View Full Version : How To Choose A Car Cover

03-11-11, 05:50 AM
How To Choose A Car Cover
http://image.mustangmonthly.com/f/howto/mump_1103_how_to_choose_a_car_cover/32094343+ppromo_large/mump_1103_01_o+how_to_choose_a_car_cover+car_cover .jpg
There Are More Choices Than Ever For Protecting Your Mustang (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/howto/mump_1103_how_to_choose_a_car_cover/index.html)The choices seem endless. Descriptions like woven, non-woven, flannel, breathable, water-resistant, indoor, outdoor, and many others only seem to confuse the decision-making process when purchasing a car cover for your Mustang. Then there are the marketing names, like WeatherShield, CoverBond, UltraTect, Evolution, and Noah. When you consider custom covers for all the various makes, models, and body styles in combination with the dozens of different fabrics, car cover manufacturers can offer thousands of different covers. CoverCraft alone offers nearly 500 just for Mustangs.

Photo Gallery: How To Choose A Car Cover - Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/howto/mump_1103_how_to_choose_a_car_cover/index.html)

Photo Gallery: How To Choose A Car Cover - Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/howto/mump_1103_how_to_choose_a_car_cover/index.html)

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