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10-24-06, 12:45 PM
Please list the locations you can buy race gas and I will put a master list together.


1. Valero: NW corner of Cave Creek Rd & Union Hills Rd
2. Valero: Cave Creek & Union Hills VP101
3. Valero: Chandler Blvd and 44th St. VP101
4. King Balancing: 57th ave and Glendale has Sunoco 110 and 100 at the pump.
5. LOPERS 916 E. Indian School Rd. VP 109
6. 76 station on the corner of Mcklintock and Warner has 110.
7. Love's truck stop across the I-10 from Firebird sells either 100 or 101 from the pump
8. Sun Valley Cycles NE Corner Of Guadalupe/McQueen(Mesa)Dr. VP Racing Fuel

10-24-06, 04:03 PM
EXXON: NW corner of Cave Creek Rd & Union Hills Rd

UPDATE: Station Above is now named the "Zone" and it has 101 Octane @ $5.99 per gallon

50 BMG
10-24-06, 11:28 PM
VP 109 unleaded: Performance Solutions...

Most places in europe offer either 95 or 100 octane at the pump.

10-25-06, 12:08 AM
VP 109 unleaded: Performance Solutions...

Most places in europe offer either 95 or 100 octane at the pump.

How much per gallon? Or is it sold in 5 gallon drums?

50 BMG
10-25-06, 08:14 AM
It's by the gallon.

I forget the price...

11-03-06, 09:23 AM
Bumping for more DATA.

11-11-06, 09:41 AM
Just a quick question, are these fuels ok to use with cats?

11-11-06, 11:05 AM
They are ok as long as it is not leaded. Lead clogs cats and kills 02 sensors

50 BMG
11-11-06, 06:41 PM
Update: Performance Solutions no longer carries VP fuels. We are now stocking Sunoco 109 unleaded.

Just in case anyone is a brand loyal junkie...

03-19-07, 11:13 PM
Had to go searching for this to remember the locations. Why isn't this sticky???

03-19-07, 11:19 PM
Sticky Done.

Now lets get a bigger list!!

03-20-07, 08:23 PM
I'm sure no one cares, but for those of us in SE AZ (Sierra Vista) the Gas City on Buffalo Soldier Trail has 101 Octane from the pump and Competition Auto has several different kinds available (as well as N20 refills)

03-20-07, 09:35 PM
I'm sure no one cares, but for those of us in SE AZ (Sierra Vista) the Gas City on Buffalo Soldier Trail has 101 Octane from the pump and Competition Auto has several different kinds available (as well as N20 refills)

All info is welcome.

03-21-07, 08:02 AM
LOPERS 602-264-5288
916 E. Indian School
Phoenix, AZ
They have VP109 in there service department. Last time I was there it was $8.00 a gal, about a month ago.

06-08-07, 01:22 AM
The 76 station on the corner of Mcklintock and Warner has 110 from the pump at, I believe, $7.50 a gallon.

06-08-07, 12:53 PM
Added to the list. Thanks

Anyone know of others?

10-28-07, 03:55 PM
Valero station on Chandler, just west of I-10 around 44th st or so. 100 octane at $5.99/gallon.

10-28-07, 04:28 PM
Valero station on Chandler, just west of I-10 around 44th st or so. 100 octane at $5.99/gallon.

already #3 on the list, but its under mobil, as thats what the station use to be.

10-28-07, 04:29 PM
that place is right next to you ain't it fazm? i seem to remember passing it that one time i grabbed tires from ya...

10-28-07, 08:06 PM
yup, almost right across the street. its where i get mine at :)

01-13-08, 07:28 PM
Love's truck stop across the I-10 from Firebird sells either 100 or 101 from the pump.

06-05-08, 12:26 AM
Sun Valley Cycles

Ne Corner Of Guadalupe/mcqueen(mesa)drive

1/2 Mile South Of Berge Ford On Mesa Drive Or So


06-05-08, 01:23 AM
Anyway to get the prices of the fuel? I think Sonoco 100 and 110 (Leaded) at Loves is $6.75 a gallon and the gas station on Chandler blvd a couple miles past the 10 is $6.25 or so a gallon, but they use VP and I prefer Sonoco so I go to Loves. The car shop at the Pavs in Scottsdale is 8 dollars a gallon and had Shell 100 which was great fuel but they recently switched to VP, so now I go to Loves. I'm not 100% sure on the prices since I haven't filled up in I don't know how long but they are around what I listed and I know for a fact that the Pavs shop is $8, they got way too much of my money lol.

06-05-08, 11:23 AM
when i do race gas as of late its been out at speedworld. and thier unleaded 109 is 8.50. the sad thing is, with gas prices the way they are, race gas does not look so expensive anymore!

06-05-08, 03:06 PM
when i do race gas as of late its been out at speedworld. and thier unleaded 109 is 8.50. the sad thing is, with gas prices the way they are, race gas does not look so expensive anymore!

That's what I was thinking the other day lol

Who makes a 109 unleaded? VP?

06-05-08, 04:19 PM
you know i don't remember. i asked at the track if it was vp 109, and chuck told me it was not vp, but i'll be damned if i can remember what brand he told me it was...

06-06-08, 04:47 PM
I think it is VP that makes the 109 but 8.50 for 109 unleaded is not bad at all. Well considering I was paying 8 for 100 octane at the Pavs a few months ago.

How is the track at Speedworld? Is it nicer than Firebird?

06-06-08, 09:40 PM
personally i have had good luck at both tracks. have not been to speedworld in a few weeks, but will be back out tomorrow night. normally the prep is good, and traction is decent. i like the fact that the lanes and tech both move faster than firebird. i also dig the more "down home" feeling at speedworld. i dunno if that makes ssnse, but its not so by the book out there. plus they are open for us racers more than firebird is, so you can;t beat that.

10-25-08, 02:06 PM
Bump for more data.

11-02-08, 08:33 AM
REF POST #1(Original post)-The first and second locations listed are the same place. Only one gas station at that intersection. I know it was a Mobil for a while. May have been an Exxon after that but not sure. Now it is a Valero.

REF POST #2: The station at NW corner Cave Creek & Union Hills is a actually a Valero ("The Zone" is the convienance store inside.)

As of this morning (02 NOV 08) they have 100 Octane (brand unknown) at the pump (middle pump far west side) for $7.99 gal.

11-02-08, 09:21 AM
Thanks updated.

09-29-10, 01:40 PM
I'm sure no one cares, but for those of us in SE AZ (Sierra Vista) the Gas City on Buffalo Soldier Trail has 101 Octane from the pump and Competition Auto has several different kinds available (as well as N20 refills)

Well I care! Thanks!

Mr. Austin
09-30-10, 09:50 AM
Anyone know of anything on the westside?

10-01-10, 11:17 AM
Dyno comp in scottsdale

03-04-11, 01:33 AM
Gas City - Houghton and Irvington in Tucson. Has 100 octane for around $6.75 last time I was there.