View Full Version : Fall Route 66 Show in Flagstaff
Rick Shopmier
05-23-11, 11:17 AM
If you are looking for a great fall run, the Route 66 Car Show is it. September 9 to 11 is a great time to be in the cool mountains after a blistering summer here in the valley. I am posting this now because there is limited registration for this show. Joe T and I were talking about this show and how fast it sells out. As of now there are 250 registrations in (add mine +1) and the max is 425 (do the math 174 left). The show is in downtown Flagstaff (a great place) in a park and on the closed city streets. Goto their website for info and registration ($ ( Hotel rates run from $50 a nite up and suggest you stay in the Woodlands area (near I-10 and I-17). Copperstate turns out large for this show and it would be great if WWMC and AZMCC had a great showing. This is not a long drive (figure about 300 mi. round trip....a tank of gas) and close to home (support our state, no Cali fuel prices and after the tourist season for lower hotel rates). Some highlites are the poker run to local hangouts, parking lot picnic (hosted by CMC) and the drive. There are 3 routes to Flag: Westsiders can take Wickenburg, Yarnell, Prescott, and Ash Fork to Flag, or Mid-towners up I-17 to Flag, or Eastsiders run Payson, Pine and Flag. All great drives....MUSTANGS were built to be driven! "DID SOMEBODY SAY ROAD TRIP!!!!!!"
Don't wait until the last minute or you will get left out. I've gone to this event 3 years in a row and enjoyed every minute!
FYI a lot of people meet at the McDonald's in Fountain Hills and head up thru Payson. We usually stop to eat in Strawberry/Pine, great time for photos.
I also recommend we change the meeting place to the Wendys, Arbys and Taco Bell which is just a little further east of the McDonalds. The parking lots is a lot bigger and can accommodate us much more than the congested McDonalds.
Scott Nett has already saved a block of rooms for people attending this event at the Ramada Inn in Flagstaff.
Its a little further down the line for this event but as Rick mentioned after the blistering summer we are heading into the 60 degree temps for this event is welcome relief! My wife is usually cold, so bring a jacket.
I second - or is that third - the comments of Rick and Joe. This is a really fun show and the drive up is worth the trip all by itself. I sent my registration in over a month ago but no response yet. The number for the Ramada is 928-773-1111 and mention the CMC. And hey Rick, how can you get a 300 mile trip on a tank of gas? Got a V6 in that Shelby?
Rick Shopmier
05-26-11, 08:02 AM
I got 17.5 mpg on a 505 mile round trip to the 66 Fun Run the first of this month, technically I you could say I can't do the Flag run on a tank, but since most people take the new cars, this should be a cake walk. But a couple of years ago I trailered up and did it on a tank with my truck......sooooooo. Still this run is too much fun to miss out on. Any how this year I am driving the 66 up to Flag.
That's great Rick. I usually get 18-20 on the trip to Flag or Pinetop but only 12 in the city. It will be great to have another classic joining the caravan this year - we seem to be short on those these days! You going to come with the Payson group this year - its a beautiful drive?
Rick Shopmier
05-26-11, 05:30 PM
I know the Payson route well, but living in the far northwest valley makes for a longer trip and I enjoy the route up thru Peoples Valley, Prescott and Ash Fork (lots of great twisties). On Sunday a great way home is use 89A from Flag thru Oak Creek Canyon and to Sedona. This is an impressive down hill ride (less so going up) because of the views and usually take it on my way home. I have another trip planned for mid-August, going to the Miller Motorsports track in Utah for open track days. Will be trailering for that one and expect to shoot some great video. Now all I have to do is figure out how to hide in June and July????
05-26-11, 09:03 PM
I'm thinking maybe we go up through prescott this year... Change of paste, we could stop in Jerome for lunch! A bit farther but who cares, love to drive!
Sounds like a good idea Dave. We would probably have a lot more westsiders as part of the caravan. Doent matter to me either way! Wish it was next week since Im not going to Colorado!
Mr. Austin
05-27-11, 12:24 PM
Sent my Registration in 2 weeks ago. Just waiting for Reply.
05-27-11, 01:21 PM
i wanna go :(
I'm thinking maybe we go up through prescott this year... Change of paste, we could stop in Jerome for lunch! A bit farther but who cares, love to drive!
Sounds like a great alternative - I'm game. Sent in my reg., got my room - but guess we still have to survive another AZ summer first:icon_cool:
05-27-11, 10:42 PM
Sounds like a great alternative - I'm game. Sent in my reg., got my room - but guess we still have to survive another AZ summer first:icon_cool:
Yup! Another summer is upon us... I like the Yarnell hill route that Rick suggested, change of paste!
Mr. Austin
05-29-11, 11:23 PM
Yarnell, through Gerome? Or straight to Ashfork?
05-30-11, 11:49 AM
I think Jerome would be cool, Just got out registration back we are 215/16....
Just got mine on Saturday - #218. Jerome sounds great - maybe a place to stop for lunch?
06-05-11, 09:48 AM
We can either stop in Jerome or Prescott, downtown is always a great stop, I'm game for either way, Jerome is kinda out of the way we need to go but so what, drive em or sell them!!!
Its definitely a drive from Prescott to Jerome. So I suppose it all comes down to how fast people want to get to Flag. Ill be game either way, its what I look forward to the most, CRUISING! Can we go now?!?!?!
How is Jerome out of the way? Up to Prescott via Yarnell, over to Cottonwood via Jerome, up Oak Creek Canyon via Sedona and you are in Flagg. Otherwise from Prescott you would go up through Chin Valley to Williams and then to Flagg via I-40. The Jerome route would be much more scenic and most twists and turns :snicker: We leave a 8-9 AM and pull into Flagg by 3 or 4 - plenty of time to register and get ready for the Poker Run.
06-07-11, 03:07 PM
OK, we are in, sending reg out today.
We always enjoy the Rt 66 show.
So many people from so many countries show up. Some bring their cars with them.
A friend of mine might be coerced into driving a ways out ahead of us (if said person is available and willing) to check the local scenery... ways to communicate are good too, so in the twisties we can have more fun.
Beware the bicyclist club that rides along the twisties....between Yarnell and Prescott...and the street bikers coming the opposite direction.
Prescott square has many places to eat, at least one breakfast diner like place that is reasonable and depending on how many are caravanning up, a better dining rate may be attainable.
A photo op is waiting at the Dells if folks are interested, neat rocks there.
Jerome also has some interesting places to eat, although group parking may prove to be a challenge.
Particularly nice is to hear exhaust reverberate off the canyon walls...
Nice view there, and either down hill or uphill climbing is great fun too.
Be ready for any brake fade you may find it to exist here.
Expect traffic in Sedona.
The climb up or down the hairpins at the end of Oak Creek is best when no one is close in front of you.
Driving this route will be much more fun.
Love the endorsement P51! And the details. Still got a few months to work out the route, time and stops.
06-08-11, 01:50 PM
66Pony, you are welcome. LoL!
Racer00 and Jacostang as well... Just before I was going to write the check I checked my calendar. Sorry to say we have a previous engagement away so we, (my wife and I) will not be joining you all for the Rt 66 fun. GRRRR! Apologies for this as I was really looking forward to finally having a chance to play cars again and enjoy a "leisurely cruise" :snicker:
I will not register so someone else has a chance to get the # spot I would have taken. However I am certainly willing to help in any way possible with info, details and suggestions for the run up. Definitely one of my favorite drives in AZ and worth taking the same route back...Yarnell is different down than up.
Hmmm this means I now have an excuse to make a run up to see if the eateries I'm referring to are still there...and to test the pads after they are installed...wouldn't want any fade...
Rick Shopmier
06-21-11, 09:51 AM
111 or 114!!!!!!, Its gettin freakin' hot......cummon September!
06-21-11, 07:53 PM
Well bummer that your not going, route is still TBD, open to all suggestions!! I agree Rick, is it time yet!
Just received our confirmation letter today! We are number 302! Really looking forward to it!
07-13-11, 10:13 PM
Need someone to find, suggest, a lunch spot in the prescott, Sedona area for the run!
07-14-11, 01:34 AM
Need someone to find, suggest, a lunch spot in the prescott, Sedona area for the run!
I won't be going on this trip. But every time we go up there we stop at the red robin in Prescott. A lot of parking and they always made room for us.
Lots of fun places on the square in Prescott but the parking could be a nightmare with 20+ Mustangs. Any club members out there from the Prescott or Sedona area?
07-31-11, 06:22 PM
I spoke with John from the Rt 66 Car Club today. They have over 400 registered. If you want to attend, you must send in your registration RIGHT AWAY!! I sent mine 10 days ago and I'm #351.
I have a frined from Prescott chekcing places this weekend that can hold a couple of dozen 'Stangs for lunch.
Lots of fun places on the square in Prescott but the parking could be a nightmare with 20+ Mustangs. Any club members out there from the Prescott or Sedona area?
Rick Shopmier
08-01-11, 10:33 AM
Well we have survived half the summer.......with just a little more than a month to go, we can start thinking about a start off point. I can suggest a Shell Station just south of Wittman on US-60 (beyond Grand Ave, near Speedworld), plenty of parking, fuel, visible and coffee/snacks for the road, and for those with small piddle tanks,,,,restrooms (in other words, top off, drain out and carb/coffee up). If we get there early enough can plan route stops and lunch break, shoot the bull and brag about how fast our cars are, etc. Personally I like an earlier start, no AC and older car, just to beat the heat, no later that a 9am roll out works for me and earlier is better. I will have my camcorder mounted to record the caravan and show (means don't do somthin stupid for us all to look at later). Since getting back from my trip up north (Canada), sooooooooo ready to get out of this hot, dusty place. "IT'S A CARAVAN......THAT'S A BIG 10-4!" Just a couple of cool down pics to hold you over till 9/9.
08-03-11, 09:17 PM
Ok Rick, how about all west siders meet there and east siders and central folks will meet up and see you in Wickenburg. Some very cool things for Prescott, Hank will have the details on the lunch spot and VIP Host!!!! Keep close here for quick updates and get the word out!!
What about all meeting up at I-17 and SR74? Think there is a Home Depot on the NE side of that intersection. We were in Wickenberg last weekend - about 1.5 hours from Chandler. Or the east siders can meet up somewhere and caravan together to Wberg. Will get the word out at the meeting on the 14th. You gonna come this month Dave? Trying to get the guys from Infinite Detail to come out and do a little presentation on detailing. They did a great job on my 66 before the photo shoot with MM&F.
Can't wait. Looks like I will have my 012 by then, but thinking of taking the 66 anyways. Lunch in Prescott sounds great. Where from there?
08-03-11, 10:02 PM
Up through Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon then into Flagstaff! More details into the Prescott Lunch, very soon!
Rick Shopmier
08-03-11, 10:17 PM
Sick of this freakin heat. I'm goin to Flag tomorrow for 3 days, headed up Yarnell thru Prescott. I'll take a look in Prescott for a stop place, also check out the roads. From there headed to Ash Fork and Williams. I plan on being at the Munds Parks Show on Saturday. NO, I'm not taking the Mustang,,,,,this is a fun trip! As for the I-17/74 start, that is way out of my way so I can possibly meet up at 74/60. Just to let you know, from the west side 101, Grand Ave./Hwy 60 construction is all done and it is 3 lanes each way, flows really good now and in the AM you would be going against the inbound traffic.
08-03-11, 10:26 PM
We are 99% sure of the lunch location but have to wait for Hank to confirm.. I forgot about ash fork and williams way up the hill...
OK, sounds like a meet up in W-berg proper or 74/60 would work. Just need a spot for the east and central folks to meet up.
Hey Rick, how can you have fun trip without the pony? :snicker:
08-08-11, 07:24 PM
Ok details have been confirmed for Prescott lunch. Buddy contacted Prescott Concilman Steve Blair who arranged to have the top floor of the parking garage roped off for us. Mayor Marlin Kuykendall will meet us there. We'll walk about a block to the Firehouse Kitchen restaurant. I let them know we would be there between 11:30 and noon with 25~30 Mustangs.
East Side can meet at Berge-leave at 8:30am head to Costco Cave Creek and 101
Leave Costco at 9:15am take Cave Creek Rd north to Carefree Hiway west
Both groups meet at 10:15am on the shoulder just past 74 on US60
Head through Wickenburg on US93 to 89 north up Yarnell hill. Stay on 89 to Prescott.
When we arrive in Prescott make a left on W Goodwin Street,(watch for the Firehouse Kitchen) 2nd block make a right on S Granite St.
The "Garage on Granite" is on the right.
DEPARTING Prescott: Route 89 to 89A into Flagstaff.
Remember ALL Mustangs are invited to join anywhere along the way.
We use FRS radios on channel 5 sub-channel 10.
See you there!
08-08-11, 07:34 PM
Holy Cow, the Mayor of Prescott is our Host!!! Nice job folks, I told you we are going big time!
Boy, that Hank has friends in high places - IMPRESSIVE!! I will announce at the meeting this week and then maybe you can send a blaster out Hank to alert everyone else?
08-08-11, 07:42 PM
I don't know if I'll make the CMC meeting Sunday. As long as the board ok's the blaster I'll do it.
Boy, that Hank has friends in high places - IMPRESSIVE!! I will announce at the meeting this week and then maybe you can send a blaster out Hank to alert everyone else?
You got one board member vote! Will get the OK from the rest on Sunday. Printing up a bunch of directions and map for Sunday. You the man:Bucktooth:
Rick Shopmier
08-08-11, 08:32 PM
Spent 3 days last week in was nice and cool. Stopped at the Munds Park Car Show on Sat., kinda small and show was on a dirt/rock parking lot, but the rv park was nice. Friday nite did the car cruise at Galaxie Diner, some nice cars there, and there was a 65 coupe with a V-10 engine and a Kenney Bell supercharger. There was a rumor that some football team was in town, lots of red shirts with Woody Woodpecker heads on them. Any how the run to Rt. 66 sounds OK to me.
08-08-11, 10:05 PM
Hank, can we meet up in Wickenburg instead of on the highway? I know DPS wont like us sitting on the side like that.. Especailly there..:Bucktooth:
08-09-11, 12:06 AM
We could meet in the Burger King parking lot (potty break?) in Wickenburg. Its on the right hand side as you get into town (before McD's).
08-09-11, 10:32 AM
Crap - already printed up the note for the club meeting. Will let everyone know of the change up in W-berg. The BK makes a lot more sense.
Rick Shopmier
08-09-11, 12:05 PM
About what time do you expect to get to the BK? I would like to get Yarnell behind me before it gets too hot, the car will be ok, its the driver we need to worry about here. The only construction that has any lane closures was leaving Prescott on 89. Since we are lunching in Prescott, will we do Jerome? I usually go to Ashfork, fairly level road, take a break there and jump on 40 into Flag., miles wise a little longer but speed wise it is faster, so it's a toss.
I just made my reservations today at the Flagstaff Ramada. There are 6 rooms available with the Copperstate Mustang Club Block reserved, if you have not reserved your room I suggest you get er done soon!
2755 Woodlands Village Blvd.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001 US
Maps & Directions (
08-09-11, 04:23 PM
Dont think we will doing the flagstaff show, unless i can get my reg. in really quickly. As of today 95 spaces left. But i would still like to do the cruise at least up to prescott and test out the new suspension system. :mrgreen:
I'm not registering for the show. Nobody cares about my 2010 GT. People come to this to see the classics and the customs. But I like to go just to hang out with everyone. Since I didn't register prior to 8-1 the price is 40 bucks to get in. So, with 2 nights of hotels, food and gas, I think I'm good missing the exhibit, its already about 300+ in cost. I did the same thing last year and had a great time and enjoyed the show without having to worry about how clean my car was. Plus I got to sleep in :)
08-09-11, 08:45 PM
Well, I hope to be at the BK before 10 for sure, is that going to be cool enough for you! I want to drive without the A/C on most of the way too!
Likewise, can't hear the engine rumble properly with the A/C blowing away:biglaugh:
08-10-11, 12:32 AM
I see we have alot of views, but I wonder how many are going? We're talking about the cruise at AZMCC Wed night and CMC on Sunday.
I see we have alot of views, but I wonder how many are going? We're talking about the cruise at AZMCC Wed night and CMC on Sunday.
You ok Hank? Your post made no sense. This topic is for the Route 66 Show in Flagstaff.
08-10-11, 10:10 AM
I think so. Let me clarify my statement: I wonder how many cars will be cruising with us on Friday 9/9 through Prescott to Flagstaff to the Route 66 car show. I expect we'll have a good turnout for that weekend, since it will be discussed at the AZ Mustang club meeting tonight and the Copperstate Meeting on Sunday.
Sorry Hank now that I understand what you were saying your post made perfect sense!
I think its a great time for all. No matter what club you belong to. This trip is not about ANY club, this trip really is about Route 66 and just car people in general wanting to get out of the heat for a few days and enjoy some fun and relaxation with some great people. Everyone that can get away should make this event! You will really miss out if you don't.
If you read this and are planning on going please sound off! It will help the organizers have a better understanding of how many people are going and how best to handle the amount of cars with the different stops that are planned and the start off points.
For me some of the best times I ever have is when lots and lots of Mustangs are cruising down the road together.
The last few years we have gotten 15-20 cars for the Payson route. Given this new route will pull in folks from both the east and west side, I think we are going to have a nice crowd. I also echo Joe's request to have folks chime in here if they plan to join the caravan. I'm ready to go NOW!
About what time do you expect to get to the BK? I would like to get Yarnell behind me before it gets too hot, the car will be ok, its the driver we need to worry about here. The only construction that has any lane closures was leaving Prescott on 89. Since we are lunching in Prescott, will we do Jerome? I usually go to Ashfork, fairly level road, take a break there and jump on 40 into Flag., miles wise a little longer but speed wise it is faster, so it's a toss.
Think we are talking about the 89A route through Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon, but I suppose that different groups could go either way from Prescott. To me, its not about how quickly you get there.
Rick Shopmier
08-10-11, 12:37 PM
It would be good to get a body count and concensus on route and times. We have time to do some fine tuning on this to make it as fun as possible. I am really looking forward to the trip and hope we can keep things simple and well communicated. I have radios and cell phone #s might be great for coordination at the start of the trip on Friday. Joe, I kinda disagree on the cars point....its about the enthusiasm and not the years, you have a nice car and no one is going to grumble about being in the show, of course its your decision. Any how its still really is the run and socializing, and the "COOL" air. It's a month away,,,is anyone counting the days?
Im ready to go! As you mentioned Rick I go for the people and the cruise. My cars just a little to stock right now. If you just would a sold me the 66 Id have it instead of my 2010 :veryhappy:
08-10-11, 08:45 PM
The main reason we got is for the fun of going, cool air and great friends... And Andy's sandwich!:rotflol:
08-11-11, 08:05 AM
Although I am not signed up for the show I will be going up to Flagstaff that weekend to walk it as I usually do. I took an extra day off this year so I could cruise up there with you all.
So count me in. "Cant Wait" :hyper:
08-12-11, 09:39 PM
Awesome, Glad your going, just got our rooms only 2 under CMC Left!
08-13-11, 06:41 PM
Everyone going on the run will receive a special commemorative dash magnet, just something that Hank and myself came up with!:biggrin1:
Nice! This going to be a blast - pretty sure I will be taking the old gal on this trip even if the new one shows up in time.
08-13-11, 07:59 PM
<---still wishing i could go :(
08-13-11, 08:39 PM
So where is the "official" meeting point going to be for the run?
Given your location on the west side I think the idea was for east and west to meet at the BK just as you get into W-berg on US60 at around 10:00AM. Hank or Dave can correct me.
08-13-11, 10:33 PM
Ok just wanted to make sure bk was the place everyone was gonna meet at. See you guys there!
I'm meeting where ever the most Mustangs are going to be, so anyone that's going please say something in this topic so we know what everyone's doing!! I'm frankly going with the crew going to Yarnell and meeting the Mayor on the roof :laughing:
08-14-11, 12:28 AM
I'm leaving Costco at Cave Creek and 101 to meet at BK in Wickenburg at 10am.
I'm meeting where ever the most Mustangs are going to be, so anyone that's going please say something in this topic so we know what everyone's doing!! I'm frankly going with the crew going to Yarnell and meeting the Mayor on the roof :laughing:
08-14-11, 01:45 AM
Ok so if anyone else wants to meet up for the cruise up the 60 to wickenburg we could meet up at the starbucks on grand and bell. Not sure exactly what time everyone will be meeting up at BK but we can meet up at starbucks say 45 minutes before and cruise to BK and meet everyone else.
I'm going with Hank since he arraigned the roof top meeting :icon_smile: And because its right down the street from my house! :rotflol:
08-14-11, 03:10 AM
I'm going with Hank since he arraigned the roof top meeting :icon_smile: And because its right down the street from my house! :rotflol: So wait I must have missed something. Where is this rooftop meeting taking place?
That's the lunch in Prescott - same group. Check earlier in the thread and Hank lays out the whole thing - except we changed the meet point to the BK instead of 74/60.
I will be meeting up with the east side group and cruising to the Costco on the 101
08-14-11, 12:36 PM
Route 66 Run to Flagstaff Stopping in Prescott for lunch at Firehouse Kitchen
Ok details have been confirmed for Prescott lunch. Buddy contacted Prescott Councilman Steve Blair who arranged to have the top floor of the parking garage roped off for us. Mayor Marlin Kuykendall will meet us there. We'll walk about a block to the Firehouse Kitchen restaurant. I let them know we would be there between 11:30 and noon with 25~30 Mustangs.
East Side can meet at Berge-leave at 8:15am head to Costco Cave Creek and 101
Leave Costco at 9:00am take Cave Creek Rd north to Carefree Hiway west
Both groups meet at 10:00am at Burger King US60
Head through Wickenburg on US93 to 89 north up Yarnell hill. Stay on 89 to Prescott.
When we arrive in Prescott make a left on W Goodwin Street,(watch for the Firehouse Kitchen) 2nd block make a right on S Granite St.
The "Garage on Granite" is on the right.
DEPARTING Prescott: Route 89 north to 40 East to Twisters Ice Cream in Willaims for a break then on to Flagstaff.
Remember ALL Mustangs are invited to join anywhere along the way.
We use FRS radios on channel 5 sub-channel 10.
See you there!
If you PM me I have created a 4 page Word doc with the latest turn by turn directions and maps. I will keep a list of who is attending so we have a count.
Wow Hank your so organized now.
Looks like we got a few to sign up at the CMC meeting. Course the speaker could have done a little better job :wink1: Too bad there is a "competing" group going the old way. What kind of response did you get at the meeting on Wed. Hank?
08-14-11, 06:14 PM
Competing??? Dont you mean Dan and Bob! LMAO, some things never change, its his way or no way......:laufhing:
Normally this is where I would speak my mind, but I wont.
Suppose I should have said Dan (and Bob). Brenda and Donny will go that way as well, but only because they had already arranged to meet up with a couple of friends that live in Pine. That is going to be a small group - if a group at all. Whatever - we are going to have a blast. It's been many years since I been up Yarnell and never in my 66 so this should be a lot of fun:drool5:
Go ahead Joe - let it out:mrgreen:
08-14-11, 08:27 PM
Its nice to something different! It will be fun! :bouncy:
Suppose I should have said Dan (and Bob). Brenda and Donny will go that way as well, but only because they had already arranged to meet up with a couple of friends that live in Pine. That is going to be a small group - if a group at all. Whatever - we are going to have a blast. It's been many years since I been up Yarnell and never in my 66 so this should be a lot of fun:drool5:
Go ahead Joe - let it out:mrgreen:
Nah people are figuring things out on there own, no sense in me stoking the fires just yet. :mrgreen:
08-15-11, 08:41 PM
Nah people are figuring things out on there own, no sense in me stoking the fires just yet. :mrgreen:
You got that right!:yes:
08-16-11, 08:35 PM
i cant wait:jump: any:jump:more:drool5:i will be at costco meet with hank :thumbsup: i want just aut of here:hyper: NOW:rollingfloorrlol:
08-16-11, 08:46 PM
I hear ya! Let's get going already. I don't see alot of replies on who is coming. I think we'll have a great turnout, but I need to know so we have enough stuff to go around, ya know. Who knows, there could be some door prizes in Prescott.
Rick Shopmier
08-16-11, 10:49 PM
According to Cruizin Arizona's web site the Route 66 Car Show is now "SOLD OUT". If you have not registered it looks like you are SOL:snooze:. That does not mean you can't come on the run and hang out for the weekend.
According to Cruizin Arizona's web site the Route 66 Car Show is now "SOLD OUT". If you have not registered it looks like you are SOL:snooze:. That does not mean you can't come on the run and hang out for the weekend.
Absolutely not! Join us whether you are in the show or not. Enjoy the cruise and hang out at the show with friends.
Rick Shopmier
08-17-11, 11:43 AM
"CONFIRMED" Route 66 Show is SOLD OUT. Went to the Route 66 Car Club website for the confirmation. Still there is fun to be had and the more the merrier. I will have an empty seat on Friday nite for the Poker Run and could use a lucky person to pull my cards. A reminder to all participants to bring your own seating and a jacket, it gets cool in the how cool is that when it's going to be 110 today. "ARE WE LEAVING YET?"
I'd ride with you on Friday Rick. I usually get the car all cleaned up once we arrive and don't want to bother pulling in out again for the poker run. Can't guarantee I'll add any luck:rotflol:
08-17-11, 09:17 PM
Wow! Sold out how cool is that! If you build it they will come, its a great show even if you dont show a car! Just going and hangin around and getting outa here for a few days!!
Rick Shopmier
08-23-11, 04:46 PM
In Flag right now. Cool and rainy with thuinder and lightning. Road check,,,,some repaving going on 60 between 74 and Wickenburg, may be done by 9/9, bridge work and lane restriction in Precott (still), rest is ok. Driving the GTI so the twisties were a blast, boy are we going to have fun. Hopefully this will be my last heat escape until the 66 run, can't wait. L8R
Cool hopefully that construction is cleared up by then. Have fun Rick!
08-23-11, 09:03 PM
Yes I just checked, it should be completed before we run...
Sorry for the late chime in, been a crazy crappy court filled money flowing out the wazoo summer. But, finally settling down. Looks like we will be able to make the trek up with you guys! Count us in on Friday! We can meet up as well at the Starbucks on the west side at 9:00 as well for the ride into Wickenburg.
08-23-11, 10:08 PM
08-24-11, 12:31 AM
cool so we will make starbucks the "official WESTSIDE" meetup at 9am. Located at the nw corner of Bell Rd. and Grand Ave. See you guys there.
08-24-11, 10:23 AM
We are new to Copperstate Club and do plan on attending the show. Leaving Gilbert early PM on Friday. Looking forward to meeting other members at the show. Do we try to park together at the show? That is what our prior Mustang Club tried to do when there were members going to the same show. You mentioned picnic ? can you tell me more about that?
Just let me know.
Wes and Jo Young
1970 Mach 1 Twister Special
You can meet the east side crew leaving Berge Ford at 8:30am and heading to Costco at Cave Creek and 101 to meet up with another group.
Yes they all park together at the show providing you were able to get into the registration since it is sold out.
I'm not in the show but my wife and I are going! Anyone can go to this, there are PLENTY of cars to see!
We go just to hang out with everyone.
08-24-11, 08:12 PM
Yes, we are meeting at Berge and leaving at 8 30 for the Costco at the 101 and Cave Creek, we know there will be traffic so be careful... The we are meeting all the west side stangs at the Burger king in Wickenburg.. Time to cruise and get out of this heat!
08-24-11, 11:49 PM
The show is Saturday. All Mustangs meet at Target (corner of S Milton Rd & W University Dr) at 7am and caravan out to show check-in about 7:15am. Saturday evening around 6pm there is a pot luck dinner in the back parking lot of the Ramada Hotel (S Woodlands Village Blvd) where many Mustangers are staying.
We are new to Copperstate Club and do plan on attending the show. Leaving Gilbert early PM on Friday. Looking forward to meeting other members at the show. Do we try to park together at the show? That is what our prior Mustang Club tried to do when there were members going to the same show. You mentioned picnic ? can you tell me more about that?
Just let me know.
Wes and Jo Young
1970 Mach 1 Twister Special
08-25-11, 09:49 AM
how manny cars do we have so far?????carcount for Hank please
At least two classics from me and Rick - any others??
Can we go already!!!! I look forward to the Route 66 show and Sema the most Im ready to go now!
08-25-11, 05:04 PM
I am one and will meet at Costco...
08-25-11, 06:58 PM
Time for a blaster message!:mrgreen:
08-25-11, 07:49 PM
If the three clubs give me numbers to call their members, I'll do a blaster. The week before the cruise? 9/2 maybe??
Time for a blaster message!:mrgreen:
Ya the clubs all should kick with the numbers this is an event that would be a blast to have 50-100 cars on a convoy to Flag. :thmbsup:
08-26-11, 04:12 PM
i think when we wait any longer the tires wil melt and the dash deform it was over 200f today at 1pm at the dash :z7shysterical:
i think when we wait any longer the tires wil melt and the dash deform it was over 200f today at 1pm at the dash :z7shysterical:
Andy you need to update your picture. Your new headlights look a lot better now!!
I raced a 2002 Corvette tonight, and I won, good thing no cops were around I was doing XXX, lets just say I was going fast just after 7th street and Bell! Seemed the Vette guy couldn't shift his manual! You manual guys better know how to shift or don't race :bounce:
08-26-11, 10:26 PM
Ah, thats a no no Joe, no street racing kills or otherwise Sir! Trying to be like Kyle Bush!:Bucktooth:
I agree 100% but this guy revved his engine at me for 3 lights, his passenger kept rolling down the window and waving, I kept trying to ignore them. Mostly because his Vette looked very fast, and my Mustang is totally stock. Finally he was honking his horn so I acknowledged him, I just couldn't resist. But if it is any consolation there was not one car in front of either of us for a huge distance, maybe a half mile or more.
"Courage is being Scarred to death.. But saddling up anyway".....John Wayne
08-26-11, 11:35 PM
I lost two friends, who were brothers, to street racing. The first one died racing his brother then 10 years later that one was killed street racing. Think he would have learned when he watched his brother die.
I agree 100% but this guy revved his engine at me for 3 lights, his passenger kept rolling down the window and waving, I kept trying to ignore them. Mostly because his Vette looked very fast, and my Mustang is totally stock. Finally he was honking his horn so I acknowledged him, I just couldn't resist. But if it is any consolation there was not one car in front of either of us for a huge distance, maybe a half mile or more.
"Courage is being Scarred to death.. But saddling up anyway".....John Wayne
I appreciate the concern guys. I get the point. Will I do it again, probably.
08-27-11, 08:50 AM
Hi Guys and Gals. I'm not yet a member of any of the clubs in Phoenix, mostly because I haven't been around long enough to get the paper work in and get initiated. I have met JoeT and Rick at the 51st Ave & Bell Friday night gathering. On their advise I got a room at the Ramada and registered for the car show. I didn't know of Joe's strategy to not enter the show but just go and enjoy the festivities. Anyway, I'm entry #431. Yea, I know, there were only supposed to be 425 entries but I got a call last night and was advised that there 424 entries and on the last day seven more came in so they decided to include all. Karen and I won't be able to make the fun run from Wickenburg as I can't leave until after noon Friday and we'll likely just head straight up I-17 so we can try to make the Ramada about when many of you arive.
Wes you said you and Jo were leaving early PM on Friday. What time were you thinking? Would you want to hook up and head up with Karen and I?
08-27-11, 11:40 AM
Fred, Scott N Is also goin up Friday afternoon, I can PM you with his phone number and remember there is construction on 17 Cordes Junction area but nothing crazy....:yes:
08-27-11, 12:16 PM
Jacostang, that would be great. Maybe there are more of us that can't leave in the morning but could in the early afternoon. :jump:
There's not much we can do to avoid construction anywhere in Arizona these days is there?
08-27-11, 01:42 PM
PM sent, I hear ya on the construction.....:sticktonge:
08-27-11, 02:25 PM
Would love to meet you and go up with you. Don't know for sure what time we will be able to leave, but should know later in the week. Love the Rousch!!! We do have a trailer queen and will be pulling a trailer, so definitely will be in your rear view mirror!!! We live on the east side in Gilbert - if you would like, call me 602-882-9129 and we can make a plan.
The calendar is wrong September the 9th is tomorrow the 29th isnt it?
08-28-11, 09:23 PM
Did I miss breakfast at Golden Corral? (sorry Dave)
If it's tomorrow I'll be there to get out of this heat.
The calendar is wrong September the 9th is tomorrow the 29th isnt it?
Oh yeah lots of Golden Corral! I love that place, long as I can see them cook it I'm pretty happy, steak and omelet how can you pass that up! Dave couldn't resist blame it on Hank! :wave:
08-29-11, 07:51 PM
the steak was so good at golden coral and yes hank you missed it sunday:z7shysterical:
08-29-11, 08:41 PM
Golden Corral, OH no here it comes!:barf:
09-05-11, 04:08 PM
Comin up quick guys!!!!
Did a blaster go out? I have not gotten anything. No matter, I'm there! Debating on a straight trip to Costo or a meet up at Berge. Berge is a bit out of the way for me in west Chandler. Only 4 days now!!:jump:
09-05-11, 06:55 PM
No blaster so far. I'd need someone from the exec board to say it's ok. Don't want to get in trouble with the club.
Did a blaster go out? I have not gotten anything. No matter, I'm there! Debating on a straight trip to Costo or a meet up at Berge. Berge is a bit out of the way for me in west Chandler. Only 4 days now!!:jump:
Well, bad news is I have a meeting at 8 am now... but good news is I should be catching up with you guys in Prescott if things go as planned. Hope to be heading up by 10:30am. If anyone can't leave until around that time, let me know and we can meet up and ride out together to catch up with the group in Prescott.
09-05-11, 10:36 PM
PM me for my cell phone number. My co-pilot can let you know where we are when you're headng up.
Well, bad news is I have a meeting at 8 am now... but good news is I should be catching up with you guys in Prescott if things go as planned. Hope to be heading up by 10:30am. If anyone can't leave until around that time, let me know and we can meet up and ride out together to catch up with the group in Prescott.
I'm ready to go now! Seems none of the clubs should have a problem with a blaster, most of them are going anyway. Killing the fun is killing the clubs! Not all but definitely some!
If it ain't fun anymore you can count me out from now on! Life's to short to be so serious! Less parking lots and more cruises!!
09-06-11, 08:31 AM
Well all its getting closer to GO time so let's look at the weather forecast (like they always get that right) :biggrin1:
Here is what they have for Friday:
Phoenix 0900 hrs: 84 Degrees, Partly Cloudy, Chance of a Stray T-Shower
Wickenburg 1000 hrs: 82 Degrees, Partly Cloudy, Chance of a Stray T-Shower
Prescott 1200 hrs: 71 Degrees, Partly Cloudy, Scattered T-Showers Possible
Cottonwood 1400 hrs: 84 Degrees, Partly Cloudy, Isolated T-Storms
Sedona 1500 hrs: 84 Degrees, Partly Cloudy, Isolated T-Storms
Flagstaff 1600 hrs: 71 Degrees, Partly Cloudy, Isolated T-Storms
Should be great day and not too bad temperature wise but we may get wet later in the afternoon and evening so bring the Sham-Wow :laufhing:
Why is it taking soooo long for Friday to get here?
09-07-11, 01:55 AM
Ok...... So................ WESTSIDERS MEET at starbuck's NW corner of Bell Rd. and Grand Ave. in Surprise. 9AM Departing at 9:15. Meeting at starbucks so we can cruise up the 60 as a group and meet everyone else at the burger king in Wickenburg at 10AM. Anyone plan on meeting at starbucks please post up. If no one posts up i will still meet at starbucks just in case someone does show up there.
I'm going to 101 and Cave Creek, see you in Wickenberg! Is it time yet! :Bucktooth:
Rick Shopmier
09-07-11, 10:07 AM
Well, it appears that there is a good chance of rain starting Friday and thru the weekend. I had 2 calls last nite, one saying if it rains won't go, the other said can't drive on wet roads for some reason. After suffering thru this miserable heat this would dampen the picnic. It aint stoppin me! I suspect the rains will be in the afternoon, just need to be ready for it. Bring your car wash gear, may need it. Also note that there is a great carwash behind the Gallaxy Diner on 66. "Are we there yet?"
09-07-11, 10:32 AM
I sympathis with a clean car being kept out of the rain... my car has been driven in the rain exactly once in it's eight year lifetime. It was the night I brought it home from the Ford Dealership. But I'm looking forward to this show and I'm going rain or shine. My only worry is my tires. They are Dunlap Dierezza Star Specs. They don't have much in the way of tread. I'll bet I have to pull over to the side of the road if it starts raining very hard.
See ya at Starbucks around 8:30am Friday. RAIN OR SHINE!
09-07-11, 11:07 AM
Rick i promise you it will not melt or shrink,i will drive open and bring a umbrella and raincoat can we go NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
and for your tires you remember its like on ice smoth and stady get you there :bouncy:
Well in the past Ive been a no rain guy. But Ive loosened up that part now. Who cares if it rains as long as it doesn't hail! :Bucktooth: The advantage of some rain is that it will make it cooler there! Im all about cool weather, sweat shirt weather would be awesome for a few days! :bounce:
Don't like to drive in the rain with my 66 simply because I have a leaky front window. Will be sure to bring plenty of towels!
09-07-11, 02:48 PM
That's the spirit people if we plan or hope for rain you can bet it won't...
Revised forecast for Friday shows less likely to rain until later in the evening and on Saturday and then only Widely Scattered at best..
"Let's get driving" :woot2:
42 hours and counting til fun!
Rick Shopmier
09-08-11, 09:26 AM
24 hours out!!!!! Im not ready, can't find my car keys! OK The weather man is saying that the rain is expected in the evening on Friday, at least for the valley, and the rain in Flag should be kinda spotty and mostly on Sat. afternoon and evening. I guess that may rain on our picnic, just have to impliment PLAN B. Remember, pack that jacket or sweat.
09-08-11, 09:47 AM
We will be heading up Friday morning via I-17 and will meet all in Prescott for lunch. Surely we can find a place to park truck and trailer! Hope the rain holds off period, but will enjoy the cooler weather.
What's plan B?:biglaugh: I'm already packed, found the keys, got the spare in the trunk, got lots of towels for the leaky window, and filled up the tank!
09-08-11, 10:20 AM
24 hrs and counting need to get the rear upper cotrollarm fixed tonight the clonking drives me nuts:biglaugh:. and need to pack the rainstuff and cleaning ......shit i need a bigger trunk darn vert trunks too small:bouncy:.
09-08-11, 10:24 AM
Oh, I gotta fill the tank. And pack. No cleaning till we get there. My 'vert top leaks and with a broken back window it'll get a little wet. Oh well we're heading north in less than 24 hours. It will be fun.
We have the parking garage in PRescott. I'm not sure if it will take a truck and trailer. But the Mayor will be there with us, so I'm sure we can get something figured out.
What's plan B?:biglaugh: I'm already packed, found the keys, got the spare in the trunk, got lots of towels for the leaky window, and filled up the tank!
Just heard from Denver Wells that is was raining and hailing in Flag today - that don't sound good. Chance of rain 60% Friday and 40% Saturday. I assume this is a rain or shine event? Thinking very hard now of taking the new 012 and sparing my poor 66 gal a dirty soaking. What has everyone else heard/seen about conditions
09-08-11, 08:26 PM
I called the guy from the Show - he said they are seeing the heaviest rain now and lightning. Also confirmed 60% Friday and 40% Saturday. Show is rain or shine! Looks like it is going to be rain!
Flagstaff t-storm chance all weekend, low 70's is what I am hearing. Any idea what time you think lunch will be starting and finishing in Prescott on the ride up?
09-08-11, 09:24 PM
12 hrs to go ja all melt and get flushed away still better than 104f i take my umbrella:biglaugh:
09-09-11, 08:32 PM
Everybody make it to Flag? How is the weather? Really enjoyed hangin out with everyone today and chillin in the parking garage while the big storm blew through. lol.
We almost all made it Hank may have blown his tranny. Should be being towed back to Phoenix right now. Sorry Sammy and Hank!
The weathers awesome Id say its in the 50's. They opened a Freddie's up here as well right next to the Ramada, which is really cool!
Seems like a lot of the normal people that come aren't here this time. We got in later having to wait with Hank for a tow so when we got to the hotel no one was around.
Well have to wait until tomorrow and see who's here.
09-10-11, 12:18 AM
Oh man sorry to hear about that hank! Best of luck!!!
09-10-11, 10:15 AM
Thanks to all for hanging with us!!! Great group of folks. With a switch of flat beds in Sedona, they took us back home. The flat bed blew an inside dually on the way to our house so we had to drive slow but we made it by 9:30pm. The driver asked me to try driving the Stang into the garage. Drove fine without even adding fluid!?!Sammie and I are heading back to Flagstaff now (in the pickup this time). Great time in Prescott.
Turned out to be a beautiful day Saturday despite the forecast of gloom and doom. Show was great. Copperstate took away two trophies for cars and one for best attended club. Richard from AZ Mustang Club (or Wild West?) picked up another. Overall, Mustangs did very well. Will post some pics later. The gathering on Saturday night in the parking lot was great - great food and great people. Can't wait for next year!
09-11-11, 03:01 PM
Glad it was great except for Hanks Tranny,LOL. Sorry we missed it, I hope finally to get some answers to the crap thats been going on with me...:yes:
Get better Dave!!! Here are a few pics from the show to cheer you up:rotflol: This batch shows the winners of the Sports Car Class (Jeff), the Classic Mustang Class (Wes & Jo) and the Stock 1980-2011 Class (Richard)
Assorted show photos. Sorry in advance to Don and Brenda, Denver, Andy and John - did not have my camera with me on the street this year.
And some MORE! Man the were a lot of Mustangs there!! John and Andy, think you are in the garage top photo
09-11-11, 10:33 PM
Many of you that went up know that I got caught in a hail storm on the way up and sustained some light denting to the roof of my Roush. Here's a pic of the storm just as it was easing up. The second one is during the heaviest part of the downpoor. It was like driving in sleet. Good thing I had many years of experience in the Texas Panhandle to learn how to drive in this kind of stuff. Karen was scared we were going to end up in the ditch or worse, into a guard rail or another car.
It was a great time. The wife and I had a lot of fun hanging out with all of you at lunch in Prescott, and then at the show. Here are a couple pics that I have not seen yet. The first being of Hanks on the way up before the smoke, and then photos of the gathering on top of the parking garage, and then at Target in the am.
09-12-11, 12:28 AM
A few more photos. Sammie took the Mach I shot (I don't know how) on the twisties. I have to say this was the best year yet, sorry Dave and a few others missed it. I counted about 35 people at the Pot Luck dinner. There were a few more folks in town that we didn't see at dinner.
Roger, Sammie and I left Saturday night at 8pm to head back to Phoenix. We hit not one, but two huge hail storms about 20 minutes apart. I don't see any damage on the pickup and I have not heard form Roger yet. The first one to hit stunned me, but Sammie realized it was a hail storm. I thought a softball hit the roof.
And I apologize to Rick and Sam for changing the route after the rain storm in Prescott. We didn't have their numbers to call and advise we were heading up I-17 to avoid the storms. Next road trip we'll all exchange cell phone numbers at the start.
09-12-11, 10:42 AM
the whole weekend was awsome thanks to everyone involved :bouncy:.problems needed to be solved on the way but everyone stuck together and we made the best out of it.
09-13-11, 04:49 AM
I just found out about this Car Show a few days before the weekend. I booked a room and came up on Saturday. What a great car show! I read a lot on this post before I left and everyone was right, it was a nice show...and a nice drive.
I didn't really get to meet anyone from CMC though. I am sending in my Application this week. Hopefully I can make it to the next meeting.
Well actually, I will probably be at the Scottsdale Pavillions on the 24th, so I will look for fellow Mustang owners.
Rick Shopmier
09-13-11, 08:40 AM
All those months of talking about the weekend and it is over in a blink. Yep, it was fun in every aspect, the cars, the people, socializing and the show activities. Sunday Andy, John and I drove one of the last sections of the original Route 66 roadway. The weather was a little dicy but never affected the show. All the pictures tell the story. I have just about completed the movie and should have it at the AZMCC meeting. We need to do another show, maybe in Cali later in the fall or winter. Here are a couple more pictures.
Great time! Rick Ill come and mow your lawn every weekend if you give me your Mustang when your done with it :thumbsup:
09-15-11, 11:25 PM
Hey Rick-I didn't get to chat with you at the meeting. How did the movie turn out?
We should pick a date for the first movie night. Weather is good!
Rick Shopmier
09-16-11, 08:45 AM
Hank, I shot about 2 hours of video, trying to cut it down to about 45 minutes. It all came out good except for the stuff I shot going into Prescott, appears some large insect decided to commit suicide on the windshield in front of the camera. It will be done in a couple of days.
09-16-11, 10:14 AM
I told you not to run over that slow bug .Can you see the licenseplate on the camera? You know they call that evidence :biglaugh::bounce:
09-16-11, 10:25 AM
Can't wait to see the video on the big screen Rick.
09-17-11, 07:51 PM
I forgot to post this trophy photo. What a nice award. Look closely.
It certainly was the best sports car! That car is absolutely amazing. You should be very proud Jeff! The best part is that he built that beauty:awsome:
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