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05-18-10, 12:15 AM
Ford Mustang Carburetor Tuning Technology
http://image.mustangandfords.com/f/techarticles/engine/mdmp_1006_ford_mustang_carburetor_tuning_technolog y/33146067+ppromo_large/mdmp_1006_01_o+carburetor_technology+carburetor.jp g
Take The Mystery Out Of Carb Tuning (http://www.mustangandfords.com/techarticles/engine/mdmp_1006_ford_mustang_carburetor_tuning_technolog y/index.html)Tech | Carb Tuning Secrets
For nearly 100 years, a carburetor has been at the heart of almost all internal combustion engines. Only in the last 20 years or so have car makers used electronic fuel injection exclusively on gasoline engines. There have been examples of mechanical fuel injection for automotive applications in the past, and of course diesel engines use fuel injection. However, the classic Ford cars we love were all carburetor-equipped, from the 170-cubic inch six-cylinder with a one-barrel Autolite carb to an R-code 427 with eight barrels of Holley induction in the form of dual-quads. Carburetors still compete effectively with fuel injection on engines when it comes to making power and when we do an EFI conversion, horsepower production is not the single largest motivation for doing so. The fact is that when the time comes to run the quarter-mile or make a few pulls on the rollers, a carburetor gets the job done just about as well as fuel injection. Even though simple in principal, in that a carburetor functions as an atomizer, there are many subtle variables to be considered and adjustments that can be made to get your engine running its best.

Photo Gallery: Ford Mustang Carburetor Tuning Technology - Modified Mustangs & Fords (http://www.mustangandfords.com/techarticles/engine/mdmp_1006_ford_mustang_carburetor_tuning_technolog y/index.html)

Photo Gallery: Ford Mustang Carburetor Tuning Technology - Modified Mustangs & Fords (http://www.mustangandfords.com/techarticles/engine/mdmp_1006_ford_mustang_carburetor_tuning_technolog y/index.html)

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