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View Full Version : Route 66 Show from the westside

Rick Shopmier
09-06-10, 10:47 AM
If you live on the westside, we plan to leave from the new QT on NW Grand Avenue (US-60) one mile north of Bell Road at :hi:9:00am(depart time) on "FRIDAY 9/10". The route will go thru Wickenburg, to Yarnell and Prescott (break for lunch/snack) and on to Ash Fork (break/fuel) and Flagstaff via I-40. There are some great :woot2:twisty roads and this route is trailer friendly and scenic. All are welcome and anyone can jump on anywhere. My cell is 623/680/0446 and if you have a walky-talky bring it along for great communications on the route.

09-06-10, 05:07 PM
We will be there rick.

Wades GT
09-06-10, 09:17 PM
FYI... The 89a was under construction and still may be, just north of Yarnel.

Rick Shopmier
09-06-10, 11:28 PM
I knew this would come up so here is the road conditions scoop. First we will not use 89A. According to ADOT there are some truck length restrictions for lane work Kirkland Junction, lane modification at mile 295 at Wilholt, and lane and shoulder work near Prescott at mile 310. Bridge repair at Granite Creek (traffic lane reroute on brigde) and interchange modifications in Prescott at the 89/69 junction. Detours are at sites only and may have slight delays. No mention of roadway resurfasing (this is the scary stuff). Like we are in a freaking hurry! No construction on I-40 from Ash Fork to Flagstaff. I will recheck this stuff on Thursday nite for an update.

Mr. Austin
09-07-10, 12:14 AM
Good deal. If Jo and i were going id bring the Cb's!

09-07-10, 04:35 AM
austin are you gonna be cruisin up with copperstate in the east valley?

Mr. Austin
09-07-10, 10:03 AM
Nah, Prob not. I have to get my Pay check friday morning. By the time i get it they will be cruising out. I can do 9 At Qt cuz its close. My store doesnt open till 8 :(

09-07-10, 03:58 PM
oh ok cool man.