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01-13-11, 01:16 PM
WWM's super ford show march 26th
new this year we will be letting non ford powered fords
cars, trucks, bucket T's compete
there will be two classes for them

01-13-11, 01:52 PM
Kind of ruins the title of the show a tad. But the Fords will still be super so I guess not.

01-13-11, 02:21 PM
but it also gives like the ford t buckets with Chevy motors a chance to enter. thats why they have their own class. This will be a great show!

Dennis is there a projected date the flyers might be available?

01-13-11, 03:40 PM
I'm hopeing for this week end or the begining of the week
doing the classes tonite then off to the printer

01-13-11, 07:01 PM
no drag racing to go with the show... show and no go is..well...:ghey:

01-13-11, 07:07 PM
no drag racing to go with the show... show and no go is..well...:ghey:

Yea but remember we tried that last year and didn't work out last year. Plus all that in one day would be a really long day.

Dennis, sounds good. Also how's the shirts and awards comin along. You can send a pm if you don't want to put that info in here.

01-13-11, 09:33 PM
cant wait I hope its on a saturday I'm off

01-13-11, 09:52 PM
speedworld has there 50th aniversery thing that week end was going to try for sunday but its all weekend so just polish it up and come :jackit:
naaa it will be a fun show even without the racing
I'll get a race weekend set up soon

01-20-11, 01:30 AM
speedworld 50th celebration is on march 6th. they dont show anything big for the 26th.

02-07-11, 04:21 PM
Hey guys,
is this the same show that was going to be at Tom Jones Ford?

I would like to go to this one at Sanderson Ford and if I mail off my registration today can I still get the two tickets to the private museum?


02-07-11, 06:38 PM
I passed out all the forms that Rick gave me, cant wait!!!

02-07-11, 07:31 PM
I passed out all the forms that Rick gave me, cant wait!!!

Awesome Dave!

02-07-11, 08:19 PM
Hey guys,
is this the same show that was going to be at Tom Jones Ford?

I would like to go to this one at Sanderson Ford and if I mail off my registration today can I still get the two tickets to the private museum?


Hey Mike! nope, this is not the Tom Jones Ford one. You will still be able to get tickets to the private museum! Here is the link!!!


02-08-11, 11:28 AM
Thank you, sent it in with two cars registered. CYA there!

Hey Mike! nope, this is not the Tom Jones Ford one. You will still be able to get tickets to the private museum! Here is the link!!!


02-08-11, 02:45 PM
I'll be looking for them in the mail
if your comming you have to kick start Darin to come also

02-08-11, 08:31 PM
If he hasn't sold it yet

02-09-11, 05:44 AM
:wink1:I'll see what I can do...

02-09-11, 12:11 PM
Last time I saw his car was at Barrett-Jackson, Lucky Luciano's custom paint exhibit. Car looked good! No sign of D anywhere that I saw.
Didn't he post on here somewhere that he sold the car a while back after SEMA?

02-09-11, 01:18 PM
Still has it, I can't believe he left it all alone there...:laughing:

02-09-11, 03:32 PM
looking forward to having your beautiful saleen at the show mike! this is gonna be a great show!

02-09-11, 04:24 PM
Do you have a class for my new car? http://dev.hatchheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/ford_pinto_crusing_wagon_77-880x407.jpg

02-09-11, 04:25 PM
Its another dream car of mine ford pinto thats all I have now

02-09-11, 06:51 PM
Lol! That's classic!

02-09-11, 07:34 PM
LoL nice got your rainbow stripes and everything

02-09-11, 07:42 PM
uh........hmmmm. Pinto. eh?
I am speechless.

02-11-11, 01:56 PM
Darin I can't wait to see your new Pinto Wagon!!! Did Lucky paint it for you???:rofl:

03-09-11, 11:11 PM

03-10-11, 01:56 AM
Ill tell you what when you pre-register you will get THE BEST goodie bag you have EVER seen! lot of surprises for the Super Ford Show this year. You DO NOT want to miss out on this great event!!!!

03-13-11, 12:35 PM
bump bump bump

03-16-11, 04:45 PM
looking forward to seeing everyone at the show

03-16-11, 08:54 PM
Looking fwd to it, see you guys there!


03-21-11, 11:21 PM
I didnt pre register but will be there...

03-21-11, 11:57 PM
See ya there Dave!

03-22-11, 06:41 PM
I didnt pre register but will be there...

Same here

03-23-12, 11:31 AM
Well Tomorrow is the big day for the Super Ford Show
Drive ups are always welcome I'll be giving out goodie bags
and T-shirts until they are gone preregistered first then everyone else
Hope To See You All There

03-23-12, 12:21 PM
cant wait

03-23-12, 06:06 PM
See yall tomm!

03-23-12, 08:37 PM
tic toc tomorrow morning is the big day

03-24-12, 10:41 PM
I just want to thank all the people that showed up and helped make this a great show and fun time

Rick Shopmier
03-25-12, 09:43 AM
I think the show was very good, wish for more cars tho. You can see that lots of Mustangs come out. I don't know if its gas prices, the economy or general carshow burnout but I have not seen large turnouts at shows this year, even crusie nites seem down, do I have both eye open here. Takes a lot of work and member support to do a show, and if there is one thing you can say about Wild West is most of its members come out to work. Thanks to Dennis and Rick for a great show, and if you were not there, you missed a chance to support the FORD brand. Sorry I left early, my back has been killing me slowly.

03-25-12, 10:03 AM
The car scene in Phoenix is dead. This site is much slower than it was years ago.

03-25-12, 06:39 PM
I would have loved to be there with my beat up fox but had other plans. Boy how life changes with a 18 month old. But today was a huge step, put the child seat in the vert and went for a ride for the first time with the little guy.

03-25-12, 08:42 PM
Sorry I missed it fellas, I had every intent on being there. I had to setup a JENNABEARS booth at Speedworld at 7am, after the wife got there and I was ready to head out (her working the booth while I was at the Wild West Show) I was lucky enough to be blocked in. My truck and trailer was STUCK thanks to some considerate peoples parking jobs.
After a few hours of calling over the intercom, and about ready to pull my hair out I gave up. How nice of people.

I then tried to race my car, and was denied there aswell. HAHA what a day.

Sorry fellas, I was honestly pretty bummed about it!

I know the feeling though, seems like getting people to come to a show is like pulling teeth. I go thru this every year. Then on top of that I get people not coming to my shows because I missed theirs, I try my best though so I press on!

03-25-12, 08:55 PM
Pull your hair out? LOL. There aint much there!!! LOL! But hey it was great seeing you today at the Sands show. Had a great time chattin with you and your son. He's a crackup! And such polite manners for such a young kid.

03-25-12, 08:58 PM
Then on top of that I get people not coming to my shows because I missed theirs, I try my best though so I press on!Boy that is a sorry excuse if I ever heard one.

03-25-12, 09:51 PM
My 1st time to this show...thought the quality of the cars that did show up was very top notch!
As always, lots of Mustangs - but great to see some other classic Fords! And cool that the speed shop was there, because of that I found a local place to get a few needed parts!
As to a thought on lower turn out - I did notice A Lot of other options going on around Phoenix the same day. Being new to AZ I do have a question here - why is everything scheduled on Sat? Weekend has Fri evening and all day Sun in it too? Drives me NuTz that i have to choose to just hit one or maybe two events if I am lucky on Sat, but then have nothing to do on Fri night or Sun :(
$'s has to be an issue too - With gas prices so high, I understand staying "local" and it seems like every show wants to charge for one reason or another (even though there are plenty of vendors there along with sponcers & radio stations...)

Anyway - very cool & well organized event, have always thought the idea of actually having classes park together is a great idea. Easier to see some differences in the cars plus kind of creates a cool timeline :D Great job guys - once I get settled more and get the d*mn Cobra fixed I will be a much more active member of the car hobby in AZ!

03-26-12, 08:42 AM
im sorry i missed this.. i had been looking forward to it for a while.. :icon_evil: but a migraine doesnt care about what plans you have made..