View Full Version : The Polish Mustang Club

09-02-11, 04:17 PM
One of the guys on my website dropped a video showing there club, thought I would pass it on here to show again the Mustang is a world wide love affair.
Can you believe that a club put together this type of video together, its awesome!

Be sure to go full screen!


the movie was conceived and filmed by members of our Polish Mustang Club, we did it all for free at our free time.
This is a promotional video the most important event for our club in 2011. This is the first edition, so keep your fingers crossed.
In ''2011 Mustangrace'' will attend about 31 mustangs different generations.

09-02-11, 04:46 PM
Awesome! I wanted to do something like that with CMC but you know how that went....

09-02-11, 05:49 PM
Dave we could always try to do something like that with the wild west club now. Now that summer will be winding down activities will be picking up. Come to the meeting on Tuesday!

09-02-11, 07:44 PM
Sick video!