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View Full Version : Copperstate 1000 4 11 10

07-14-10, 02:38 AM
So after much anticipation and waiting this year and missing it in all previous years, I finally got to see this event. This was the 20th Anniversay, so I figured there would be a bigger, better turnout. Unfortunately I blew it as far as pics. The promotors had a free to the public show out in the lot, which ended at noon. I failed to remember that the Rally cars departed at 10. So I got there with 10 mins to spare before rolloff. So, instead of getting hundreds? of candid and detail shots of a field of cars as impressive (albeit smaller, of course) as Barrett Jackson, I only got a handful, while settling for driveby shots while simultaniously filming. So, a "wait till next year" outcome.







07-14-10, 02:55 AM
wow still great pictures! What an impressive showing of cars!!!