View Full Version : Ford F100 Vintage Air Frontrunner Kit

05-20-10, 07:25 AM
Ford F100 Vintage Air Frontrunner Kit
Vintage Air's Frontrunner Offers Great Looks With More Room (http://www.mustangandfords.com/techarticles/interior/mdmp_1006_ford_f100_vintage_air_frontrunner_kit/index.html)Tech | Vintage Air Install
This just in: size does matter after all-and smaller is better! Well, maybe not for everything, but when it comes to things cluttering your engine compartment, small and compact is good. Air conditioning generally takes up a fair amount of space under the dash and under the hood and Vintage Air knows this as well as anyone. A couple of years back, with great success we might add, the company introduced its Frontrunner complete serpentine conversion system that reduces all the engine mounted accessories to a tight-knit cluster that mounts only to the engine block via a custom billet CNC-machined timing cover. This doesn't clutter up the front of the cylinder heads, allowing them to be removed easily, should you need to, without disturbing the front dress.

Photo Gallery: Ford F100 Vintage Air Frontrunner Kit - Modified Mustangs & Fords (http://www.mustangandfords.com/techarticles/interior/mdmp_1006_ford_f100_vintage_air_frontrunner_kit/index.html)

Photo Gallery: Ford F100 Vintage Air Frontrunner Kit - Modified Mustangs & Fords (http://www.mustangandfords.com/techarticles/interior/mdmp_1006_ford_f100_vintage_air_frontrunner_kit/index.html)

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