View Full Version : New personal Best of 10.71 @ 126.8 in my Farm Truck

04-18-11, 07:52 AM
First run was right after we got there. Still in the mid 80's for outside temps. Didn't run it long enough to let the KC cool the water. I was just going out to see how well the new slicks would hold. Well it came off the line with a leap that felt like the front end was up. Pulled pretty good but was fading at the top. Saw 10.92 on the board as I went by. The IC water temps were at 115 so I know the IAT2 temps were pulling timing. First run was a 1.55 60' with a 10.92 @ 123. But this was just a test the slicks run. http://azloc.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Pulled into the pits and let it sit for a while until the air temps cooled off and then let the KC cool the water down to 58*. Felt like it spun just a bit. End result was a 1.59 60' with a 10.71 @ 126.8. Whoo Hoo

Now it's time to go get the race tune. I am just running on the street tune with a couple degrees of timing added and race gas. Both passes were running at 10.8 A/F so it is a little rich but I like it that way since I haven't been to the dyno for an actual race tune.

04-18-11, 10:09 AM
GREAT RUNS!!!!! :highfive: :yes:

Congrats on hitting the 10's, I know you have been hunting that number for awhile.

04-18-11, 12:43 PM
Thanks Shane, And as usual I didn't just creep into the next level. When I was trying for the 12's I was stuck at 13.06 and the did a little work and came back and ran a 12.20. When I was trying to get into the 11s, I was stuck at the 12.06 and then did a little work and came in with an 11.5. Well I have been stuck at the 11.08 for a while. Did a little work and came back and ran a 10.71. I was not expecting that much of a jump into the 10s as I know it gets harder with each barrier. But I'll take it :-)

04-18-11, 08:18 PM
Thats awesome, Congrats!!


04-19-11, 07:36 PM
Any pssssssssSSS?

04-19-11, 09:30 PM
damn! thats gettin it done! nicely done sir!

04-21-11, 09:34 AM
Thanks. That was one heck of a ride. Sure felt good with it pulling hard all the way down the track.

So, when are the wild mods going to start on your L'? I have a good deal on a set of slicks and skinnies :-)

Were you asking for vids? All I have is a video of AZHARLEY and me running but his kid shot the vid so it was focused on Dave's L and kind of small. There is another red truck right on the edge of a 10 second run, he just needs to make it stick at the line. He ran 11.17, me 10.71

http://rpmdreams.com/drags/Jim_Dave.wmv (http://rpmdreams.com/drags/Jim_Dave.wmv)

04-21-11, 03:27 PM
haha. i wish i could mod my truck like that. but, its not likely. its the daily driver. so, as long as she looks good and is up to snuff on matinence, i am one happy camper. the cobra is basically going to show and cruise duty. the 79 coupe i bought will be becoming the race car. though, i still wanna go out and get a 13 second slip with the truck.

04-21-11, 04:02 PM
79 coupe? Is it blue?

Well I would like my next project to look like this.


04-21-11, 04:41 PM
haha. you'd think so right? but no, as of now its gray. and will likely be that way for awhile. i had thought about going blue with it, but likely will just do something simple like a satin black or something of the like.

and that looks like one nice hotrod. something tells me that wouldn't fit in my budget at all though... :laughing:

04-21-11, 05:39 PM
haha. you'd think so right? but no, as of now its gray. and will likely be that way for awhile. i had thought about going blue with it, but likely will just do something simple like a satin black or something of the like.

and that looks like one nice hotrod. something tells me that wouldn't fit in my budget at all though... :laughing:

I could have a Nice RV-7 for the 80K+ I have in my car since getting it in 2004.

04-21-11, 09:35 PM
I could have a Nice RV-7 for the 80K+ I have in my car since getting it in 2004.

this is true. but you also have that other important spendy thing (atleast i hope... :mrgreen:), a license to fly it. :thmbsup:

04-21-11, 10:21 PM
I do have that license around here somewhere. :thmbsup:

04-21-11, 10:43 PM
So the RV-4 is a tandem, the RV-6 is a side by side, what is the RV-7?

04-21-11, 11:38 PM

04-22-11, 07:45 AM
Kewl, just a little bigger than the RV-6. A friend up in Oregon built an RV-4 but placed a 220 hp engine with a variable pitch prop. Had to have a special cowl made but it would boogy. He was a P-51 pilot in the Air Force so he like to push it hard. Watched him do a Lumchavok over the air strip where we flew our RC planes, then that afternoon he said come over anytime and I'll take you for a ride. I politely said maybe some day. I really didn't want to barf in the back of his plane.

04-25-11, 02:44 PM
79 coupe? Is it blue?

Well I would like my next project to look like this.


If that the plane I think it is.............that's a LONG project!

I helped a neighbor build one of those over 3 years in his hanger down the street.

04-25-11, 05:30 PM
1000 to 2000 hours depending on the kit you buy.

04-26-11, 08:13 AM
Just 6 hours a day for a year and you have it done - that's 2,190 hours

04-26-11, 12:04 PM
1000 to 2000 hours depending on the kit you buy.

Not if you were as anal as the Warthog pilot was! LOL!

It was a RV4. Don't remember what engine was in it, but it was fast as hell. I didn't ride in it until it had over 100 hrs on it.. LOL!

04-26-11, 01:42 PM
The new kits go together faster than to old ones.