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View Full Version : SafeWay Cruise 6/19/10

06-20-10, 12:16 AM
After a Little TaDo with some security guards and calling the peoria police
All the shop owners got involved and we are aloud to have our cruise
on saturday nites.. we are not aloud to park in front of the old safeway
store. We need to thank all of the little store owners who support us
and our cruise by supporting there businesses
Thank Everyone who helped out tonite
Dennis N Wild West Mustangs board member

crazy ray
06-20-10, 08:50 AM
Thats great. Thanks Dennis for your efforts to keep it going and clearing it up.

06-26-10, 12:59 PM

07-03-10, 10:37 PM
I went to this cruise in tonight and it was pretty boring. The Security guard tried to ruin it again and the other business managers told the cops again that they wanted the show to remain. But the guard was being a dick and making everyone park in just a few rows. Seems like nobody wanted to stay and put up with it.

07-03-10, 11:00 PM
Ill be out there next weekend.

07-04-10, 12:16 AM
They are just trying to ruin our fun go relax enjoy yourself
you have to remember it has been hot and people show up late
it ended up being about 60ty cars summer cruises are always slow
heat and holidays always play apart in that

07-04-10, 12:55 AM
Cool well I will try again then. I'm guessing you were in that group of newer Mustangs that were there?

Rick Shopmier
07-04-10, 10:55 AM
Keep cool heads and whoever sends the security guard (pays him to be there) will be wasting their money and probably get tired of doing it. The businesses want us there, the police are not against us and the security guard can only ask you to move your car and cannot force you to for any reason. We will let them play their game until they get tired of it. Safeway???? does not own the whole parking lot and PPD will not enforece any actions against the cruisers aslong as the other businesses that want us. As a side note, one of the businesses has contacted their corporate office and is sending someone to discuss the situation with the management company who collects the money for the property owner.....support the businesses and they will support us....they have the power of the rent check. Be calm, stay cool and this will blow over.

07-06-10, 10:43 PM
I was in that group and you are more then welcome to join us all mustangs are welcome
just come on down and introduce yourself byoc bring yur own chair lol

07-06-10, 11:00 PM
Sounds good! That was me that showed up in the Mustang parked across from you guys. I'm sure you heard me leave lol! I will see you guys next time and park with you when I get the chance to wash and detail the car a bit.

07-06-10, 11:28 PM
ill finally be there this weekend!! =D

Wades GT
07-07-10, 05:49 PM
ill finally be there this weekend!! =D

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


07-07-10, 11:18 PM
Looks like another new guy coming into town this Sat. and I will be showing up too.

07-07-10, 11:45 PM
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


:jackit: shut up i havent been there in a while :asshole2:

Wades GT
07-08-10, 07:14 PM
:jackit: shut up i havent been there in a while :asshole2:


07-08-10, 10:16 PM
I just dont understand... The classic, Hot rod Gang are cool people and spend money they do.. It just doesnt make sense to push people away especially now! Mesa just anounced that every 3rd Friday they are going to close main street down completely and have a free show every month!!!I think they are finally getting it.. "Theres money in them thare Hot Rods!"

07-08-10, 11:30 PM
Safeway just doesn't want to be liable if something should happen in their parking lot. The other businesses know that without the show there its another day without money. That's why they are fighting so hard for the cars to be there.

07-10-10, 11:20 PM
Just got back from the safeway cruise and the place was an absolute ghost town. there was MAYBE 40 cars and a good 15 of them were mustangs. so if it wasnt for us showing up it would be completely dead. The police actually had a HUGE chunk of the safeway parking lot blocked off so you could only park in maybe 3 or 4 rows. it was ashame to see it that way. And i do realize that its rediculously hot and a threat of a little rain tonight but that never stopped people last year.

Rick Shopmier
07-11-10, 10:48 AM
83RD AND LAKE PLEASANT PARKWAY (FORMERLY SAFEWAY) CRUISE NITE IS NOT DEAD! The center section in front of what was Safeway was blocked off, however there are about 200 parking spaces on either side of that and also the adjoining parking lots are still availible. Peoria PD said that people can park in the former Safeway space if their there for other reasons???. PPD did "NOT" ask anyone to move their cars from the "restricted area" last night. We now know where the line has been drawn, at some point the persons who "PAID" PPD to be there will loose interest (and money) and when the fall comes and more people turn up things will be OK. The businesses still have a lot of say here and will continue to press for the cruise. These are the facts.

07-11-10, 12:36 PM
Great info Rick



07-11-10, 10:10 PM
It's pretty dead compared to if you go to 67th and Bell, just a 5 min. drive away. We left Safeway after saying hi to everyone and went there and there was a good amount of cars, 60+, and a DJ playing oldies and a good mix of music. Didn't look like the heat had to much of an affect on that showing. Also you guys are dealing with another problem, I guess the old school guys are getting a little upset that the newer Mustangs are there. So now you have to deal with those pain in the asses......

07-11-10, 10:59 PM
sounds like all the usuals went there instead =(

07-12-10, 02:19 AM
yea i heard about some people kind of complaining that all the new stangs were there. i dont no why it matters if we have new stangs, i think were all there for the same reason. to hang out, and have a good time. at least were not a bunch of ricers taking over. lol.

07-12-10, 08:13 AM
... I guess the old school guys are getting a little upset that the newer Mustangs are there. So now you have to deal with those pain in the asses......

Whoops! Wrong thing to say!

Rick Shopmier
07-12-10, 09:49 AM
I was the one that one of the Chevy guys made the comment about the new Mustangs (and Camaros and Corvettes) and he has the right to an opinion. My reply was that if not for them this cruise would be shut down. Some people just don't get it. And about the other cruise, OK, but we can have a peaceful conversation and don't have to make room for vendors. Cruisers have choices, this is one of them.

07-12-10, 02:24 PM
Well your gonna get folks like that, but IMO if you are a true Car Guy/Gal then it shouldnt matter, old new cool is cool..

07-12-10, 03:38 PM
yea i heard about some people kind of complaining that all the new stangs were there. i dont no why it matters if we have new stangs, i think were all there for the same reason. to hang out, and have a good time. at least were not a bunch of ricers taking over. lol.

I completely agree with you!

07-13-10, 02:16 AM
yea i can really care less what cars are there. i personally love seeing all the old cars around. im just there to hang out and of course go over to Sardellas! lol.

07-13-10, 10:07 AM
Ok...Now that I had some time to cool down over the following quote:

I guess the old school guys are getting a little upset that the newer Mustangs are there. So now you have to deal with those pain in the asses......

generically engineered to be followed by:

the right to an opinion

I will reply with this...While it is true that everyone has an "right to an opinion", there are some things that should never be said on this board. If we hold to a "right to an opinion" on this board, then my cyber-self would had been shown the door out of this place a long time ago by the administrator. I don't know for sure if the intent was some, or most, or all "old school guys" being "pain in the asses." The way it is written I understand it to be all and I don't appreciate being placed into a defamatory categorization. Lets try not to demean any class of car or truck enthusiasts...we are in this together and considering the conditions of this day and the circumstances of the future, we better stand together.

07-13-10, 10:20 AM
Right on Buddy!!!!! I second the motion that we all stand together, There's no Old, there's no young, There's no CHICKS, THere's no Black, White, Green, purple, Blue, Yellow People. We are all the same and we bleed the same color blood when we are cut dont we? So stop all this bickering and lets enjoy the whole reason we are all on this forum hmmmm. THE LOVE OF THE MUSTANG AND FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!

Ok...Now that I had some time to cool down over the following quote:

generically engineered to be followed by:

I will reply with this...While it is true that everyone has an "right to an opinion", there are some things that should never be said on this board. If we hold to a "right to an opinion" on this board, then my cyber-self would had been shown the door out of this place a long time ago by the administrator. I don't know for sure if the intent was some, or most, or all "old school guys" being "pain in the asses." The way it is written I understand it to be all and I don't appreciate being placed into a defamatory categorization. Lets try not to demean any class of car or truck enthusiasts...we are in this together and considering the conditions of this day and the circumstances of the future, we better stand together.

07-13-10, 09:32 PM
I will reply with this...While it is true that everyone has an "right to an opinion", there are some things that should never be said on this board. If we hold to a "right to an opinion" on this board, then my cyber-self would had been shown the door out of this place a long time ago by the administrator. I don't know for sure if the intent was some, or most, or all "old school guys" being "pain in the asses." The way it is written I understand it to be all and I don't appreciate being placed into a defamatory categorization. Lets try not to demean any class of car or truck enthusiasts...we are in this together and considering the conditions of this day and the circumstances of the future, we better stand together.

Oh wow I'm sorry that you took that wrong or I hurt your feelings. But yes we are here for the same reason, but some people are just stupid and wont be tolerated by me. For example stupid people that think they know everything, old crabby guys that think they are the only ones that should show because they have an old car and bought it that way, and dumbass honda kids. Either way I'm out to have fun and hangout, and talk cars with everyone no matter the car or year if its a nice ride I love it. So if those guys with their cars don't want the newer Mustangs there then you guys should go somewhere else for a bit and leave the show up to the what 10 or so of them to put on.

07-18-10, 12:06 AM
I went thumping by in the blue Ram tonight and I really hate to say this, but it looks to me it's a wrap! Understand this is strictly my opinion. However knowing 83rd has unwanted chaperons (Peoria Police) and comparing it with the crowd over 67th and Bell...??? Weeeeell.....

Shame too!!! 83rd has better lighting, better choice of food, better means of egress.

07-18-10, 12:10 AM
yes it was even worse than last weekend. which i didnt think was possible. there was barely anyone there. now its pretty much just a mustang gathering and not many others. maybe in the coming weeks i will check out the other show and see how it is doing.

Mr. Austin
07-18-10, 01:30 AM
i will still go to safeway. mustangs 4 life.

08-21-10, 11:44 PM
Okay...So at this moment I am wrong about 83rd being a wrap. Few more cars there tonight. Not a bad turn-out. Not a great one either. Afterwards I ventured over to 67th and Bell. Again, not a bad turn-out.

SO! Is there anybody here, that is in the know, as to why there are two cruise nights within a blip of a throttle? Is it because everyone over 83rd prefers Chinese food vs. everyone off of 67th preferring Mexican? In a sense it seems...foolish! Did I miss something here?

I'll admit, I don't go to cruise nights when the day promotes heat stroke. I found time tonight to take the 68 to a photo shoot. I figured since I was "Out and About" I would check both places out. This is the reason I am at a loss here.

Wades GT
08-21-10, 11:56 PM
I've been going to 83rd for about 6 years, why quit now? Besides that the bluelight special car show has nothing good enough for me to swich. 83rd has Sardellas + Panda + Rameros + simply blimpie and that Italian place around the corner.

Rick Shopmier
08-22-10, 12:26 AM
83rd has been around longer and is a much better venue for a cruise, no host, no adjendas and no BS. Along with more eating options, no DJ to talk around and the general feeling that there is no one trying to make money and the like make 83rd just plain more laid-back. You have a choice....is that all bad. If you want to know why they are so close....ask the persons running the one on Bell Rd, they are the come lately bunch.

08-22-10, 12:37 AM
I prefer the 87th cruise its laid back and has nice people as for the amount of cars its still summer monsoon season and oh ya the heat
when fall and the nice weather sets in it will be packed and as far as cruises go there are always a few on friday and saturday nights
its called freedom of choice

08-22-10, 12:47 AM
why is that foolish? It seems to me that having two cruise spots is fine (I support the panda/safeway cruise:icon_cool:). Some of us would'nt give up the safeway spot with out a fight because we chose to not to give up, be followers and go to the bluelight cruise while others did and now we enjoy our drama free/police free(no offence) cruise. I have to say it might be for the best knowing that there are two seperate spots with different types of car guys and gals, the ones who go out to cruise for the fun, cars, and people and the ones who go to out for the "show". Of course this doesn't describe all of the people at either of the cruise ins and is not meant to be disrespectful to anyone who attends any cruise in but is just my general observation of the two.

That being said you (CCStang) wrote your self way you liked the safeway (now panda) cruise and that also is a reason alot of us are still there.

08-22-10, 09:21 AM

Rick Shopmier
08-22-10, 06:24 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I think I'll go out to the garage and "BLOW MY BRAINS OUT"!

08-22-10, 06:57 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I think I'll go out to the garage and "BLOW MY BRAINS OUT"!

And this means what to this topic?

I understand "Everyone that is Someone" is meeting over 83rd. This I can figure out...direct and to the point Why is there...really why is there two places. In other words...How did 67th Ave come to be.

*If I recall right, a certain un-named club wanted to grab the brass ring and take the Saturday night cruise to 91st and Northern. By the way things turned out, maybe it was a good thing it didn't migrate there.*

Rick Shopmier
08-22-10, 07:48 PM
Now where did I put those bullits............................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHH......found em!

08-22-10, 08:31 PM
LOL!!!! nice.

08-22-10, 10:08 PM
Tell you what, I'll help you look for those bullits and let this thread die. All I wanted was a simple answer to a question. Evidently, no one can answer it. Again
In fact, I go one step better and give you what you really want. All it takes is one and ***'** not worth the time!

Rev'n Kevin
08-23-10, 12:14 AM
direct and to the point Why is there...really why is there two places. In other words...How did 67th Ave come to be.*

Why don't you ask them at 67th and bell, since no one here has anything to do with that cruise-in, they can't be expected to give you an answer, ask for nancy I think she's the one puttin' it on.

*If I recall right, a certain un-named club wanted to grab the brass ring and take the Saturday night cruise to 91st and Northern. By the way things turned out, maybe it was a good thing it didn't migrate there.*

91st and Northern was a friday nite cruise for nearly 2 years, and went belly up when WWM pulled out and Outlaw Fords took it over, the one looking to grab the brass ring was Kenny and the Outlaw Fords, they were the ones wanting a sat. nite cruise, but couldn't ever get any support or interest.

btw, chill-out man, your taking all this way too serious. Frankie say's RELAX :yes:

Mr. Austin
08-23-10, 01:13 AM
Why don't you ask them at 67th and bell, since no one here has anything to do with that cruise-in, they can't be expected to give you an answer, ask for nancy I think she's the one puttin' it on.

91st and Northern was a friday nite cruise for nearly 2 years, and went belly up when WWM pulled out and Outlaw Fords took it over, the one looking to grab the brass ring was Kenny and the Outlaw Fords, they were the ones wanting a sat. nite cruise, but couldn't ever get any support or interest.

btw, chill-out man, your taking all this way too serious. Frankie say's RELAX :yes:

very nice. I like very much.:twocents:

08-23-10, 01:50 AM
yea were all just havin some fun. kevin has it right. ask the people over at 67th why they need another cruise spot. They would be able to give a better answer. we have all been at 83rd for years and will continue to go there.

As far as i could think, the only thing that may be the reason, is because 83rd started to have a few "issues" and then some people started that cruise spot and then others just followed others over there. and i guess they just dont want to go back to 83rd for some reason.

Rev'n Kevin
08-23-10, 04:20 AM

08-23-10, 10:41 AM
Eee Gads, Drama way to much... Post up the west side cruise in place and people can make their own decisions on where to go and keep things civil please...

08-23-10, 02:28 PM
These west siders are a rowdy bunch.

08-23-10, 02:42 PM
haha no doubt burntire! I thought the outcome was pretty nice for once. Its gettin alot bigger again and im happy i love that location. Tyler you came wayyy late when everyone was already leaving, you came when i was leaving and i was one of the last ones there. But all in all i guess if you dont like 83rd dont show up! Im not moving....well untill basic then i kinda have too =P

Rev'n Kevin
08-23-10, 04:56 PM
These west siders are a rowdy bunch.


08-23-10, 09:18 PM
until they build a yc's on the westside, i'll stick to the pavs... :sticktonge:

Wades GT
08-23-10, 10:16 PM
I would like 10 YC's over here.

Mr. Austin
08-24-10, 01:21 AM

08-24-10, 01:31 AM
I happen to like 83rd ave cruise wide parking spots and good lighting
but I also enjoy going out to the pavillions also once a month or so
do whatever cruise you like its fun meeting new people

08-24-10, 02:54 AM
haha no doubt burntire! I thought the outcome was pretty nice for once. Its gettin alot bigger again and im happy i love that location. Tyler you came wayyy late when everyone was already leaving, you came when i was leaving and i was one of the last ones there. But all in all i guess if you dont like 83rd dont show up! Im not moving....well untill basic then i kinda have too =P

Yea i went right over to sardellas to grub down. lol. we left and cruised through the show and it was still a decent crowd then.

08-25-10, 10:45 AM
91st and Northern was a friday nite cruise for nearly 2 years, and went belly up when WWM pulled out and Outlaw Fords took it over, the one looking to grab the brass ring was Kenny and the Outlaw Fords, they were the ones wanting a sat. nite cruise, but couldn't ever get any support or interest.:

Kevin, if you are going to gossip, at least get your facts straight for once. There were 4 of us running the friday nite 91st and Northern cruise under both WWM and Outlaw Fords and it was the same 4 under both clubs. WWM didnt "pull out" of the cruise in, they didnt want to pay for the insurance or take on the liability of running it anymore. I wanted to keep it going and the only way to get insurance with that kind of liability is by having a club so I started Outlaw Fords in order to get insurance coverage for the cruise. It didnt go belly up after we changed it to outlaw fords, it went belly up because i was tired of picking up trash by myself on Saturday mornings after the imports came in and trashed the place after we left on Friday nites. Kenny had nothing to do with it and I never saw you or any other WWM member out there with me helping out on saturday mornings.
As far as a "brass ring", Im not sure if picking up beer bottles full of piss on Saturday mornings can be considered a brass ring. The only time we considered changing it to Saturday was when we heard the rumor that safeway might get shut down. Once we found out that like most other rumors and gossip, it wasnt the case, we never persued changing it.

As usual, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

Rick Shopmier
08-25-10, 12:35 PM
hpmotzd, you are absolutly correct. 91st and Northern is a way better site for a Friday nite cruise-in than Chilli Bombers! Too bad some of us did not put more effort into this crusie.....I'm guilty. Just as a side note, I was at Chilli Bombers on last Friday nite as a spectator and went into Harbor Freight as I usually do (I love looking at all those Chinese tools), and overheard a conversation at the check-out about not being able to find a parking place...... One thing about those that go to the Panda cruise, no mess afterward.

08-25-10, 12:41 PM
hpmotzd, you are absolutly correct. 91st and Northern is a way better site for a Friday nite cruise-in than Chilli Bombers! Too bad some of us did not put more effort into this crusie.....I'm guilty. Just as a side note, I was at Chilli Bombers on last Friday nite as a spectator and went into Harbor Freight as I usually do (I love looking at all those Chinese tools), and overheard a conversation at the check-out about not being able to find a parking place...... One thing about those that go to the Panda cruise, no mess afterward.

Thanks Rick, I appreciate the support and the support of EVERYONE who helped out there for 2 years. Just had to set the record straight. I just got burnt out and couldnt do it anymore.

08-25-10, 02:48 PM
I was normally at the 91st cruise in almost every friday night. me and jim used to help out with bringing in the car show signs after the show. i know its not much but at least it was something. as for the trash we brought the trash cans in occasionally, though i dont think the ones by the imports. but they didnt use them anyways. but i did have fun at that cruise in all the time.

Rev'n Kevin
08-25-10, 05:19 PM


Rick Shopmier
08-25-10, 09:47 PM

Rev'n Kevin
08-26-10, 12:54 AM

09-03-10, 12:16 AM
Kev...you're a coward.

You whine and bitch about every little thing and the people in one club, leave that club & jump to another, whine and bitch some more and then jump back to the club you bitched about.

I hear the girl scouts are looking for members...oh wait...they don't whine and bitch, my bad.

Get some class...

To the class members of WWM...in particular Rick and Craig GREAT JOB! Keep up the good work...