View Full Version : 7th annual fall run November 13th
Wades GT
10-13-11, 12:46 AM
It's that time of year again. This year we are going to the Tonto Natural Bridge. There is plenty of parking and shade and it's all paved. All of these fall runs have been a blast and just like the other fall runs everybody is invited.
The idea so far is to go to the bridge are and have a pot luck. I think it was either the 4th or 5th fall run when we did this exact same thing and it was great. We had a great turn out and got some great pics. Those of you that have been on any of the fall runs know that these events have been very fun. We need to make up a meeting point. Usually we would meet at the costco on cave creek. Then head to payson and get the food. If we want to change that up let me know.
Here are some pics from last year......
Here are some pics from 09.......
I wish I had pics from 08 and older but they are long gone.
10-13-11, 10:39 AM
Sounds great!
10-13-11, 12:14 PM
Sweet, I can't wait to go! I really feels like it's been forever since the last good road trip. I think we should all gather in the cool morning at Costco and bs for a few then take off.:yes:
Wade is right, I've done this run the last two years and it's one of the best runs I've had with my car and other Mustangers. I hope we can get as many people out for this run/cruise as we can. Like Wade said this is for everyone, not just a select few in any club. So if you have a Mustang or you have to get a ride with someone who does please save the date, come out and let your Mustangs breathe.
I Eat Camaros
10-13-11, 07:04 PM
Sounds like great fun! Checking my calendar now.
Wades GT
10-13-11, 11:09 PM
Ok sounds like costco is working for us so far.
10-15-11, 08:20 PM
I tossed this on the calendar. I have a 9am meet time. Any objections?!?! I missed the '10 Fall run wont miss this one! Top down, hoodie and heater ON!:pepper:
Wades GT
10-15-11, 08:46 PM
I tossed this on the calendar. I have a 9am meet time. Any objections?!?! I missed the '10 Fall run wont miss this one! Top down, hoodie and heater ON!:pepper: Sounds good to me.
10-15-11, 10:42 PM
aslong as your top is down I don't care what you wear on your head :pinkthumb:
I'm on for this one
ps rumor has it mystic chrome is coming with us
10-15-11, 10:53 PM
Still dont no if i will be going. After all the talk about not making it nascar weekend it still gets scheduled for that weekend. :mad: I knew that was gonna happen. The new track will be one awesome race. But if i dont end up going to the race, you know ill be goin on the cruise.
Wades GT
10-15-11, 11:26 PM
aslong as your top is down I don't care what you wear on your head :pinkthumb:
I'm on for this one
ps rumor has it mystic chrome is coming with us Very cool!
Wades GT
10-15-11, 11:33 PM
Still dont no if i will be going. After all the talk about not making it nascar weekend it still gets scheduled for that weekend. :mad: I knew that was gonna happen. The new track will be one awesome race. But if i dont end up going to the race, you know ill be goin on the cruise. Do the cruise........ you know you don't want to mess with that PIR parking and traffic when you can be out driving the Shelby.
Wades GT
10-15-11, 11:45 PM
These pics were taken around that Tonto Natural Bridge Area...............
Here is a link to the Tonto Natural Bridge....
And here are some pics.....
Wades GT
10-15-11, 11:50 PM
Still dont no if i will be going. After all the talk about not making it nascar weekend it still gets scheduled for that weekend. :mad: I knew that was gonna happen. The new track will be one awesome race. But if i dont end up going to the race, you know ill be goin on the cruise. Besides that, Mustangs have been known to bring smiles to there owners faces when driven properly.
10-16-11, 04:08 PM
Just Do It
10-17-11, 09:57 AM
Cant your record the races???
10-17-11, 04:02 PM
i dont have the high technology dvr's lol. who knows though, just went to the nhra and that was awesome! so might not end up going to nascar since they are so close together.
I Eat Camaros
10-18-11, 08:17 PM
Do the cruise........ you know you don't want to mess with that PIR parking and traffic when you can be out driving the Shelby.
Love nascar, but hate all the issues! My wife & I will be going on the cruise. Yippee!!:bouncy::bouncy: Can't wait. please keep details up to date.
10-19-11, 01:38 PM
i will be there a cruise on a day im off work good timing Wade:hellothere:
10-19-11, 01:40 PM
i dont have the high technology dvr's lol. who knows though, just went to the nhra and that was awesome! so might not end up going to nascar since they are so close together.dont watch someone else drive lets do some nasty cars out on the road:laughing1:
10-19-11, 05:49 PM
officially got the whole weekend off. IM IN!!!
10-22-11, 11:00 PM
Ok, so far we are meeting at 9am at the costco by Cave Creek Rd (2450 E Beardsley Rd) and leaving from there to go up. Usually we'll bs for a few minutes before we leave but after 9 there is no guarantee we'll still be there.
So far this is looking like it's going to be another great cruise.
11-01-11, 06:04 AM
Sounds like a fun trip.
I plan on going as well.
I Eat Camaros
11-01-11, 06:18 AM
It's that time of year again. This year we are going to the Tonto Natural Bridge. There is plenty of parking and shade and it's all paved. All of these fall runs have been a blast and just like the other fall runs everybody is invited.
The idea so far is to go to the bridge are and have a pot luck. I think it was either the 4th or 5th fall run when we did this exact same thing and it was great. We had a great turn out and got some great pics. Those of you that have been on any of the fall runs know that these events have been very fun. We need to make up a meeting point. Usually we would meet at the costco on cave creek. Then head to payson and get the food. If we want to change that up let me know.
Here are some pics from last year......
Here are some pics from 09.
I wish I had pics from 08 and older but they are long gone.
What time do we meet at costco?
Wades GT
11-01-11, 04:38 PM
Be there by 9am.
11-01-11, 04:44 PM
Well so far there has been quite a few people saying they will be going. Let's see how many people show up for the cruise.
11-01-11, 09:35 PM
I'll be there 4 sure...........
this will be a fun cruise
11-02-11, 10:06 AM
Has this been posted on other mustang forums?
11-06-11, 04:08 PM
Its been posted on our forum. Dont think any others though.
Coming up in one week!!!! :pepper:
11-06-11, 10:00 PM
The more the merrier! post on other sites! I dont remember which sites I am on...been a while!
Hopefully this rain will wash my car a bit more... dang monsoon outfit is still on. May have to whip out the clay bar!
11-06-11, 11:12 PM
The more the merrier! post on other sites! I dont remember which sites I am on...been a while!
Hopefully this rain will wash my car a bit more... dang monsoon outfit is still on. May have to whip out the clay bar!
lol my truck has had that outfit on for quite awhile now! lol. even though the car was in the garage during the last storm it still got a ton of dust on it. :doh:
11-09-11, 05:33 PM
Ok, seeing how it's supposed to rain all weekend and including Payson which could possibly get snow again..... Is this cruise still going to happen or not?
Wades GT
11-09-11, 06:37 PM
Ok, seeing how it's supposed to rain all weekend and including Payson which could possibly get snow again..... Is this cruise still going to happen or not?
For now I think it is. Unless this storm fizzles out like 98% of the big storms in Aridzona.
11-10-11, 12:20 AM
I'm going either way, a little rain and snow isn't going to hurt anyone. :sticktonge:
11-10-11, 12:27 PM
so manny things going on scca timetrials at firebird /goodguys /cruise /rain ???????????:icon_confused:
Wades GT
11-10-11, 08:45 PM
I looked at the forcast and this storm is fizzling out quick. Shawn I think Im still in.
11-10-11, 10:21 PM
Good, lets do this!
11-10-11, 10:58 PM
Do It, Do It, No Sniveling No Wining and above All No Crying
Fuel it up Fire it up Lets Do It
11-12-11, 10:52 PM
Ok guys tomorrows the day. Hope to see everyone at costco at 9am.
Wades GT
11-12-11, 11:20 PM
Dude this food poisoining thing is still kicking my but. So I think i'm going to miss this.
11-12-11, 11:28 PM
I am not going to make it... 70% chance of rain. As much as I dont mind a bit 'o rain on the paint....I have a busted back window on the 'vert. WATER DAMAGE!!!!! Is this going to be canceled? I am not too sure who else is all going or leading the heard on this.
I might go just totally depends on how I feel in the morning, since its 1:00 am now not sure I'm going.
11-13-11, 06:41 AM
Is this still a go Wade or have people decided to throw in the towel because of weather??
I hate to drive down to Costco for nothing.
11-13-11, 07:13 AM
Text me 602-920-8251 before 8:30 if this is still a go. If I dont hear from you I will assume its a no-go.
11-13-11, 07:36 AM
as I sit here watching the rain fall saying bad words thinking
why does it have to do this on a day when I really wanted to go for a cruise
my mustang does not play well on wet roads guess I'm sitting this one out :gloomy:
11-13-11, 07:53 AM
Well I'm going so I'll stop by the costco and wait till nine if anyone wants to tag along.
11-14-11, 02:30 AM
Shawn did you end up going? If so did the weather cooperate during the trip? and did any others show up?
11-15-11, 07:18 PM
Yeah I went up, the only rain we hit was just west of costco and that was very light. I waited till 9 but it was only my girlfriend and I that went.
11-15-11, 11:21 PM
Sweet. Can't wait to get the next one scheduled. Hopefully the weather will be nice. Lol
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