View Full Version : Took the Plunge!

07-13-11, 09:06 PM
Well, I took the plunge and will soon join the ranks of many CMC members that own more than one Mustang! Just placed an order for a 2012 Performance White V6 Premium with the Performance Package, MCA Edition and HID. Looking for delivery hopefully around Labor Day. It's going to be my daily driver:woot2:I know its going to be hard to put down the keys of that lovely 95 Dakota I've been driving the last 16 years, but I'll get over it! The hard part now is the long agonizing wait....

07-13-11, 10:02 PM
Congrats!!! Now which one are you gonna take to route 66??? The dilemma begins!!

07-14-11, 07:43 AM
Awesome man you'll love it!

07-14-11, 09:42 AM
Congrats!!! Now which one are you gonna take to route 66??? The dilemma begins!!

That depends on when it gets delivered. I'd also like a little time to drive it and get used to how it handles and shifts before taking on Yarnell! Funny story, but when I went to do the test drive I went over in my 66 with a long throw 5 speed and a cable clutch. During the test drive on the 2012 with the short throw and very unforgiving clutch I could barely drive the thing! Twice I tried to launch in 3rd gear and I kept missing gears right and left when shifting. It is going to take some time to get used to the new feel.

07-14-11, 10:22 AM
I'd also like a little time to drive it and get used to how it handles and shifts before taking on Yarnell!

You'll also need to learn to turn TracLoc off. Way to much computer control if you dont. I learned that a few weeks ago! Now I turn it off almost immediately when getting in the car.

07-25-11, 06:50 PM
I placed the order on 13 July and by 15 July I had a VIN and an estimated build date of the week of 1 August and an ETA of 15 August. Based on what I have been seeing in other forums that has got to be some sort of record. Must be slow at the Flat Rock plant :thmbsup: Course, these are still estimates so things could change. Still, a car by Labor Day looks very likely. Here is a pic off the Ford.com site to preview what it might look like. It'll have the 19" Performance Package Rims - sweet!

07-26-11, 10:18 PM

07-27-11, 12:56 AM
I know your excited! August 15th must seem like a lifetime away.

07-27-11, 11:48 AM
The wheels on the Performance Package are the same ones that come on the GT California Special, complete with some nice fat summer Pirelli's. I think they are pretty sick and will certainly keep me happy for a few years. And yes, 15 August seems like years away right now!

08-04-11, 07:22 PM
Found a site where you can plug in your VIN and get the window sticker and build date. Mine was built yesterday, 3 August. Supposed to take about 18 hours total. Gettin' closer :biggrin:

08-04-11, 07:25 PM
Well you gonna give up the site? :bouncy:

08-04-11, 08:09 PM
What, you thinkin of selling that 5.0 already??:mrgreen:


08-05-11, 10:50 AM
Well yes I'm thinking about selling it. This one is a 2010 so it only has the 4.6 with the newer body style. Thanks for the info!

FYI the link provided also allows you to print out your window sticker. I just got mine for my 2010 Mustang and my 2008 Navigator. Not sure how old it will let you go back.

08-05-11, 01:29 PM
MY mistake - thought you already had a 5.0. But knowing that you don't, you need to get one! Heck, the 11-12 V6 has nearly the same power as the 2010 4.6, but with the advantage of better mileage and lower insurance rates. Neat about the ability to print out older stickers. There was also a link to a neat video from the site - a tour of the Rouge F-150 plant in Dearborne. Would love to see something similar at the Flat Rock plant where they make the ponies.

09-03-11, 09:23 PM
It's here!! Signed the papers and drove out of Berge yesterday afternoon. Here's a few pics.

09-03-11, 09:25 PM
very nice.

09-03-11, 10:29 PM
i like the white:goodidea:

09-04-11, 12:03 AM
Looks great! :goodidea:

09-07-11, 09:39 AM
Cool! Enjoy it.

09-07-11, 07:41 PM
Oh, I will! I may just have to drive all the way to work tomorrow instead of just meeting the van pool 5 miles from my house. Barely gets warmed up by then. If it looks like serious rain on Friday, I may very well bring my 012 to Flag instead of the 66 with the leaky window:Bucktooth:

Trick Pony
09-13-11, 10:45 PM
Did you take it to Flagstaff? I thought that I saw you there but not the 66.

09-13-11, 10:51 PM
Very Nice "Boss"-Like, with a reverse stripe. Enjoy !! :pepper::pepper::pepper:

09-14-11, 05:58 AM
Did you take it to Flagstaff? I thought that I saw you there but not the 66.

Yes, I did. I kept seeing the weather reports and wimped out in taking my 66 - just too much work to clean up after driving in the rain. That, plus my front window leaks! The 66 was my preference, but the 012 was a lot of fun to drive up the twisties below Prescott and I got a few lookers at the show! I saw your car downtown but you weren't around when I passed by. I did see that you got a people's choice trophy - congrates!