View Full Version : Killer Chiller

El Jefe
07-27-10, 03:24 PM
Anyone running this? Sounds like the best cooling mod for AZ Cobras.


IAT2 temps:

80* Day

Cruise - 130*-140*
Idle after a brisk Drive - 160*-170*

Cruise - 96*-99*
Idle After a brisk Drive - 109*-115*


Intercooler tank fluid temp exiting the Supercharger:

YouTube- MVI_0794.AVI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puaTHCSzbRg)

AC vent temperature (28*):

YouTube- MVI_0795.AVI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFdISjCkQH0)


Fluid in the I/C reservoir is 35-40F and AC temp is 27F? Holy crap

Con's? Saw a group buy on ModFords for $500 until the end of this month. $150 off

07-27-10, 05:01 PM
think again you will lose your A/C!!!!

kinkade will tell you what ever he thinks you want to hear and blame everyone else to why the cabin temps are not as cool as they need to be but hey if you dont mind having 80* in side temps when going down the road you may like it.

I have done quite a few and ended up taking them off because they just dont work

07-27-10, 05:03 PM
the cooler works for the IAT 2 temps but you sacrifice your a/c in side the car.

El Jefe
07-27-10, 05:17 PM
The guy on SVTP is saying the temp reading at the AC vent is in Fahrenheit at idle.

07-27-10, 05:48 PM
Stupid question, but doesn't the air conditioner rob horsepower? So does it take as much power to run as it makes back by cooling the intake charge? Or am I misunderstanding this whole thing?

El Jefe
07-27-10, 05:59 PM
The AC has to be on all the time I guess? This is what he said:

The amount of power gained by the car NOT pulling timing well exceed what the compressor pulls...especially since the use of ES- R12

07-27-10, 08:03 PM
The AC has to be on all the time I guess? This is what he said:

I think the chiller would aid in reducing IAT2s and be usefully on the road course where you are beating on the car a long time.
But I don't see much benefit for a strip car that cools down between runs. For the street I guess it would help some, but like Dan said in AZ it would tax your already taxed A/C system.

07-27-10, 08:59 PM

El Jefe
07-28-10, 12:24 PM
Well there you go. Thanks Dan. Ya the price was scaring me away for months seeing how simple the product is.

07-28-10, 02:46 PM
Run a meth kit. It's proven. Actually going to buy my kit shortly.

El Jefe
07-28-10, 04:07 PM
Run a meth kit. It's proven. Actually going to buy my kit shortly.
Now thats one thing Ive seen almost every Cobra owner hate on. Doesnt it have to be sprayed into the lower intake to be effective? Who makes an inexpensive kit? Well compared to a 50 shot

07-28-10, 10:55 PM
Alky Control, it's expensive at $600. The people that hate on the meth kits are the ones who skimp on a solid kit and run windshield washer fluid. Alky Control runs straight meth, it's legit. You will need a retune as when it hits, it will make you run rich. I know a guy with the same setup as me running pump gas and 25psi of turbo boost no problem. I hate having to buy race fuel or torco just when I want to blip it once or twice on a tank of gas. So meth here I come. Bottom line, straight meth will cool your IAT2's down significantly.

07-29-10, 12:04 PM
Good read guys! I was considering the KC but my a/c is taking a beating as is with this heat so I'll look elsewhere.

07-29-10, 12:30 PM
Yes the meth is proven however another proven thing is that when the pump goes out (that is not if it is when) and you just so happen to be in WOT then be prepared to spend some coin on a motor. You see Meth cools the combustion temps that way you can add more timing and when the pump fails as they fail quite often then all that timing is not good for the motor.. I agree with Gene if you are going to go this rout don’t waist time with a snow kit or a cheap brand then once you get a good system instead of meth run water you will find that it does wonders and when the pump quits it will only cause the tune to go rich thus protecting the motor even more. this has been my experience with all the above listed. If you don’t agree then that is fine. I have only posted my findings and lets pray you have better luck than what My self and so many others have had

El Jefe
07-29-10, 01:22 PM
Yes the meth is proven however another proven thing is that when the pump goes out (that is not if it is when)
This is mainly what Ive been reading from other Cobra owners and why I never considered this mod. Hmmmm

07-29-10, 01:54 PM
water injection works quite well but theere isno need on the 03-04 platform

07-30-10, 03:50 PM
The pumps take a shit when you run cheap ass washer fluid instead of straight meth. Pump failure can happen on fuel pumps too. You don't have to run more timing to get the benefit of a meth kit. I'm doing it because it's like running high octane fuel so I can crank my boost when i want to. Bottom line, you have to pay to play. You're only as fast as your wallet is fat. Gene

El Jefe
07-30-10, 04:23 PM
Why not run E85? Some guys are seeing 75rwhp over a race gas tune

07-30-10, 06:56 PM
yes e85 works quite well

07-30-10, 10:17 PM
E85 is my next mod.

07-31-10, 03:49 PM
what kind of gains could someone expect to see with just the eaton, pulley, intake, exhaust ( no port )

08-02-10, 09:49 AM
hp normally will be between 440-475 RWHP depending on the condition of your motor and how well the parts work together not too bad seeing as how most of these cars are around 360HP at the rear wheel

08-02-10, 11:45 AM
hp normally will be between 440-475 RWHP depending on the condition of your motor and how well the parts work together not too bad seeing as how most of these cars are around 360HP at the rear wheel

sorry I should have been more clear. I meant to say what kind of gains could I see going from pump gas to E85 with the current mods. making about 460rwhp right now on 91

El Jefe
08-02-10, 12:32 PM
I bet it would put you around 500rwhp or more. Best part of E85 is increasing the timing

08-02-10, 06:52 PM
you couldnt because the fuel system is already maxed at that level. and the run E85 you will need about 33% more fuel and your ffacctory system can not suport that in stock form

08-02-10, 06:54 PM
your stock pumps are good for about 485 and the filer is good to about 500 because of flow due to size of the inlet and out let of the filter. now if you were to change to a larger fuel filter you sould possable streatch it to about 560 with a boost a pump and changed fuel filter however that is not a proven number because most of us changge the entire fuel system at that point

08-02-10, 07:49 PM
I ran stock pumps, stock filter, stock fuel lines, BAP, and 60lb injectors for 3 years making 625 RWHP.
90%-95% duty cycle at 6500 RPMs depending on fuel and tune. I shift at 6000 so I was around 90% at the track.

Now I have twin GT Pumps, MGMjr, -8 line, stock rails. Now 75%-80% duty cycle depending on fuel and tune.

08-03-10, 11:22 AM
I ran stock pumps, stock filter, stock fuel lines, BAP, and 60lb injectors for 3 years making 625 RWHP.
90%-95% duty cycle at 6500 RPMs depending on fuel and tune. I shift at 6000 so I was around 90% at the track.

Now I have twin GT Pumps, MGMjr, -8 line, stock rails. Now 75%-80% duty cycle depending on fuel and tune.

not on E 85.. Jeff what i posted is a basic guide line. obviously things are a little different when you are doing your own tuning

08-03-10, 03:46 PM
not on E 85.. Jeff what i posted is a basic guide line. obviously things are a little different when you are doing your own tuning Just posting my experience with pump and race gas. With E85 I will need a BAP again.

08-03-10, 05:24 PM
man for a moment i thought thiswas a thread about the killer wallet cheater
I didnt know this was a thread about tuning.

08-03-10, 05:51 PM
Off topic we go, but good info.

08-03-10, 06:13 PM
lol as normal

08-04-10, 08:52 PM
since were off topic, gotta hold off on the alkycontrol kit since I had to buy an MMR oil pan and sending hot side to get ceramic coated. Should be good for at least 4+ hp. The mmr sticker on the pan alone guarantees that.