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View Full Version : Tucson/ SAMC's Fords on Forth/Tombstone Run! Feb 18 - 20th!

01-02-11, 01:39 AM
Here is where we will have info on the Tucson/Tombstone Run. Hank and I are taking the weekend to do some fun running and if you would like to do it here is what we have planned:

Friday Feb 18. Stay in Tucson There is a block of rooms saved for us at the Hampton Inn Grant Rd & 1-10, $99 a night. The Roush Road Crew will also be staying here. Crystal Garcia is the contact for rooms..520-206-0602

Hank is staying at the Sheraton on Grant Rd and if you want info on that hotel send him a pm or email him.

Saturday Feb 19th. Cruise to Tombstone and Bisbee for the day and you can also do the Caverns if you want to but call and get reservations NOW!

Saturday night back in Tucson... Dinner or what ever...

Sunday Morning Meet and drive into the show together. You can register online at
www.southernarizonamustangclub.org (http://www.southernarizonamustangclub.org)

and follow the instructions..

If you want to meet us in Tucson early Saturday thats cool we will post a meeting place and departure time.

If you just want to come down for the show, again we will post up a meeting place and time you can meet us there and cruise in together..


Email Dave @ lymlitepony@yahoo.com
Email Hank @ hanksgt@yahoo.com

01-02-11, 11:07 AM
Will we have time to go to Bisbee Saturday? If so I'd like to see the mine:
There are 5 tours a day starting at 9 and 10:30am. Then we could head back to Tombstone for sightseeing and dinner.

01-02-11, 04:15 PM
Looking forward to this! This will definitely be a great weekend!

El Jefe
01-03-11, 11:32 AM
Looking forward to this

01-21-11, 08:21 PM
This sounds cool. I'll meet up with whoever is going when you guys come back into Tucson.

01-24-11, 07:36 AM
We are going to do this trip I think, :) Hopefully work does not get in the way this time.

01-24-11, 12:43 PM
Road trip and show is a go for us. We will be going down Saturday morning to meet up for the journey.

02-05-11, 10:39 AM
We just made room reservations, in case anyone wants to know, they will take dogs at Hampton Inn... Requirements for that was have to be on 2nd floor in a room with 2 queen beds.

02-05-11, 07:32 PM
We just made room reservations, in case anyone wants to know, they will take dogs at Hampton Inn... Requirements for that was have to be on 2nd floor in a room with 2 queen beds.
Are you staying one or two nights???? Cool to have you along!!

02-07-11, 08:29 AM
The wife and I are trying to make this one too. Looks like we will go out Sat. morning and meet up. Wanted to go early and stay over but buying a new motor for the crown vic put a damper on that. ;(

02-07-11, 10:10 PM
OK here is where we are meeting Saturday Morning for the run to Tombstone: Desert Diamond Casino (A) on the Map, 9am and its just off I-19 by the Tucson International Airport... Take I-10 East to I-19 South, exit Valencia Rd. Go East 3 Miles to Nogales HWY turn South 1mile, cant miss the beautiful Casino.. We will leave aprox. 9:30 am from the casino to Tombstone, spend the day doing what you want in town, lots to do and we will meet to drive back to Tucson to the Hampton Inn off Grant. Dinner is at Rusty's Family Restaurant on Grant just a few blocks west of the Hotel.. The Roush Road Crew will be staying at this hotel also and we are inviting them to dinner with us!! Dinner aprox 7:30pm depending on time back at the Hotel... The second map show Hampton Inn (A) and Rusty's (B)..

The drive time from the casino to Tombstone is aprox. 1 hour 20 mins... Through Benson and St. David, enjoy the drive and have some fun!!

02-07-11, 10:32 PM
Sunday Morning for those of you coming down from the valley and want to drive into the show together or some of you live in Tucson and want to park with all of us (Fun) we are meeting at the Hampton Inn Grant Road(A) 8 AM and leaving no later than 8:15:yes: Entry into the show is 5th Ave & 8th Street (B)

All are welcome!! See you there!!

02-07-11, 11:00 PM
We usually bring GMRS radios on channel 5(sub-channel 10).

Suggestion: print these and Dave's maps and directions and put them in your Mustang NOW.


02-09-11, 07:34 AM
If you guys want a better drive with more scenery and curves...

Take I-10 to Hwy 83. Go south to Sonoita. Go east on Hwy 82. Then go south on Hwy 80 to Tombstone. Much better drive in my opinion. You can take the 80 through St David on the way back.

02-09-11, 09:16 AM
If you guys want a better drive with more scenery and curves...

Take I-10 to Hwy 83. Go south to Sonoita. Go east on Hwy 82. Then go south on Hwy 80 to Tombstone. Much better drive in my opinion. You can take the 80 through St David on the way back.
Thanks, will do!

02-11-11, 10:03 PM
If we're on Hiway 82, we can see the ghost town of Fairbank.
Google map of Tombstone (bigger than than I thought it was):

02-11-11, 10:49 PM
Tombstone is about as big as 4th Ave in Tucson. It looks bigger on a map. Everything can be had by foot. Boot hill is a little ways off. Also bring some cash. Most places cost a few bucks to see (tourist trap) but it's worth the small amount that charge.

02-12-11, 09:15 AM
Cool beans! I forgot about Fairbanks! Thanks for the tip P, should be fun had one more sign up Marvin and Alyssa coming now too!

02-12-11, 01:41 PM
hey dave whats this mustang gas station or whatever i keep hearing about for a great photo op? where is this at? ive looked around online and cant find anything about it.

02-13-11, 02:54 PM
hey dave whats this mustang gas station or whatever i keep hearing about for a great photo op? where is this at? ive looked around online and cant find anything about it.
Not 100% Sure, I know there is one in Clints Wells but I know what your talking about and cant find it.. Maybe someone can help us...

02-13-11, 03:43 PM
yea cause it sounds really interesting and like a fantastic photo op.

02-13-11, 04:03 PM
Ok might have found it, Mustang Crossing and we are going right past it..


02-16-11, 09:01 PM
Final Bump... Everyone is meeting Saturday Morning, Desert Diamond Casino, 7350 S.Nogales Hwy 9am to 9:30.. Please call me in the morning if your running late... 480-375-0620..

02-16-11, 10:51 PM
And if you're really worried about the rain-just bring the family vehicle. We all still plan on going and having fun.

02-17-11, 11:52 AM
Paige and I are still a go for this. Will take all the cleaning supplies just in case it does stop raining. Report shows chance of showers on Saturday and rain Sunday, but we all know how well the weatherman gets it right!!!!

02-20-11, 06:11 PM
Awesome weekend!!!! Drive to Tombstone was great, Elgin Winery and finally got to see the Tombstone! Great show by SAMC Good times good friends!!! Pics coming.....

02-20-11, 06:41 PM
Awesome weekend!!!! Drive to Tombstone was great, Elgin Winery and finally got to see the Tombstone! Great show by SAMC Good times good friends!!! Pics coming.....

Glad to see it was a good weekend Dave! I didn't head down there cause I'm just saving up for fab fords. Can't wait to see the pics.

02-20-11, 09:47 PM
Well run show. Parking & check in was fast, nice goodie bags and serialized license plates (in lieu of dash plaques)...

02-21-11, 06:36 AM
Just wanted to chime in here. It was really cool getting to meet some of you down in Tombstone on Saturday! Being down in that neck of the woods, I don't get up to Phoenix all that often. It will be nice to finally put a couple of faces with the names, er. handles.

Dave, it was good to talk with you and 6T8Pony there. Hope to meet up with you guys more often.

02-21-11, 06:37 AM
Oops, Double post.

02-21-11, 08:39 AM
Just wanted to chime in here. It was really cool getting to meet some of you down in Tombstone on Saturday! Being down in that neck of the woods, I don't get up to Phoenix all that often. It will be nice to finally put a couple of faces with the names, er. handles.

Dave, it was good to talk with you and 6T8Pony there. Hope to meet up with you guys more often.

You too! Wish we had more time to talk but it was very cool to meet you!!