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View Full Version : Welcome to the AZMCC

05-18-11, 02:49 PM
The AZMCC is an Association of Ford Mustang Enthusiasts dedicated to the promotion of Automotive Safety, Local Charity Organizations and continuing the Legacy of the Ford Mustang !

I would like to welcome any and all Mustang owners to take a look at our AZMCC Websiste and see all the activities we are planning. Our Membership has grown significantly in the past 3 months and the activities include a Monthly Meeting at our new Ford Sponsor, Power Ford. If you have any questions you can get the answer by contacting us on-line at your convenience.

The AZMCC will now be using HPS as our official Mustang Forum... watch for activity updates here and on our website at www.arizonamustangcarclub.com (http://www.arizonamustangcarclub.com) daily.