View Full Version : Copperstate's Fall Show! Oct. 30 & 31st

08-17-10, 06:47 PM
It has been discussed for many years to break out of just Mustangs and Fords for our Fall Show and now we have done it. Along with Hot Rod Planet we introduce:

The Arizona Muscle Car Weekend!!

A full weekend of events! Rest up Your gonna need it!

More to Come Folks this weekend the forms will be up!

All questions asked and answered right here!

08-17-10, 07:00 PM
Woo Hoo! But hey, whats' with all the late model cars on the flyer? Plenty of nice classics to choose from!

08-17-10, 07:14 PM
I hear ya!

08-18-10, 01:29 AM
SAWEET!!! gonna get my registration in soon as we can. lol. im ready for it!

08-18-10, 08:00 PM
The forms are up! Agenda and registration for both shows, Poker run and BBQ!!

Check the first post under the flyer!

08-19-10, 02:06 AM
Hey dave this is great stuff. i already printed out my reg. forms and everything.

But one question is that Top 25 peoples choice awards, What if none of the Mustangs really even get anything? Im just wondering if some of the Mustang Guys that love this show would be a little disappointed in that. Cause thats one thing ive always commented on is how the Copperstate Mustang Club always gave ALL Mustangs a chance and MOST of them walked away with something and that made them feel fantastic. But now Very few mustangs may get anything unless you still got something else up your sleeve. Im just worried that some of the mustang crowd might not see it as a mustang show anymore.

08-19-10, 02:13 AM
oh and for each day, are the t shirts and dash plaques different or the same for both days?

08-19-10, 11:36 AM
We are still working out final details on awards, there is the top 25 plus we have 3 other specialty awards so far. Yes there are two different shirts and dash plaques for each show.. Dont worry we always make our Mustang Family feel welcome!

08-19-10, 04:00 PM
wish i could make it, unfortunatly ill be at Fort Benning having not so much fun. :frown:

08-19-10, 04:58 PM
sounds good dave. Cause this is the one show i always look forward to as being the biggest mustang show of the year. and im excited. And one more question, i couldnt tell on the reg. forms, but is the poker run on saturday or sunday?

08-19-10, 10:31 PM
Poker run is Saturday and ends at the Show at the Fighter Museum!
This will still be a big Mustang Show Trust me!

08-20-10, 02:00 AM
Oh i definitely trust ya dave. you guys always put on a spectacular show.

08-25-10, 02:01 PM
So no classes this go-round? Just top 25?

08-25-10, 03:50 PM
Classes will be determined as we progress with the registrations, with assigned parking at the show.

08-26-10, 08:47 AM
dangit. i have camping plans that weekend. ugh. i'll have the car there though, just will have a different driver that weekend.

10-11-10, 04:01 PM
sent in registration for the 31st today.

10-14-10, 10:28 PM
BUMP****** Time is running out, get your registration in so you are guaranteed a spot, This is one show you wont want to miss :)

10-15-10, 01:48 AM
any clue about how many registrations have been received yet?

10-16-10, 04:02 PM
Not sure, Someone else is doing the count. If I find out I will let ya know though :)

10-17-10, 04:19 AM
sweet. i hope its a good turnout! really looking forward to a good time!

10-17-10, 08:34 AM
Got my reg # last week an it was #46

10-17-10, 04:25 PM
i still havent got my registration number yet. i sent my reg. in last tuesday. so hopefully it will come this week.

10-18-10, 08:12 AM
With only 2 weeks away, either ALOT of people are waiting till the last minute or its a way less than last year. I was surprised i had such a low number. We had over 100+ cars at Toby Keiths last year. Or more are going on Sat than Sun.

10-18-10, 08:47 AM
I need to get mine in the mail today!


10-18-10, 04:38 PM
yea last year at toby keiths seemed to have a ton of cars there. im hoping for the same this year.

10-19-10, 03:29 PM
i just got my registration today and i was number 86. i guess a bunch of people must be sending their registrations in late.

10-19-10, 04:53 PM
86 is highly encouraging given we had 36 at the time of the last club meeting earlier this month!

10-20-10, 04:39 AM
glad to see alot of people are just sending their registrations in late.

10-21-10, 12:00 AM
well things changed a little for me. i will be out there for sure on saturday. can't do both though. booo! but atleast i will see you all at falcon field. can't wait! :bounce:

10-21-10, 03:26 PM
Finally sent mine in...so sorry for the delay.

Bringing the SVO this time!


10-21-10, 06:39 PM
Anyone know what the count is up to? Dave?

10-26-10, 02:12 PM
Well not bad considering the weekend, We have alot of people waiting to the last minute so we are keeping the registration open to include day of show! Saturday night, we have Silent auction items: Max Hall Official signed Game Jersey, Diamond Backs 4 pack of suite tickets, Phoenix Suns and Coyote items also plus the Flat Screen TV! Good Times!

10-26-10, 06:00 PM
thats cool. i always thought day of show registration people should get a chance too.

10-26-10, 08:23 PM
Great to hear things are sounding better for the show - can't wait. I'm signed up for the Falcon Field show but won't be able to get there before 12:30-1:00. I signed up for the photo op with the B-17 so hope that is not going to be a problem with late arrival. I know we leave about 4 to the casino.

10-26-10, 10:12 PM
we got our cruise coming to the show and we will probably show up at the casino at about 7:45 or so.

10-27-10, 03:30 PM
Looking forward to the show!

10-27-10, 07:24 PM
Its going to be a great time just not as big as we thought it could be with letting all the different kind of cars in, I guess most dont want to associate with Mustangs, Maybe we make them look bad.. Just Kidding!!! We tried something a little different this go round, you never know until you try! Next year we will most likely go back to our judged show, I hope so, and maybe even combine both shows because most clubs only do one a year.. It takes alot of work to put this kind of stuff on as many of you know.. Enjoy the show... The museum is going to be fun! and I hope to see you there!

10-27-10, 08:07 PM
Maybe we'll get lots showing up on show day - never know. In any case its going to be great and thanks Dave and all the others for the monumental effort in organizing this coming weekend. Won't make the museum but will see you at Falcon and Ft. McDowell! Guess I better get started on cleaning the pony up - haven't touched it since Pinetop.

11-05-10, 01:34 AM
Had a great time...as usual )