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View Full Version : Lunch Run to the DAV on Saturday 8/6/11: MUST RSVP to Jim P

08-02-11, 08:56 AM
Hello Everyone,

We are planning a Lunch Run to the DAV on Saturday, August 6th. We will be discussing the November 2011 and the March 2012 AZMCC Car Shows with Commander Graves and having their Lunch Specials of either a terrific Hamburger or Fish & Chips.

Some can meet at the Costco at the 101 and Cave Creek Road behind the Taco Bell, or you can meet at Power Ford, or you can follow the instructions below and meet at the DAV Lodge at the address below. Here are the particulars for you to follow or choose from:

1. Meet at Costco at 10:15 AM and Cruise to Power Ford at 10:30 AM and meet up with all who want to meet at Power ford.
2. Meet at Power Ford and Leave at 11:00 AM [Lonnie is this ok with you, we can park across the road too, or use your new no parking zone?]
3. Cruise to DAV. Uncle Jim will be there to lead us to the DAV Lodge [Power Ford to 101, South to McDowell, turn right, go passed third light which is Hayden, then ~100 yards on left behind Taco Bell]
DAV Information/Address is:
Commander Robert H. "Bob" Graves
1510 North 79th Street
Scottsdale, Arizona 85257
House Phone: 480.947.9301
E-Mail: az22mail@davfrat.org (http://us.mc1620.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=az22mail@davfrat.org)
4. Lunch at Noon
5. Door Prize drawing after Lunch [Free new white AZMCC T-Shirt to winner, anything else recommended, I have double number tickets to hand out]
6. Ask all attendees for idea where to cruise to after Lunch [some idea's below]:
a. Frank LLoyd Wright House
b. Drive entire Freeway system by designed route: Example... 101 south, 202 East, 60 West, 101 again South, 202 West to the 10,
up to 202 again thru tunnel tunnel, North on 17 to 101, East 101 around to Indian Bend and park at Pavilions.
c. Some other drive to an ice cream place, etc.
d. There is a Cold Stone Ice Cream store in Tempe Marketplace which is not far from DAV [go South on Hayden and under the 202 and
then second light about 1/2 mile on left. Go to second light and turn left and go straight to theater area. Uncle Jim will lead this too.
7. I will copy Commander Graves on the message and call him about Lunch and meeting on the 6th.
8. Car Show Committee [CSC] will talk to him about November 19th
9. Ask everyone to RSVP NLT Thursday August 4th so I can get number of attendees to Cmdr. Graves for food preparation.

Any questions can be asked via e-mail or call Jim.
Hope to see many of you to show support to the DAV,

http://f1620.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1189204%5fAOXTi2IAARPOTjelQwzlJTF S8JA&pid=3&fid=Inbox&inline=1
Jim Petersen, Director
Arizona Mustang Car Club [AZMCC]
Cell Phone: 480.415.4056
Scottsdale, Arizona USAWebsite: [/URL][URL="http://www.arizonamustangcarclub.com/"]www.arizonamustangcarclub.com (http://www.arizonamustangcarclub.com/)
E-Mail: azmcc-info@cox.net (http://us.mc1620.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=azmcc-info@cox.net)

08-07-11, 08:03 PM
This was pretty fun. Although it would have been nice for it to be cooler outside, hanging out for lunch and Cold Stone Creamery with everyone was a good time!

08-08-11, 09:12 PM
We had a good time too. Cooler weather is coming...