View Full Version : Bad Crash Picture (warning, image could be disturbing)

Rick Shopmier
08-10-10, 04:03 PM
Picture taken at scene in Phoenix (near 75th Ave and Thomas) of Legends Lime Mustang that rear ended Purple PT Cruiser. As of press time no survivors were found at the scene, but there was evidence (DNA) that a TRUCKER had been in the area at the time. More as info becomes availible. If you have any info....post it here.

08-10-10, 04:33 PM
:laughing::biglaugh::rollingfloorrlol::rofl::z7shy sterical::bowing::applause:That is fn funny

08-10-10, 07:29 PM

08-10-10, 08:11 PM
That Mustang in the "My Ford" magazine that came in the mail last week!

08-10-10, 08:48 PM
Yur a sic bitch lol

Wades GT
08-10-10, 09:40 PM
Damn that car needs some lowering springs...lol

08-11-10, 01:15 AM
LOL!!!! Classic! :biglaugh:

08-11-10, 09:53 AM
+1 :sticktonge::biglaugh::yes:

Rick Shopmier
08-11-10, 01:15 PM
BREAKING NEWS........Police have found more evidence in this case and are now calling it "FOWL PLAY". Forensic evidence found in the Mustang, bird droppings, a half eaten Twinkie and a Rainbow Sombrero initiated action by police. A team of Tracker ****roaches has been deployed south on 75th Ave in search of the perps and there may be a bakery connection here. Also, because of the south bound trail and the Rainbow Sombrero there may be illegals heading for the border or mostlikely to a pink house. Sheriff Joe is now onboard because of the illegal implications and says if there here he will "git um". Police have a "S.P.A.N.K. Team" on stand-by incase of a hostage situation and Rick Rommley is on stand-by incase of a pissing contest. When more info comes availible you will see it here.......End of BREAKING NEWS.

Rick Shopmier
08-11-10, 01:21 PM
Update to BREAKING NEWS.......We have been advised that the accident image cannot be shown any longer because it causes little boys to run in terror and hide. Also we now know no birds were injured or killed and the incident has been down-graded to "foul play". Stay tuned there is lots more to come......

08-11-10, 07:48 PM
LOL! i like where this thread is going!