View Full Version : My 02 GT won't start, need help.
09-20-11, 06:41 PM
Ok here's the rundown, alternator went out on me about a week ago so I bought a replacement from Drove fine until battery drained so I went and charged it, got it back in the car, no problem. First time I take the car out it felt sluggish, like really sluggish. The it dies on me at a light, so I start it back up and it does it again at the next light and the only way I can keep it on at stop lights is feathering the gas while on the break and finally it dies, can't restart it, can't be jumped, nothing. Tow it home, plug in my Diablo and also the diagnostics you can bring up while holding down the odo button while turning the ignition on, both indicate a PATS issue (codes 9600 and 9602), so I take it to my local Ford and tell them what I came up with so far and check everything out. They tell me they read no codes and told me something is mechanically locking my motor up and they tried to turn my crank pulley with a breaker bar and it didn't budge and that it would cost me at least $300 to start checking out stuff starting with dropping my oil pan so I decide to tow my car back home because I can drop my oil pan for far less than $300. So now I have my car back, batteries drained, Ford said they read no PATS codes which is odd because as soon as I got my keys back and checked the PATS codes were still there and I was able to turn my crank pulley 1/4 of a turn in each direction with my breaker bar so now I'm confused and dunno what to check next. Any ideas?
The car has been stuck in my garage and I don't know if pulling everything apart is neccessary yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
09-20-11, 11:24 PM
Pull the alternator and battery and have them tested. Are you absolutely sure everything is hooked up correctly?
Could be the battery.
1/4 of a turn???.. turn that biatch at the minimum 2 full turns... also charge your battery till its fully charged.. then start again.. but do the 2 full turns first.
09-21-11, 04:01 PM
Burntire - Yes everything's hooked up.
SloSVO - I could only turn it that much which tells me my motor's shot b/c I know I can't get 2 full turns.
AHH.. I get it.. the way I read it was that you only turned it 1/4 of a turn and said thats good.... sucks..
10-24-11, 07:31 AM
check your a/c compressor - these like to lock up - make sure they (or you ) are removing the serp belt before turning over the engine. More than a few engines have been replaced to find that it was a locked up compressor. (last one was a 96 Tarus) The PATS codes can appear due to extreme battery voltage. When the batt voltage dips below 11 or so volts we start seeing weird symptoms.
Rick Shopmier
10-24-11, 10:27 AM
Back to the beginning. Did you have the original alternator checked to be sure it failed? If yes why not purchase one locally so if there is a problem with it you can return it (Partsmart is a good suggestion). Next you said you drove till the battery was drained, golly gee do you think the alternator you put on was bad or did you not properly hook it up, more the latter since the battery issue and maybe the problem with power loss (electric fuel pump not getting enough juice to run). I do not know where the locked up motor came from since it seems the engine stalled (you did not indicate any odd noise when it quit) and won't restart (cranked right?). Quarter turn or 2 turns, indicate the motor not siezed. Your issue has moved to the electrics/electronics and to the first guy that worked on the car when this all started (some idiot, fire him). A siezed a/c compressor (you would have be able to hear this going down, like a screaching belt) give me a break (not brake). At this point you will be lucky if you did't kill the ECM or at least damage it. As the $ fly off into the ozone layer....good luck!
10-24-11, 03:55 PM
If there is a concern of a possible locked up engine - remove the belt and turn it over by hand....
as for
A siezed a/c compressor (you would have be able to hear this going down, like a screaching belt) give me a break (not brake). A seized a/c compressor can and will stop a starter from starting an engine - have SEEN IT many many times. So....easy test - pull the belt off and turn it over. if it moves - great - if not - proceed to tear down. Put a known good battery on the vehicle and pull some codes- unless it was jumped backwards (and even then) it is very unlikely that you fried your ECM.
10-24-11, 04:19 PM
Also - Ford doesnt use codes 9600 and 9602 - There is a B1600 and a B1602 - which is related to the transponder not being read or a partial read. FYI if you are searching the webs and not finding much. The 9000 series codes may be how your tuner reads them - this I dont know.
10-24-11, 08:55 PM
Yes, pull the belt then turn the engine over.....
Rick Shopmier
10-24-11, 10:00 PM
How have we gotten to a siezed a/c compressor from a bad alternator. Ok remove the belt, still don't see it will help, since it's unlikely that is the problem from what I am reading here. If the alt failed, was replaced, car ran sluggish, battery drained out, then the engine siezed??? So did you say the car would not start...would it turn over after recharging the battery? I am searching for some logic here. All the years I have worked around cars and on my own, and with the information you gave, just does not make sense. Is there a domino effect or is it were getting close to Halloween.
I would change the oil and coolant and get a longer antenna.. grind up a ac/delco 45 spark plug and throw it over your shoulder.. sing "superfreak" while doing brazilian jiu-jitsu..... this has worked wonders for me...:pepper:
10-25-11, 12:15 AM
Alex, You know ju-jitsu, I thought you only knew kawasaki, suzuki, sushi and a couple other japanese words.
Ahh Patrick-san.. many words that come together my friend... but i want to move from jiu-jitsu to shuffling...
It's easier on the rings and bearings...not to mention the it keeps the a/c compressor from locking up..
Everyday I'm shufflin... since its not country music.. fast forward to 4:50 ish.. look at the back flip the asian guy does.. and the dancing jesus is a nice touch... but the robot is for the win
here is actually a better Shuffle.... thats some better foot work
10-25-11, 01:52 PM
I would change the oil and coolant and get a longer antenna.. grind up a ac/delco 45 spark plug and throw it over your shoulder.. sing "superfreak" while doing brazilian jiu-jitsu..... this has worked wonders for me...:pepper:
I dont know about the song there, Rick James, but the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu works has proven results! :sissyfight:
"I'm Rick James bitch!!!" Where was that from SNL?? not as funny as cow bell or dick in a box...:laughing:
edit: Dave Chapelle Comedy Central
10-28-11, 01:28 PM
Ok, sorry for the late reply I was dealing with some family business outta state. Anyway, to Rick it sounds like you're a bit flustered but the info I gave in my OP is basically what happened and what I was told in that order so I'm not sure what other info I can give to you to fill the void unless I can get a referral to somewhere I can have the car towed to to have it diagnosed.
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