View Full Version : Help! jack slipped & crushed oil pan

08-03-10, 01:25 PM
I have a maximum motorsports k member and have always jacked under the center of it for oil changes. well, somehow the jack slipped and the car came down on it, there is about an inch to an inch and a half intrusion. After cussing a storm, I tried to start it to see if the crank was rubbing on the pan. Sure enough, heard a faint tick and stopped it. I'm guessing thats what's causing the tick right? Or could I have caused more damage? Fawk, i'm so pissed. Might as well throw in a 7 qt mmr pan while I'm at it. I'm stupid I know, but shit happens to the best of us. Oh yeah, I bent the piss out of the front power stearing line as well. I hope they sell the line instead of me having to buy a whole rack and pinion. Any thoughts on potential damage to the crank or engine?

El Jefe
08-03-10, 03:28 PM

08-03-10, 03:43 PM
Pull the pan and see what you did. Hard to say at this point. That faint tick may have always been there.
I roll onto gray Rhino Ramps to change my oil.

08-03-10, 03:56 PM
Had the ramsp out, they were just not getting traction. This sucks man, at least I was smart enough not to be under it. Here are the pics.

08-03-10, 04:02 PM
Ouch, crap..... Yeah pull the pan, dont risk it....

08-03-10, 04:24 PM
that really bites the big one dammmmm it

08-03-10, 05:54 PM
Damn that sucks.

08-03-10, 06:15 PM
RPM has a good deal on canton that is what i use and then while it is down do the windage tray as well 9the screaned one not the factory one

08-03-10, 07:36 PM
Dan, I bought the MMR 7qt since I've heard people having to beat and mold the canton to work with the hellion pipes. I just hope nothing is fubared in there. I'm about to drop the K. Just got the engine supported with my hoist bar.

08-03-10, 10:24 PM
Damn dude that sucks! But like you said at least you were under it!! Hope its only the pan and nothing to major.