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View Full Version : Route 66 Fun Run & Car Show in Kingman

Rick Shopmier
02-22-11, 10:46 AM
I will not be doing FAB FORDS again this year, instead I will be doing the RT66 Run & Show in Kingman April 29 to May 1. If you need info goto azrt66.com. If you like to drive Arizona and Show this is a great low cost event. Expect 300 to 400 cars (all years but lots of older stuff). See my post at wildwestmustangsaz.com for more info. This is a great "ROAD TRIP".

02-22-11, 09:53 PM
i did this run last year with my lightning. LOVED IT!!! i would highly recommend it to anyone. i am planning on doing it again this year.

02-22-11, 11:10 PM
my arm could be twisted to do this

02-22-11, 11:38 PM
Well since everyone is bailing on fab fords maybe ill look into this. this does look like fun!

02-23-11, 11:47 AM
T we like to stay down the road a bit in laughlin cheaper and
there is lots of stuff to do at night without driving
it's 31 miles from laughlin to kingman and just cruise up and enjoy the day then cruise back and relax