View Full Version : Amazing shots of the Cobra...

08-15-10, 02:36 PM
so this weekend i got up at 345am to meet up with an amazing photographer to have some pics done of my Cobra. Having seen Charles Siritho's work on a few different sites i have wanted to have him shoot my car. Needless to say i am simply blown away by his awesome work. Here are some of the shots he took of my car. Enjoy!








cannot believe how good he made my car look. cannot wait to see the rest of the pics from the shoot!

and the black gt seen in the back of one of the pics is my cousins. should be some pics coming of his car as well.

here is a link to Charles' flickr account if you want to check out any of his other works. there are some amazing pics in there!

Flickr: Charles Siritho's Photostream (http://www.flickr.com/photos/siritho/)

to contact him to setup a shoot, his email is: e2blade@msn.com

08-15-10, 02:53 PM
very nice some of those dont even look real lol

08-15-10, 03:15 PM
Very nice photos! :twothumbsup:

Wades GT
08-15-10, 04:35 PM
Tony those pics came out looking sweet.:twothumbsup: It was cool to see you and the Cobra at the pavs yesterday. Yc's was awesome too.:icon_cool:

08-15-10, 08:34 PM
Wow those are the most amazing pics ive ever seen!!! How much does he charge for pics like that?

08-15-10, 11:18 PM
Awesome pics- first one is my favorite for sure. What did he charge?

08-16-10, 01:40 AM
Totally sweet pics! i want to do some professional shots like that too! maybe get a poster made for myself and car shows.

08-16-10, 10:33 AM
Super cool, say 3:45 am!

08-18-10, 02:35 PM
thanks guys! glad you like. as for pricing, 50 bucks would get you the same shoot. shoot him an email through his site to set something up. he is extremely cool to work with, and you won't be disappointed. :icon_cool:

edit: email address is e2blade@msn.com