there, do u think I could have ran a 13.877 realistically given my 60' and everything else?
Do you have stock gears as well? That is a good 60 foot if there are stock. I was true blue coupe that you ran agaisnt at the last run of the say. Your car looks good man.
14.2 at 98 with a 2.2 60'
Slowest one out there
Actually I was the slowest. 14.6 @ 96 with a 2.25 60ft. Guess it would be a good idea not to run on rain tires next time.
First run of the day I spun BADLY ground second bad enough I had to go back to first. Then finally got into second and got REALLY SQUIRELLY (sp?). The rest of the day I had similar traction problems.
11-20-06, 07:48 AM
Was my first time at the track in my car so I wasn't expecting much really. I need that mystical "driver mod" I keep hearing about. Best was my first run.
13.4 @ 107
2.1 60'
These Sumitomo's do suck on a car with a blower. Can you say spinfest.
11-20-06, 09:00 AM
lol well the thing about my best was is the tree was messed up, like something went in front of the lights somewhere cuz I ran a 12.8@98 but my previous fastest was a 14.020@97 anyways heres my time slip of my best run
For the ones who dont know me I have the 2000 Black Mustang Gt Convertible and my only mods are JLT cold Air Intake, 75mm bbk throttle body and plenum and thats it. Well also some slicks. but I have been shooting for 13's for a while now and this is probably the only run that would have gotten me into the 13's but of cours the lights mess up or whatever happened.....say i added 1 full second on there, do u think I could have ran a 13.877 realistically given my 60' and everything else?
i was wondering how the hell you ran that...don't get me wrong it looked quick, but not that quick....(no offense meant)....
11-20-06, 09:06 AM
60' ft - 2.002
T2 - 5.578
1/8 - 8.614
1/8 mph - 81.376
T4 - 11.133
ET 13.416
Mph 101.706
I had the 86 coupe. I had some 275 60 15 et streets radials and just could not figure out how to hook.
1-5/8 BBK long tubes
BBK h-pipe
Mac dumps
Electric fan
11-20-06, 10:38 AM
i was wondering how the hell you ran that...don't get me wrong it looked quick, but not that quick....(no offense meant)....
haha no worries man :thmbsup: i mean ive been on a quest for 13's the whole day and i was running consistant 14.1's and one 14.020...and finally when i get a really good launch and shifting perfectly the frickin tree messes up somehow (figures) but hey ill just say I had a big gust of wind blow from behind me and gave me a little boost lol.
11-20-06, 10:40 AM
Do you have stock gears as well? That is a good 60 foot if there are stock. I was true blue coupe that you ran agaisnt at the last run of the say. Your car looks good man.
yeah I do have stock gears, I think i was launching very well. Slicks do WONDERS and I have the 60ft to prove it, almost 1.8's for a stock geared 3700lb vert. I am still wondering how I beat you though I thought you would beat me for sure but I guess it was all in the launch.:icon_razz:
11-20-06, 10:44 AM
yeah I do have stock gears, I think i was launching very well. Slicks do WONDERS and I have the 60ft to prove it, almost 1.8's for a stock geared 3700lb vert. I am still wondering how I beat you though I thought you would beat me for sure but I guess it was all in the launch.:icon_razz:
Yeah you killed me out of the hole. I didnt warm up the tires at all, it was my only run of the day too. The car had been sitting for 5 or 6 hours. How you like those tires you were running. Which ones were those again?
11-20-06, 12:37 PM
What was Dans car best time 9.7??
11-20-06, 02:09 PM
:) :)
11-20-06, 04:21 PM
ahawkins - i did snap off this picture of your ride, and i believe this was your run where the clock went
Please take my times down I dont wish them to be viewed due to up comming races thank you
11-20-06, 05:32 PM
Please take my times down I dont wish them to be viewed due to up comming races thank you
Dude it is on You Tube.
The whole country knows.
what???? who did that what is the link? I have not allowed any video of my car on any web sites. oh well I guess the cats is out of the bag. what is the link and where did you see it posted at?
11-20-06, 06:46 PM
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
Dude it is a good time. There is no need to hide it. I know it will only get faster.
11-20-06, 07:16 PM
i know i saw about 3 others taping out there. its in public man, its out there....
Wow, is your motor OK, that was a lot of smoke.
11-20-06, 08:03 PM
Wow, is your motor OK, that was a lot of smoke.
The smoke is from tranny fluid hitting the exhuast.
11-20-06, 10:04 PM
ahawkins - i did snap off this picture of your ride, and i believe this was your run where the clock went
awesome man! that pic looks good, and yeah thats where the clock took a dump on me.....well not literally. but I'm just tellin people I ran a 13.8 on that run :2thumbs: do you or anyone else have any more pics or video of me running? I would like to see them if there is.
11-20-06, 10:13 PM
i think i have one, did you run a 14.2 against a beautiful black fox body (blacksunshine's rizide)? my friend mainly taped the fox, but you can see your car launch, and finish along with the time.....
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
crazy ray
11-21-06, 03:27 PM
I want to thank everyone who showed up, and let me know that i am not the only one who loves their car. It was nice to see everyones pride and joy race each other. My goal was to reach 12's and I did 12.93@110.10 and 60ft 2.148. I am happy with that on street tires. :laughing1:
11-21-06, 05:41 PM
1.691 60ft 11.66 sec 121.1mph
11-21-06, 06:31 PM
Still Missing over 20 cars times.
11-21-06, 06:52 PM
reaction .484
mph 103.743
my second run well 3/4ths down the track it backfired and blew the intake off,:z7shysterical: fried my air filter im guessing the 150 shot blew the flames out the first run didnt have a shot ,,need to regap plugs and get some hotter coils anybody running the nitious have any sugestions im all ears i hear these new mustangs dont like aftermarket goodies and hard to get the right combination im gonna to try:bounce: to zero that baby in :2thumbs:
11-21-06, 07:15 PM
Hey you never put my times on the first post.
11-21-06, 07:18 PM
Hey you never put my times on the first post.
Got it
11-21-06, 08:03 PM
For the record, HCINothchback (Andy) aka 555. does not have much access to the internet, so I just wanted to let you know he ran 12.58@108 w/ a 1.8 60ft. You guys might remember his car, it is the Charcoal Notch with the 4 in. hood. N/A 302 HCI.
11-21-06, 08:08 PM
For the record, HCINothchback (Andy) aka 555. does not have much access to the internet, so I just wanted to let you know he ran 12.58@108 w/ a 1.8 60ft. You guys might remember his car, it is the Charcoal Notch with the 4 in. hood. N/A 302 HCI.
Added to the list.
11-21-06, 09:23 PM
For the record, HCINothchback (Andy) aka 555. does not have much access to the internet, so I just wanted to let you know he ran 12.58@108 w/ a 1.8 60ft. You guys might remember his car, it is the Charcoal Notch with the 4 in. hood. N/A 302 HCI.
Mark your car looked awsome at the track. That is first time I have seen it run. Thing is a beast. One of my fav cars in town
11-21-06, 09:52 PM
Mark your car looked awsome at the track. That is first time I have seen it run. Thing is a beast. One of my fav cars in town
WOW!!! Thanks alot, thats a HUGE compliment, I really appreciate that.
I still have the slowest car!!!! YEAH BABY
The Nunn's
11-22-06, 10:47 AM
As I mentioned in another thread...Thanks to Ernie for running my stang, it is the Blk Fox GT
on all motor she went
11.94@113 w/ a 1.56 60ft.
no prb man happy you let me run the animal its a fun lil quick car reminds me of my old fox
11-23-06, 10:28 AM
my 1/4 mile time
60 foot was 1.814
1/4 12.55 @110
remember all i have on my car is the kennie bell supercharger,cold air pipe,catback exhaust,373 gears. plus im a automatic all stock tranny and the engine is all stock not to shabby i'd say...later
11-23-06, 10:53 AM
hey jeff put my time in with the rest on your time page thanks.....later
13.2 @ 110.188 -- 2.273 60 foot on 306 five pounds of boost and 308 gears
11-23-06, 03:06 PM
hey jeff put my time in with the rest on your time page thanks.....later
11-24-06, 12:36 PM
Sorry so late.
R/T .272
60' 1.930
330" 5.603
1/8 8.713
Mph 80.184
E/t 13.573. @ 97.379:z7shysterical: best e/t run
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