View Full Version : 2011 Membership Cards!

12-17-10, 01:04 PM
Working on the new year and here is the deal for the cards for members:

Custom 10 different design, hard plastic, front and back design.. We will upon request make a Copperstate Membership Card with your Mustang on the card.. Here are a few designs!! They are the exact size of a credit/depit card...

Also, more than one can be ordered with your names and slotted for use as luggage tags...


12-17-10, 04:23 PM
Sweet cards Dave!

12-17-10, 06:01 PM
Thats totally cool dave!

12-17-10, 06:25 PM
You can choose the card you like and also, if you want a custom one I need picture of your car that you ant me to use!

Thanks Guys! This is a really cool process, the machine was pricey but very cool!

12-17-10, 06:30 PM
I guess i will need to get a few more pics of my cars.

12-17-10, 06:31 PM
A few more and the backs of the cards...

12-18-10, 08:07 AM
I am interested, where do I send a picture and is there a fee for this? Also wondering if MCA information can also be added to the card as well? Can I make the layout myself and if so, what format does it need to be done in and a size value?

Thanks - Sean

12-18-10, 11:11 AM
I am interested, where do I send a picture and is there a fee for this? Also wondering if MCA information can also be added to the card as well? Can I make the layout myself and if so, what format does it need to be done in and a size value?

Thanks - Sean

Its just the CMC Membership Card, If you want your MCA info on it, I might be able to squeeze your number on the back... Here is a taste of yours with a low res. Picture..

12-18-10, 11:22 AM
That is cool... I may prefer another picture that I have, but thanks for the preview....

Would you want me to email a picture to you?

12-18-10, 11:26 AM
Sure, Remember its credit card sized so I am limited to not so busy photographs as they lost on the edges...


12-18-10, 12:33 PM
Okay, I'll send a few pics and maybe we can go from there... Thanks.

12-18-10, 06:54 PM
Very, very cool Dave. I just sent you a photo to try.

12-18-10, 11:14 PM
Here ya go....

12-18-10, 11:24 PM
Sent you an email dave. Let me know if it works.

12-19-10, 12:05 AM
Got it .. Here it is....

12-19-10, 12:13 AM
That is totally cool! Looks great!

12-19-10, 07:48 AM
Looks like it compressed my image in a funny way. What size does the image need to be? I measured a CC and got 3 3/8" by 2 1/8". I can re-size and try again.

12-19-10, 08:23 AM
Thats cool... I need 2, one for me and one for my wife Dawn... If a donation is needed to help with the machine, let me know!

12-19-10, 11:42 AM
Here is updates, was a bit tired last night and just played around so here is a better quality shot, Tyler yours is next!

12-19-10, 12:04 PM
Here T..

12-19-10, 12:25 PM
PERFECT Dave! And thanks for "reminding" me that dues are due for 011. Now get some rest :-)

12-19-10, 08:36 PM
That looks fantastic dave!

12-21-10, 05:41 PM
Ok guys your cards are done! Let me know when you send in your renewals and I will get them to you!

12-21-10, 06:17 PM
Paid 2011 Dues through Paypal - good for another year!

12-21-10, 10:22 PM
who do i send the renewals to? im not able to get down to the meetings since they are way out in mesa so im not up on alot of the stuff.

12-21-10, 10:33 PM
Go here and renew by Paypal or print out renewal form - address on form. http://www.copperstatemustangclub.com/clubapp.html

who do i send the renewals to? im not able to get down to the meetings since they are way out in mesa so im not up on alot of the stuff.

12-22-10, 09:58 AM
I signed up as a new member right before the fall show and am current through next year. :)

12-22-10, 10:08 AM
Cool Guys and remember the club meeting is at 36th street & Thomas in Phoenix! I will send the cards off today in the mail.. Let me know what you think when you get them...


12-22-10, 10:16 AM
I'll be out of town on business for a 2nd consecutive club meeting next month, Sorry... :icon_sad:..... Business trip in Vegas though, :) :2thumbs:

12-22-10, 11:14 AM
Dave, I plan to be at the club meeting on the 9th so you could save a stamp.

Cool Guys and remember the club meeting is at 36th street & Thomas in Phoenix! I will send the cards off today in the mail.. Let me know what you think when you get them...


12-22-10, 06:48 PM
Thanks for all the comments guys, here is the latest.. I really love these, especially the 2014 Concept drawing.... Enjoy!

12-22-10, 07:11 PM
Dave, is that YOU behind the wheel of that maroon Fox Body??

12-23-10, 08:25 PM
Dave, is that YOU behind the wheel of that maroon Fox Body??
I wish!
Here is Big T's Slow Piece!!

12-24-10, 11:59 PM
that is badass!!! cannot wait to get my hands on it. :bounce:

12-26-10, 09:09 PM
Wow awesome, gonna find a pic to send to you Dave!


12-28-10, 06:11 PM
Wow awesome, gonna find a pic to send to you Dave!

My e mail is..


Just in case you missed it!

12-28-10, 09:01 PM
Very nice looking cards so far. the wheel on that fox is totally rubbing though. you can see a little smoke from it.

12-30-10, 11:34 PM
Thanks all! Working on different designs for folks to choose from..... I will get all generations!!

01-02-11, 06:36 PM
Emailed you a couple photos Dave...

01-03-11, 09:42 AM
Emailed you a couple photos Dave...
Here ya go! The photo is a bit dark but I will work on it and it will be better :->


01-04-11, 09:27 PM
I appreciate all the work. It looks great!

01-04-11, 10:27 PM
I appreciate all the work. It looks great!
Thanks! Lightened up a bit.